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Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

Information modified on July 8, 2011; retrieved on March 3, 2025 8:30 AM

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Ordinance 41943

Introduced as Council Bill 31394


An ordinance providing for the laying off, opening, widening, extending and establishing of Olive Way, from the intersection of East Olive Street from the west with Bellevue Avenue, northeasterly to the intersection of East John Street with Belmont Avenue North and Fifteenth Avenue North; providing for the changing and establishing of the curb grades of said Olive Way from the intersection of East Olive Street from the west with Bellevue Avenue, northeasterly to the intersection of East John Street with Belmont Avenue North to Harvard Avenue North, of East Denny Way from Bellevue Avenue North to Summit Avenue North, of East Howell Street from Bellevue Avenue to Summit Avenue from the south, of Bellevue Avenue from East Olive Street from the west to East Howell Street, of Boylston Avenue North between East John Street and East Thomas Street; providing for the condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and other property necessary for the laying off, opening, widening, extending and establishing of the above described way and street, and for the changing and establishing of the grades and for the grading and regrading of the above described way, streets and avenues and approaches thereto, in conformity with the grades established herein; providing for the necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the property abutting upon said way, streets and avenues and approaches thereto; and providing for the condemnation, appropriation, taking in fee simple of land and other property for general municipal purpose; and providing that the cost of said improvement shall be paid by special assessment upon the property specially benefited in the manner provided by law, except as herein otherwise provided.

Description and Background

Current Status:Passed

Legislative History

Date Introduced:February 7, 1921
Committee Referral:Streets & Sewers
City Council Action Date:February 14, 1921
City Council Action:Passed
Date Delivered to Mayor:February 14, 1921
Date Signed by Mayor:
(About the signature date)
February 18, 1921
Date Filed with Clerk:February 18, 1921
Signed Copy:PDF scan of Ordinance No. 41943
A scanned (pdf) copy of this document is available using the above link. If you are unable to open the file, you may view this document at the Office of the City Clerk. If you are unable to visit the Clerk's Office, you may request a copy or scan be made for you by Clerk staff. Scans and copies provided by the Office of the City Clerk are subject to copy fees, and the timing of service is dependent on the availability of staff.

