Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

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Documents: 1 - 18 of 18   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((HARRELL[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20130000")) AND (@DTIR < "20140000")

1117993124415[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to police department command staff hiring, amending Section 4.08.060 of the Seattle...
2117992124372[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to grant funds from the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice...
3117919124302[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's traffic code; amending various sections and subsections in and...
4117918124301[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's criminal code; amending and adding various sections and subsections...
5117844124288[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Fire Code, adopting as the Seattle Fire Code the...
6117842124249[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Technology Matching Fund Program; making allocations and authorizing implementation of...
7117796124201[DOC]AN ORDINANCE seeking to increase public safety and job assistance through reducing criminal recidivism and...
8117786124188[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to Emergency Medical Services; authorizing execution, pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act,...
9117763124171[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to youth employment and mentoring programs; changing appropriations to the Department of...
10117750124161[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to grant funds from the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice...
11117742124157[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to the amendment of Section 4.08.070 of the Seattle Municipal Code to...
12117734124147[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to the 2013 Budget; amending Ordinance 124058 by increasing appropriations to the...
13117727124145[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to the creation of the Office of the Community Police Commission within...
14117730124142[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City of Seattle's use of surveillance equipment; requiring City departments...
15117996[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to security from terrorism; authorizing the City to partner with the State...
16117843[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Office of Professional Accountability (OPA), amending the following sections of...
17117728[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative, lifting a budget proviso imposed...
18117707[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the regulation of unmanned aircraft systems operated by the Seattle Police...

Documents: 1 - 18 of 18   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((HARRELL[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20130000")) AND (@DTIR < "20140000")