Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances
Information modified on December 11, 2013; retrieved on March 13, 2025 10:29 PM
Ordinance 124011
Introduced as Council Bill 117569
Title | |
AN ORDINANCE relating to rental housing registration and inspection; adding a new Chapter 22.214 to the Seattle Municipal Code; retitling portions of Chapter 6.440 as Chapter 22.214; amending portions of the retitled Chapter 6.440; and repealing portions of Chapter 6.440. |
Description and Background | |
Current Status: | Passed |
Fiscal Note: | Fiscal Note to Council Bill No. 117569 |
References: | Update by Ordinance 124312 |
Legislative History | |
Date Introduced: | September 4, 2012 |
Committee Referral: | Housing, Human Services, Health, and Culture |
Committee Action Date: | September 26, 2012 |
Committee Recommendation: | Pass as Amended |
Committee Vote: | 4 (Licata, Bagshaw, Clark, Godden) - 0 |
City Council Action Date: | October 1, 2012 |
City Council Action: | Passed |
City Council Vote: | 5-0 (Excused: Conlin, Rasmussen; Disqualified: Harrell, O'Brien) |
Date Delivered to Mayor: | October 2, 2012 |
Date Signed by Mayor: (About the signature date) | October 9, 2012 |
Date Filed with Clerk: | October 9, 2012 |
Signed Copy: | PDF scan of Ordinance No. 124011 |
Text | |
AN ORDINANCE relating to rental housing registration and inspection; adding a new Chapter 22.214 to the Seattle Municipal Code; retitling portions of Chapter 6.440 as Chapter 22.214; amending portions of the retitled Chapter 6.440; and repealing portions of Chapter 6.440. WHEREAS, the City Council ("Council") has determined substandard and unsanitary residential buildings and dwelling units exist within the City of Seattle ("City"); and WHEREAS, the Council adopted Resolution 31221 on June 1, 2010 and requested the Department of Planning and Development ("DPD") convene a Stakeholders Group that would recommend what the contours of the rental housing inspection program should be; and WHEREAS, the Council adopted Ordinance 123311 on June 1, 2010 and established the basis for a City's rental housing licensing and registration and inspection program and included a delayed effective date to allow DPD to work with the Stakeholder Group to determine the extent of the program; and WHEREAS, the Stakeholders Group met fourteen times between December 2010 and January 2012, resulting in a series of recommendations on the scope of a rental housing licensing program that were provided to DPD and used to develop this ordinance; and WHEREAS, as permitted by Substitute Senate Bill 6459, the Council is authorized to implement changes to the program initially established under Ordinance 123311. The program changes in this ordinance retitle sections of Ordinance 123311 to align the rental housing inspection regulations to the City's Housing and Building Maintenance Code instead of the City's licensing requirements; and amend portions of the existing regulations to implement program recommendations developed by DPD, the Stakeholders group, and public comment; all while continuing the Council's intent to inspect and register rental housing units in the city as initially provided for under Ordinance 123311; and WHEREAS, the fees that will be imposed by separate ordinance to recover the cost of the rental housing registration and inspection program are intended to only cover costs to implement and administer the program; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF SEATTLE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 6.440, the Residential Rental Business License and Inspection Program established by Ordinance 123311 and codified as Chapter 6.440, is repealed in part, and retitled in part as a new Chapter 22.214, the Rental Housing Registration and Inspection Program. Notwithstanding the partial repeal and retitling of Chapter 6.440, Chapter 6.440 is retained for future purposes. Section 2. Section 6.440.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is retitled and amended as follows:
The City Council finds that (( Section 3. Section 6.440.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is retitled and amended as follows:
For purposes of this (( 1. "Accessory dwelling unit" or "ADU" means an "Accessory dwelling unit" or a "Detached accessory dwelling unit" or "DADU" as defined under "Residential Use" in Section 23.84A.032.
2. "Certificate of Compliance" means the document signed and dated by a Qualified Rental Housing Inspector (( 3. "Common areas" mean areas on a property that are accessible by all tenants of the property including but not limited to: hallways; lobbies; laundry rooms; and common kitchens, parking areas, or recreation areas. 4. "Department" means the City's Department of Planning and Development or successor Department. 5. "Director" means the Director of the Department of Planning and Development or the Director's designee.
(( a. A City Housing and Zoning Inspector; or
b. A private inspector who is registered with the City as a qualified rental housing inspector ((
1) American Association of Code Enforcement ((
2) International Code Council ((
3) International Code Council ((
4) Washington State ((
5) Other individuals with credentials acceptable ((
(( 13. "Rooming house" means, for the purposes of this Chapter 22.214, a building arranged or used for housing and that may or may not have sanitation or kitchen facilities in each room that is used for sleeping purposes.
(( 15. "Single-room occupancy unit (S.R.O.) has the meaning in section 22.204.200.B.
( Section 4. Section 6.440.030 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is retitled and amended as follows:
A. The registration provisions of this ((
1. Housing units lawfully used as vacation rentals for periods not to exceed three consecutive months and not consecutively used by the same individual or individuals for more than three months in any twelve-month period; 2. Housing units rented for not more than 12 consecutive months as a result of the property owner, who previously occupied the unit as a primary residence, taking a work-related leave of absence or assignment such as an academic sabbatical or temporary transfer; 3. Housing units that are a unit unavailable for rent; 4. Housing units in hotels, motels, inns, bed and breakfasts, or in similar accommodations that provide lodging for transient guests; 5. Housing units in facilities licensed or required to be licensed under RCW 18.20, RCW 70.128, or RCW 72.36, or subject to another exemption under this Chapter;
6. Housing units in any state licensed hospital, hospice, community-care facility, intermediate-care facility, or nursing home; 7. Housing units in any convent, monastery, or other facility occupied exclusively by members of a religious order or congregation; 8. Emergency or temporary-shelter or transitional housing accommodations; 9. Housing units owned, operated, or managed by a major educational or medical institution or by a third party for the institution; and 10. Housing units that a government entity or housing authority owns, operates or manages; or units exempted from municipal regulation by federal, state, or local law. B. The inspection provisions of this Chapter 22.214 shall apply to rental housing units that are included in this Rental Housing Registration and Inspection Program, with the exception of: 1. Rental housing units that receive funding or subsidies from federal, state, or local government when the rental housing units are inspected by a federal, state, or local governmental entity at least once every five years as a funding or subsidy requirement; and the entity, owner or agent submits information to the Department within 60 days of when the housing unit would otherwise be subject to inspection under this Chapter that demonstrates the inspection is substantially equivalent to the inspection required by this Chapter; and 2. Rental housing units that receive conventional funding from private or government insured lenders when the rental housing unit is inspected by the lender or lender's agent at least once every five years as a requirement of the loan; and the lender or lender's agent submits information to the Department within 60 days of when the housing unit would otherwise be subject to inspection under this Chapter that demonstrates how the inspection is substantially equivalent to the inspection required by this Chapter; and 3. Accessory dwelling units and detached accessory dwelling units, provided the owner lives in one of the housing units on the property and an "immediate family" member as identified section 22.206.160.C.1.e lives in the other housing unit on the same property. Section 5. Section 6.440.040 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is retitled and amended as follows:
A. With the exception of rental housing units identified in section 22.214.030.A, all properties containing rental housing units shall be registered with the Department between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2016; after which no one shall rent, subrent, lease, sublease, let, or sublet to any person or entity a rental housing unit without first obtaining and holding a current rental housing registration for the property where the rental housing unit is located. The registration shall identify all rental housing units on the property and shall be the only registration required for the rental housing units on the property. For condominiums and cooperatives, the "property" required to be registered shall be the individual housing unit being rented and not the entire condominium. cooperative building, or development. Properties with rental housing units shall be registered according to the following schedule: 1. By July 1, 2014 all properties with ten or more rental housing units, and any property that has been subject to two or more notices of violation or one or more emergency orders of the Director for violating the standards in Chapters 22.200 through 22.208 of the Seattle Municipal Code where enforced compliance was achieved by the Department or the violation upheld in a final court decision; 2. By January 1, 2015 all properties with five to nine rental housing units; and 3. By December 31, 2016 all properties with one to four rental housing units. B. All properties with rental housing units constructed or occupied after January, 1, 2014 shall be registered within one year after the first temporary or final Certificate of Occupancy is issued. C. A rental housing registration shall be valid for five years from the date the Department issues the registration. D. The rental housing registration shall be issued to the property owner identified on the registration application filed with the Department. E. The fees for rental housing registration, renewal registration, registration transfer, registration reinstatement, or for other Rental Housing Registration and Inspection Program purposes shall be adopted by amending Chapter 22.900. F. The new owner of a registered property shall, within 60 days after the sale is closed on a registered property, pay a registration transfer fee, update the current registration application, and post or deliver the updated registration according to section 22.214.040.I. When property is held in common with multiple owners, the registration shall only be updated when more than 50 percent of the ownership changes. G. An application for a rental housing registration shall be made to the Department on forms provided by the Director. The application shall include, but is not limited to: 1. The address of the property as established by the United States Postal Service; 2. The King County Tax Assessor tax parcel number of the property; 3. The name, address, and telephone number of the property owners; 4. The name, address, and telephone number of the registration applicant if different from the property owners; 5. The name, address, and telephone number of the person or entity the tenant is to contact when requesting repairs be made to their rental housing unit, and the contact person's business relationship to the owner; 6. A list of all rental housing units on the property, identified by a means unique to each unit, that are or may be available for rent at any time; 7. A declaration of compliance signed by the owner or owner's agent, under penalty of perjury, declaring that all housing units available for rent and listed in the registration application meet the standards in section 22.214.050.M; and 8. A statement identifying whether the conditions of the housing units available for rent and listed on the application were established by declaration of the owner or owner's agent, or by physical inspection by a qualified rental housing inspector. H. A rental housing registration must be renewed according to the following procedures: 1. A registration renewal application and the renewal fee shall be submitted at least 30 days before the current registration expires; 2. All information required by section 22.214.040.G shall be updated as needed; and, 3. A new declaration as required by section 22.214.040.G.7 shall be submitted. I. Within 30 days after the Department issues a rental housing registration, a copy of the current registration shall be delivered to the tenants in each rental housing unit or shall be posted and remain posted in one or more places readily visible to all tenants. A copy of the current registration shall be provided to all new tenants at or before the time they take possession of the rental housing unit. J. If any of the information required by section 22.214.040.G changes during the term of a registration, the owner shall update the information within 60 days of the information changing, on a form provided by the Director. Section 6. A new section 22.214.045 of the Seattle Municipal Code is added as follows: 22.214.045 Registration denial or revocation A. A rental housing registration may be denied or revoked by the Department as follows: 1. A registration or renewal registration application may be denied for: a. Submitting an incomplete application; or b. Submitting a certificate of compliance the owner knows or should have known is false ; and 2. A rental housing registration may be revoked for: a. Failing to comply with the minimum standards in section 22.214.050.M; b. Submitting a certificate of compliance the owner knows or should have known is false; c. Failing to use a qualified rental housing inspector; d. Failing to transfer a registration to a new owner as required by section 22.214.040.F; or e. Failing to deliver or post the registration as required by section 22.214.040.I. B. If the Department denies or revokes a rental housing registration it shall notify the owner in writing by mailing the denial or revocation notice by first-class mail to all owner and agent addresses identified in the registration application. The owner may appeal the denial or revocation by filing an appeal with the Office of the Hearing Examiner within 30 days of the revocation notice being mailed to the owner. Filing a timely appeal shall stay the revocation during the time the appeal is pending before the Hearing Examiner or a court. A decision of the Hearing Examiner shall be subject to review under Chapter 36.70C RCW. C. If a rental housing registration or renewal is denied or revoked, the registration or renewal shall not be considered by the Director until all application or housing deficiencies that were the basis for the denial or revocation are corrected. Section 7. Section 6.440.050 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is retitled and amended as follows:
A. The Department shall annually select from registered properties containing rental housing units, the properties that shall be inspected by a qualified rental housing inspector for certification of compliance. The selection process shall be based on a random methodology adopted by rule, and shall include at least ten percent of all registered rental properties. For newly-constructed properties registered under section 22.214.040.B after January 1, 2014, the properties shall be included in the random selection process after the date the registration is required to be renewed for the first time. B. The Department shall ensure that all properties registered under this Chapter 22.214 shall be inspected at least once every ten years, except as provided in sections 22.214.050.C and 22.214.050.D; or as otherwise allowed or required by any federal, state, or city code. In addition, at least ten percent of properties whose prior inspections are more than five years old shall be reinspected each year. The Director shall by rule determine the method of selecting properties for reinspection. C. If the Department receives a complaint regarding a rental housing unit regulated under this program, the Department shall request that an interior inspection of the rental housing unit identified in the complaint be conducted by a Department inspector using the general authority, process, and standards of the full Housing and Building Maintenance Code, Chapters 22.200 through 22.208 of the Seattle Municipal Code. If, after inspecting the rental housing unit the Department received the complaint on, the Department determines the rental housing unit violates the standards in Section 22.214.050. M and would cause the rental housing unit to fail inspection under this Chapter 22.214, the Director may require that all other rental housing units covered under the same registration on the property be inspected according to sections 22.214.050.G.1.c and 22.214.050.G.1.d. The inspection of all other rental housing units may be conducted by a private qualified rental housing inspector. D. If a property subject to this Chapter 22.214 has within two years preceding the adoption of this Chapter been subject to two or more notices of violation or one or more emergency orders of the Director for violating the standards in Chapters 22.200 through 22.208 of the Seattle Municipal Code where enforced compliance was achieved by the Department or the violation upheld in a final court decision, the rental property shall be selected for inspection within the first year, consistent with the provisions of section 22.214.050.E. through M.
1. List and show compliance with the standards contained in ((
2. State the date of the inspection and the name , address, and telephone number of the qualified rental housing inspector who performed the inspection; ((
3. State the name, address , and (( 4. Contain a sworn statement that the qualified rental housing inspector personally inspected all rental housing units listed on the certificate of compliance .
1. In buildings that contain more than one rental housing unit, an applicant may choose to have all of the rental housing units inspected ((
a. ((
b. ((
2 (( randomly select the rental housing units to be inspected under this Section 22.214.045 using a methodology adopted by rule.
3. If ((
(( d. A tenant shall not unreasonably withhold consent for the owner or owner's agent to enter the property as provided in RCW 59.18.150;
(( 2. The contact information for the Department as well as the right of a tenant to request repairs and maintenance shall be prominently displayed on the notice of inspections provided under this section 22.214.050.I .
3. ((
(( J. The Department shall audit inspection reports and certificates of compliance prepared by private qualified rental housing inspectors by reviewing inspection findings and certificates of compliance to determine their completeness and accuracy. The Department may as an element of auditing inspection reports and certificates of compliance, inspect any listed rental housing unit for compliance with this Chapter 22.214. If the Department determines that a violation of this Chapter 22.214 exists, the owner and qualified rental housing inspector shall be subject to all enforcement and remedial provisions provided for in this Chapter 22.214.
(( L . Weighted values that are assigned to each inspection standard identified in section 22.214.050.M shall be adopted by rule and used to determine whether a rental housing unit will pass or fail inspection. M. A qualified rental housing inspector inspecting a rental housing unit for a certificate of compliance under this Chapter 22.214 shall inspect for and certify compliance with the following requirements of the Housing Code: 1. The minimum floor area standards for a habitable room contained in section 22.206.020.A. Section 22.206.020.A shall not apply to single room occupancy units; 2. The minimum sanitation standards contained in the following sections: a. 22.206.050.A. Section 22.206.050.A shall only apply to a single room occupancy unit if the unit has a bathroom as part of the unit; b. 22.206.050.D. Section 22.206.050.D shall only apply to a single room occupancy unit if the unit has a kitchen; c. 22.206.050.E; d. 22.206.050.F; and e. 22.206.050.G; 3. The minimum structural standards contained in section 22.206.060; 4. The minimum sheltering standards contained in section 22.206.070; 5. The minimum maintenance standards contained in section 22.206.080.A; 6. The minimum heating standards contained in section 22.206.090; 7. The minimum ventilation standards contained in section 22.206.100; 8. The minimum electrical standards contained in section 22.206.110.A; 9. The minimum standards for Emergency Escape Window and Doors contained in section 22.206.130.J; 10. The requirements for garbage, rubbish, and debris removal contained in section 22.206.160.A.1; 11. The requirements for extermination contained in section 22.206.160.A.3; 12. The requirement to provide the required keys and locks contained in section 22.206.160.A.11; and 13. The requirement to provide and test smoke detectors contained in section 22.206.160.B.4. Section 8. Section 6.440.060 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is retitled and amended as follows:
A. To register as a private qualified rental housing inspector((
1. Pay to the Director ((
2. Successfully complete ((
3. Provide evidence to the Department ((
B. ((
C. ((
1. Pay the renewal fee ((
2. Provide proof of compliance with ((
D. (( E. The Department is authorized to revoke a qualified rental housing inspector's registration if it is determined that the inspector: 1. Knows or should have known that information on a Certificate of Compliance issued under this Chapter 22.214 is false; or 2. Is convicted of criminal activity that occurs during inspection of a property regulated under this Chapter 22.214. F. The Director shall consider requests to reinstate a qualified rental housing inspector registration. The Director's determination following a request to reinstate a revoked registration shall be the Department's final decision. G. The Director shall adopt rules to govern the administration of the qualified rental housing inspector provisions of this Chapter 22.214. Section 9. Section 6.440.070 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is retitled and amended as follows:
(( A. The Director is the City Official designated to exercise all powers including the enforcement powers established in this Chapter 22.214.
B. The Director (( Section 10. A new section 22.214.075 of the Seattle Municipal Code is added as follows: 22.214.075 Violations and enforcement A. Failure to comply with any provision of this Chapter 22.214, or rule adopted according to this Chapter 22.214, shall be a violation of the Chapter 22.214 and subject to enforcement as provided for in this Chapter 22.214. B. Upon presentation of proper credentials, the Director or duly authorized representative of the Director may, with the consent of the owner or occupant of a rental housing unit, or according to a lawfully-issued inspection warrant, enter at reasonable times any rental housing unit subject to the consent or warrant to perform activities authorized by this Chapter 22.214. C. This Chapter 22.214 shall be enforced for the benefit of the health, safety, and welfare of the general public, and not for the benefit of any particular person or class of persons. D. It is the intent of this Chapter 22.214 to place the obligation of complying with its requirements upon the owners of the property and the rental housing units subject to this Chapter 22.214. E. No provision of or term used in this Chapter 22.214 is intended to impose any duty upon the City or any of its officers or employees that would subject them to damages in a civil action. Section 11. A new section 22.214.080 of the Seattle Municipal Code is added as follows: 22.214.080 Investigation and notice of violation A. If after an investigation the Director determines that the standards or requirements of this Chapter 22.214 have been violated, the Director may issue a notice of violation to the owners. The notice of violation shall state separately each standard or requirement violated; shall state what corrective action, if any, is necessary to comply with the standards or requirements; and shall set a reasonable time for compliance that shall generally not be longer than 30 days. The 30-day compliance period shall not be extended without a showing that the owner is working in good faith and making substantial progress towards compliance. B. When enforcing provisions of this Chapter related to property registration, as provided for under sections 22.214.040.A, 22.214.040.B, 22.214.040.F, or 22.214.040.G, the Director may issue warnings prior to issuing notices of violation. C. The notice of violation shall be served upon the owner by personal service, or by first class mail to the owner's last known address. If the address of the owner is unknown and cannot be found after a reasonable search, the notice may be served by posting a copy of the notice at a conspicuous place on the property. D. A copy of the notice of violation may be filed with the King County Department of Records and Elections when the owner fails to correct the violation or the Director requests the City Attorney take appropriate enforcement action. E. Nothing in this Section 22.214.080 shall be deemed to limit or preclude any action or proceeding to enforce this Chapter 22.214 nor does anything in this Section 22.214.080 obligate the Director to issue a notice of violation prior to initiating a civil enforcement action. Section 12. Section 6.440.080 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is retitled and amended as follows:
A. In addition to any other remedy authorized by law or equity, civil actions to enforce this Chapter 22.214 shall be brought exclusively in Seattle Municipal Court except as otherwise required by law or court rule. The Director shall request in writing that the City Attorney take enforcement action. The City Attorney shall, with the assistance of the Director, take appropriate action to enforce this Chapter 22.214. In any civil action filed according to this Chapter 22.214, the City has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that a violation exists or existed. The issuance of the notice of violation is not itself evidence that a violation exists. B. In addition to any other remedy available at law or in equity, the following penalties shall be imposed for violating this Chapter 22.214: 1. Any person or entity violating or failing to comply with any requirement of this Chapter 22.214 or rule adopted under this Chapter 22.214 shall be subject to a cumulative civil penalty of $150 per day for the first ten days the violation or failure to comply exists and $500 per day for each day thereafter. A separate violation exists for each day a violation or failure to comply with any requirement of this Chapter 22.214 or rule adopted under this Chapter 22.214 exists. 2. Any person or entity that knowingly submits or assists in submitting a falsified inspection report or certificate of compliance, or knowingly submits falsified information upon which a certificate of compliance is issued; shall be subject to a penalty of $5,000 in addition to the penalties provided for in section 22.214.085.B.1. 3. Any property owner who fails to register a property, transfer a registration or renew a registration, as provided for under sections 22.214.040.A, 22.214.040.B, 22.214.040F, or 22.214.040G shall be subject to a penalty of $1,000; except when any property that has been subject to two or more notices of violation or one or more emergency orders of the Director for violating the standards in Chapters 22.200 through 22.208 of the Seattle Municipal Code where enforced compliance was achieved by the Department or the violation upheld in a final court decision the penalties of section 22.214.085.B.1 shall apply. Section 13. Section 6.440.090 of the Seattle Municipal Code, which section was adopted in Ordinance 123311, is repealed:
Section 14. A new section 22.214.090 of the Seattle Municipal Code is added as follows: 22.214.090 Appeal to superior court Final decisions of the Seattle Municipal Court on enforcement actions authorized by this Chapter 22.214 may be appealed according to the Rules for Appeal of Decisions of Courts of Limited Jurisdiction. Section 15. Severability. If any part, provision, or section of this ordinance is held to be void or unconstitutional, all other parts, provisions, and sections of this ordinance not expressly so held to be void or unconstitutional shall continue in full force and effect. Section 16. Database. The Department of Planning and Development shall develop and regularly maintain a database, to be made available electronically, posted on the Department's website, and made available for distribution to citizens or outside agencies, of the following program elements: A. The information disclosed in the required application materials listed in section 22.214.040.G; B. The address, name of property owner, and contact information for any property with a registration that is subject to a denial or revocation under section 22.214.045; C. The date and outcome of any inspection required under section 22.214.050.A; and D. The information disclosed under the certificate of compliance in section 22.214.050.F. Section 17. Beginning in 2014, the Department of Planning and Development shall prepare a written report, to be presented to Council by July 31, 2014, and by June 15 of each subsequent year, to include an evaluation of the following program elements: A. The status of registration, including the extent to which previously undisclosed rental housing units have been found and whether those units were then established as legal, registered rental housing units; B. The extent to which properties that have been subject to inspection have not completed the inspection within 60 days of notification of selection; C. The results of the inspection process when a property with previous code enforcement history has been required to be inspected as a condition of receiving a registration; D. Whether the fee associated with the registration actually reflects program costs; E. The extent to which inspections have occurred on properties with a valid registration that have resulted from a complaint; F. The extent to which the civil warrant process has been used; and G. The extent to which audits have occurred on inspections and any related findings. Section 18. At least 60 days prior to the Department adopting any rule concerning the weighted values assigned to each inspection standard identified in section 22.214.050.M, the Department shall present the rule to the City Council for review and comment. Section 19. After the initial 10-year period for inspecting all registered residential properties has occurred, the Council shall conduct an evaluation of the Rental Inspection Program. As an element of this evaluation, the Council shall consider all data or information collected by or submitted to the Department when considering if all rental properties should continue to be inspected in the future, or if an alternative approach to inspecting rental properties should occur. Section 20. Fees for purposes of implementing this legislation are intended to be adopted by the City Council as part of the 2014 budget process. Section 21. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.04.020. Passed by the City Council the ____ day of ________________________, 2012, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this _____ day of ___________________, 2012. _________________________________ President __________of the City Council Approved by me this ____ day of _____________________, 2012. _________________________________ Michael McGinn, Mayor Filed by me this ____ day of __________________________, 2012. ____________________________________ Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk (Seal) Diane Sugimura/Faith Lumsden/Michael Jenkins DPD Residential Rental Property Registration and Inspection Program ORD September 26, 2012 Version # 13a |
Attachments |