Seattle City Council Minutes
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Searching Seattle City Council minutes by date
To retrieve a copy of the minutes when you know the date, use the following kind of search:
where 2001 is the year, 09 the month, and 27 the date of the meeting.
To look at minutes from a range of dates, use a search like this:
This search retrieves all minutes from meetings in the 3rd calendar quarter of 2001. The text box for the date will allow you to scroll in order to add all this text. Note that minutes are listed with the most recent first in the list.
Tip: To retrieve a list of all minutes in the database, enter 0 (zero) in either input box.
Searching Seattle City Council minutes by bill number
To look at minutes of meetings where a council bill was considered by the City Council, enter the bill number as a search term. The same works for resolutions and clerk files.