Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

Information modified on March 8, 2005; retrieved on July 2, 2024 3:52 PM

Ordinance 121178

Introduced as Council Bill 114571


AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle's Animal Control Code; creating a civil infraction for possession of a potentially dangerous animal; amending the definition of "dangerous animal" to incorporate reference to the new civil infraction; defining "unprovoked;" providing for implanting a microchip into and photographing of animals whose owners have been found to have committed the new civil infraction; changing the definition of "Animal Control Officer" to conform to the current organization of the Department of Executive Administration; providing for removal of certain dangerous animals to another jurisdiction; providing for penalties for possessing in the City of Seattle an animal that has been ordered removed; amending Chapter 9.25 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and amending Section 12A.06.060 of the Seattle Municipal Code which defines negligent control of an animal.

Description and Background

Current Status:Passed
References:Related: CF 305952

Legislative History

Date Introduced:May 19, 2003
Committee Referral:Finance, Budget, Business and Labor
City Council Action Date:June 9, 2003
City Council Action:Passed
City Council Vote:9-0
Date Delivered to Mayor:June 10, 2003
Date Signed by Mayor:
(About the signature date)
June 13, 2003
Date Filed with Clerk:June 17, 2003
Signed Copy:PDF scan of Ordinance No. 121178

