Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

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Documents: 1 - 20 of 27   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((BAGSHAW[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20110000")) AND (@DTIR < "20120000")

1117378123804[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to Conservation Futures Levy proceeds; authorizing the Mayor to amend the Interlocal...
2117377123803[DOC]AN ORDINANCE related to the Board of Park Commissioners; authorizing a Get Engaged young adult...
3117374123802[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the use of Seattle Center Department property; amending Section 17.16.030 of...
4117364123797[DOC]AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Superintendent of the Department of Parks and Recreation to amend the...
5117333123791[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Center; authorizing the Director of Seattle Center to execute...
6117345123775[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the City of Seattle's solid waste system, regulating the distribution of...
7117324123767[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Center Department; authorizing execution of a second amendment to...
8117332123766[DOC]AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation to sign a lease with 2235...
9117325123765[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to vending machines in City park facilities; authorizing the Superintendent of the...
10117293123720[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation, authorizing the Superintendent of Parks...
11117285123718[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Center Department; authorizing the Seattle Center Director to execute...
12117266123716[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to State of Washington restrictions on the use of certain property under...
13117265123715[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the Superintendent of Parks...
14117253123709[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the acquisition of real...
15117191123688[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; accepting deeds for the donation...
16117196123685[DOC]AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation to execute an Amended and Restated...
17117239123673[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the Superintendent of Parks...
18117219123654[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the Superintendent to...
19117156123602[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; accepting deeds for real property...
20117143123596[DOC]AN ORDINANCE relating to wage theft; amending Seattle Municipal Code sections 5.55.230 and 12A.08.060; clarifying...

Documents: 1 - 20 of 27   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((BAGSHAW[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR > "20110000")) AND (@DTIR < "20120000")