Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

This database contains legislation that has already been acted on by Council (passed, retired, etc.). Legislation currently in process can be found here: Current Legislation. Please visit our FAQ page for additional information.

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Documents: 1 - 12 of 12   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((BURGESS[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20100000")) AND (@DTIR < "20110000")

1117069123506[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to City employment, to continue to provide a wage supplement and insurance...
2116932123420[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's traffic code; amending, adding and repealing various sections and...
3116966123403[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to jail services; authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement with...
4116931123395[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City's criminal code; amending and adding various sections and subsections...
5116918123393[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Fire Code, adopting as the Seattle Fire Code the...
6116916123356[DOC]AN ORDINANCE regulating the commercial display of human remains, establishing that unlawful commercial display of...
7116874123339[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to the City of Seattle's Fleets and Facilities Department; authorizing the Mayor...
8116849123285[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Municipal Court; amending Seattle Municipal Code Section 3.33.040 and...
9116815123259[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to jail services; authorizing the Mayor to execute an extension to the...
10116791123251[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the creation of the Seattle Youth Commission to advise and make...
11116807[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to conduct in public places; establishing aggressive solicitation as a civil infraction,...
12116769[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to jail services; authorizing the Mayor to execute an extension to the...

Documents: 1 - 12 of 12   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((BURGESS[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20100000")) AND (@DTIR < "20110000")