Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

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Documents: 1 - 20 of 20   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((HARRELL[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20150000")) AND (@DTIR < "20160000")

1118585124960[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to employment in Seattle; amending Chapters 14.16, 14.17, 14.19, and 14.20 of...
2118549124957[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to cable television; authorizing the Mayor or the Mayor''s designee to enter...
3118577124950[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City’s traffic code; amending Sections 11.14.055, 11.14.184, 11.23.380, 11.23.400,...
4118576124949[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's criminal code; amending Sections 6.36.020, 12A.06.120, 12A.06.180, 12A.06.195, 12A.14.080,...
5118507124870[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to The City of Seattle"s (City) emergency notification and alerting system...
6118483124849[DOC]An ORDINANCE related to the City"s Emergency Management Program; adding Sections 10.02.045 and 10.02.047...
7118476124848[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Police Department; authorizing the Chief of Police to issue...
8118436124834[DOC]AN ORDINANCE requiring the reporting of lost and stolen firearms; and creating a new Chapter...
9118437124833[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to imposing a tax on engaging in the business of making retail...
10118455124829[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to gender identity and all-gender single-occupant restrooms in Seattle; amending...
11118439124812[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Technology Matching Fund Program; making allocations and authorizing implementation of...
12118411124810[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to cable television; authorizing the Mayor or his designee to enter into...
13118347124736[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City"s Cable Communications Ordinance; amending Chapter 21.60 of the...
14118341124731[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to colocation of the City"s data centers; adding a new Section...
15118309124707[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board; revising the designated member representation...
16118298124687[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the future operation of a new regional 800 MHz emergency public...
17118297124686[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's traffic code; amending various sections and subsections in and...
18118296124685[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the implementation and operation of a new regional 800 MHz emergency...
19118295124684[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's criminal code; amending and adding to various sections and...
20118508[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the 2012 Seattle Fire Code as adopted by Section 22.600.020 of...

Documents: 1 - 20 of 20   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((HARRELL[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20150000")) AND (@DTIR < "20160000")