Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

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Documents: 1 - 16 of 16   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((BURGESS[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20110000")) AND (@DTIR < "20120000")

1117363123787[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission; authorizing the Executive Director to...
2117344123780[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to indigent public defense services; authorizing the City Budget Director to execute...
3117345123775[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City of Seattle's solid waste system, regulating the distribution of...
4117258123714[DOC]AN ORDINANCE establishing a Seattle Tourism Business Improvement Area; levying special assessments upon hotel businesses...
5117244123686[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to jail services; authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement with...
6117222123667[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to indigent public defense services; authorizing the City Budget Director to execute...
7117172123650[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Building and Construction Codes, Subtitle VI Fire Code; adding a...
8117217123634[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to indigent public defense services; authorizing a contract for primary defender services...
9117198123633[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's criminal code; amending and adding various sections and subsections...
10117199123632[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's traffic code; amending various sections and subsections in Title...
11117195123630[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the legal representation of Councilmember Richard Conlin in judicial proceedings concerning...
12117143123596[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to wage theft; amending Seattle Municipal Code sections 5.55.230 and 12A.08.060; clarifying...
13117103123567[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to regular property taxes; requesting that a special election be held concurrent...
14117123123563[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to enforcement and timely payment of parking infractions; amending Sections 11.35.010 and11.35.020...
15117101123542[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Program...
16117203[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to indigent public defense services; authorizing contracts for primary and secondary defender...

Documents: 1 - 16 of 16   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((BURGESS[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20110000")) AND (@DTIR < "20120000")