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Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

Information modified on July 1, 2009; retrieved on July 3, 2024 0:24 AM

Ordinance 122923

Introduced as Council Bill 116204


AN ORDINANCE relating to noise control, amending various sections and adding new sections to Chapter 25.08 of the Seattle Municipal Code, to provide for a major public project construction variance for major public construction projects, to update various provisions to conform to new technology and changes in technology, to revise the enforcement procedures to provide for stop work orders, revocation of variances, citations and civil penalties, to revise various provisions to update and clarify references and correct grammar and other errors, and repealing Sections 25.08.130, 25.08.240, 25.08.535, 25.08.620, 25.08.750, 25.08.770, 25.08.780, 25.08.790 and 25.08.810.

Description and Background

Current Status:Passed
Fiscal Note:Fiscal Note to Council Bill No. 116204
References:Amending: Ord 106360, 121276, 115041, 120481, 109099, 112976, 108498, 110047, 107377, 114656, 121192

Legislative History

Date Introduced:May 5, 2008
Committee Referral:Transportation
City Council Action Date:March 2, 2009
City Council Action:Passed
City Council Vote:9-0
Date Delivered to Mayor:March 3, 2009
Date Signed by Mayor:
(About the signature date)
March 10, 2009
Date Filed with Clerk:March 11, 2009
Signed Copy:PDF scan of Ordinance No. 122923

