Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances
Information modified on October 5, 2007; retrieved on March 4, 2025 7:12 AM
Ordinance 122503
Introduced as Council Bill 115957
Title | |
AN ORDINANCE relating to real property known as Discovery Park and the laying off of portions of the park roadways within Discovery Park known as Utah Street, Washington Avenue, California Avenue, Iowa Street, Lawtonwood Road, Illinois Avenue, Texas Way, Bay Terrace Road, Idaho Avenue and 45th Avenue West, as public park boulevards; amending Appendices I and II to Ordinance 117569 and to Title 15 of the Seattle Municipal Code (Description and Maps of Park Drives and Boulevards); and naming the portions of Washington Avenue and Utah Street so laid off as Discovery Park Boulevard. |
Description and Background | |
Current Status: | Passed |
Fiscal Note: | Fiscal Note to Council Bill No. 115957 |
Legislative History | |
Sponsor: | DELLA | tr>
Date Introduced: | July 30, 2007 |
Committee Referral: | Parks, Education, Libraries and Labor |
City Council Action Date: | September 24, 2007 |
City Council Action: | Passed |
City Council Vote: | 7-0 (Excused: Licata, McIver) |
Date Delivered to Mayor: | September 25, 2007 |
Date Signed by Mayor: (About the signature date) | October 3, 2007 |
Date Filed with Clerk: | October 4, 2007 |
Signed Copy: | PDF scan of Ordinance No. 122503 |
Text | |
ORDINANCE _________________ AN ORDINANCE relating to real property known as Discovery Park and the laying off of portions of the park roadways within Discovery Park known as Utah Street, Washington Avenue, California Avenue, Iowa Street, Lawtonwood Road, Illinois Avenue, Texas Way, Bay Terrace Road, Idaho Avenue and 45th Avenue West, as public park boulevards; amending Appendices I and II to Ordinance 117569 and to Title 15 of the Seattle Municipal Code (Description and Maps of Park Drives and Boulevards); and naming the portions of Washington Avenue and Utah Street so laid off as Discovery Park Boulevard. WHEREAS, owners of private properties abutting several of the rights of way in Discovery Park require access across the rights of way for utility purposes or ingress and egress to adjacent private properties; and WHEREAS, the rights of private property owners will be preserved if the street rights of way are characterized as Park Boulevards; and WHEREAS, designation as a Park Boulevard provides for uses for transportation and utility purposes; and WHEREAS, public safety will be enhanced within Discovery Park as traffic codes and regulations are fully enforceable on Park Boulevards as they are on City of Seattle streets, but not necessarily on park roads which are considered "private"; and WHEREAS, the proposed designation will cause the newly designated boulevards to be part of the joint maintenance responsibilities (to the extent required) by the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation ("DPR"), Seattle Department of Transportation, and Seattle Public Utilities; and WHEREAS, Park Boulevards are under the jurisdiction of DPR and thus are consistent with covenants made with the grantors of the property, the United States, requiring that the lands of Discovery Park be maintained in perpetuity for park purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF SEATTLE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The portions of the park roadways known as Utah Street, Washington Avenue, California Avenue, Iowa Street, Lawtonwood Road, Illinois Avenue, Texas Way, Bay Terrace Road, Idaho Avenue and 45th Avenue West (the ""Designated Portions"), described as follows are hereby designated as Park Boulevards, as defined in SMC 15.02.046 and RCW 35.21.190: Description of Discovery Park Road known as Washington Avenue From 36th Ave W to Discovery Park Road known as California Avenue A 40 foot strip of land in the NE1/4 and the NW1/4 of Section 15, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 20 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at a tack and lead 7.33 feet north of a concrete monument in case marking the intersection of the centerlines of 36th Avenue West and West Government Way, thence S 1 degrees 17'29" W along the centerline of 36th Avenue West a distance of 9.25 feet, thence S 88 degrees 44'15" W a distance of 30.03 feet to the intersection with Discovery Park boundary and the True Point of Beginning; Thence continuing S 88 degrees 44'15" W a distance of 185.88 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, being concave to the north, Thence westerly and northerly along said curve, having a radial bearing of N 1 degrees 15'45" W a radius of 410.00 feet, a central angle of 50 degrees 16'52" an arc distance of 359.80 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 40 degrees 58'33" W a distance of 554.29 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left, being concave to the south, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve, having a radial bearing of S49 degrees 01'07"W, a radius of 500.00 feet, a central angle of 40 degrees 22'34" an arc distance of 352.35 feet to the intersection with Illinois Avenue to the north, designated here as "V", Thence continuing westerly along said curve through an additional central angle of 7 degrees 01'46" an arc distance of 61.34 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 88 degrees 23'13" W a distance of 539.11 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, being concave to the south, Thence westerly and southerly along said curve, having a radial bearing of S 1 degrees 36'47" W, a radius of 540.00 feet, a central angle of 26 degrees 51'24" an arc distance of 253.12 feet to a point of tangency, Thence S 64 degrees 45'23" W a distance of 52.43 feet to the intersection with California Avenue to the south, designated here as "C", Thence continuing S 64 degrees 45'23" W a distance of 49.54 feet to a point bearing S22 degrees 06'01"E and 20.03 feet distant from a concrete monument marked USN-WN-3 and the terminus of this description, Sidelines at the point of beginning and at the terminus to be extended or shortened to their intersections with crossing lines. Description of Discovery Park Road known as California Avenue From Washington Avenue to Iowa Street A variable width strip of land in the NW1/4 of Section 15, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, the westerly margin of which abuts and is contiguous with the easterly boundaries of the parcels known as Washington Housing North, NOAA, and Washington Housing South, and the easterly margin lays 15 feet on the easterly side of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of California Avenue and Washington Avenue designated "C" in the Washington Avenue description, Thence S 18 degrees 55'38" E a distance of 20.12 feet to the southerly margin of Washington Avenue and the True Point of Beginning; Thence continuing S 18 degrees 55'38" E a distance of 242.25 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, being concave to the west, Thence southerly along said curve, having a radial bearing of S 71 degrees 04'22" W, a radius of 412.00 feet, a central angle of 20 degrees 16'04" an arc distance of 145.74 feet, to a point of tangency, Thence S 1 degrees 20'26" W a distance of 899.58 feet to the intersection with Iowa Street to the southwest, designated here as "IO", Thence continuing S 1 degrees 20'26" W a distance of 16.47 feet to the terminus of this described line. The easterly side line at the southerly margin of Washington Avenue and at the southerly margin of Iowa Street to be extended or shortened to its intersection with said crossing lines. The westerly margin is more particularly described as: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly boundary of a parcel of land known as Washington Housing North and the centerline terminus of Washington Avenue, Thence S 22 degrees 06'01'E along said easterly boundary of Washington Housing North a distance of 362.69 feet to a concrete monument with brass disk designated USN-WN-4, Thence leaving the boundary of Washington Housing North S 8 degrees 45'58" W a distance of 155.49 feet to a concrete monument with brass disk designated USN-WN-7, Thence along the boundary of Washington Housing North S 1 degrees 50'21" W a distance of 173.61 feet to a concrete monument with brass disk designated USN-WN-8, Thence along the boundary of a parcel of land known as NOAA S 1 degrees 20'51" W a distance of 143.74 feet to a concrete monument with brass disk designated NOAA #4, Thence leaving the boundary of NOAA S 1 degrees 10'09" W a distance of 194.82 feet to a concrete monument with brass disk designated USNWS-4 marking the northeasterly corner of a parcel of land known as Washington Housing South, Thence along the boundary of Washington Housing South S 1 degrees 15'25" W a distance of 267.94 feet to a concrete monument with brass disk designated USN-WS-5 and the intersection with the northerly margin of Iowa Street. Description of Discovery Park Road known as Iowa Street From California Avenue to Washington Avenue A 30 foot strip of land in the NW1/4 of Section 15, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 15 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of California Avenue and Iowa Street designated "IO" in the California Avenue description, thence S 66 degrees 16'52" W a distance of 40.88 feet to the westerly margin of California Avenue extended and the True Point of Beginning: Thence continuing S 66 degrees 16'52" West a distance of 217.74 feet to the terminus of this description. Said point lying S 23 degrees 43'08" E and 15.00 feet distant from a concrete monument designated as USN-WS-1. Sideline at the easterly margin of California Avenue to be extended or shortened to the intersection with said crossing line. Description of Discovery Park Road known as Illinois Avenue From Washington Avenue to Texas Way A 40 foot strip of land in the SW1/4 of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, and in the NE1/4 and the NW1/4 of Section 15, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 20 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Illinois Avenue designated "V" in the Washington Avenue description, and the beginning of a curve to the right, being concave to the northeast, thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N 8 degrees 38'33" E, a radius of 241.00 feet, a central angle of 19 degrees 36'09" an arc distance of 82.45 feet to the northerly margin of Washington Avenue and the True Point of Beginning: Thence continuing along said curve, through an additional central angle of 22 degrees 52'26" an arc distance of 96.21 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 38 degrees 52'52" W a distance of 228.13 feet to the intersection with Utah Street to the west, designated here as "U", Thence continuing N 38 degrees 52'52" W a distance of 56.10 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the east, Thence northerly along said curve, having a radial bearing of N 51 degrees 07'08" E, a radius of 212.11 feet, a central angle of 24 degrees 19'02" an arc distance of 90.02 feet to a point of reverse curvature, Thence northerly along a curve to the left being concave to the west, having a radial bearing of S 75 degrees 26'10" W, a radius of 7299.31 feet, a central angle of 5 degrees 43'20" an arc distance of 729.01 feet to a point of reverse curvature, Thence northerly along a curve to the right being concave to the east, having a radial bearing of N 69 degrees 42'49" E, a radius of 336.60 feet, a central angle of 19 degrees 06'45" an arc distance of 112.28 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 1 degrees 10'26" W a distance of 173.21 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the east, Thence northerly along said curve, having a radial bearing of N 88 degrees 49'34" E, a radius of 922.50 feet, a central angle of 8 degrees 19'13" an arc distance of 133.96 feet to a point on the curve designated here as "Z", Thence continuing along said curve through an additional central angle of 9 degrees 06'08" an arc distance of 146.55 feet to a point of compound curvature, Thence northerly and easterly along a curve concave to the southeast, having a radial bearing of S73 degrees 45'05"E a radius of 63.07 feet, a central angle of 81 degrees 23'45" an arc distance of 89.60 feet to an intersection with Texas Way designated here as "T", Thence westerly along a curve concave to the north having a radial bearing of N7 degrees 38'11"E, a radius of 352.21 feet, a central angle of 15 degrees 30'47" an arc distance of 95.36 feet to a point of reverse curvature, Thence westerly along a curve concave to the south having a radial bearing of S23 degrees 08'58"W, a radius of 33.58 feet, a central angle of 30 degrees 00'28" an arc distance of 17.59 feet to a point of compound curvature, Thence westerly and southerly along a curve concave to the east, having a radial bearing of S 6 degrees 51'30" E, a radius of 104.76 feet, a central angle of 95 degrees 11'31" an arc distance of 174.05 feet to a point of compound curvature, Thence southerly and easterly along a curve concave to the northeast, having a radial bearing of N 77 degrees 56'59" E, a radius of 56.04 feet, a central angle of 42 degrees 11'39" an arc distance of 41.27 feet to a point of tangency, Thence S 54 degrees 14'40" E a distance of 96.28 feet to a point previously designated at "Z", and the terminus of this description. Sidelines at the northerly margin of Washington Avenue and at the terminus to be extended or shortened to their intersections with crossing lines. Description of Discovery Park Road known as Utah Street From Illinois Avenue to METRO West Point A 36 foot strip of land in Section 9, Section 10, Section 15 and Section 16, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 18 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the centerline of Illinois Avenue designated "U" in the Illinois Avenue description, thence S 56 degrees 27'15" W a distance of 20.09 feet to the westerly margin of Illinois Avenue and the True Point of Beginning: Thence continuing S 56 degrees 27'15" W a distance of 65.29 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the north, Thence westerly and northerly along said curve, having a radial bearing of N33 degrees 32'45"W, a radius of 65.00 feet, a central angle of 64 degrees 45'03" an arc distance of 73.46 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 58 degrees 47'42" W a distance of 156.43 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the northeast, Thence westerly and northerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N 31 degrees 12'18" E, a radius of 220.00 feet, a central angle of 49 degrees 41'04" an arc distance of 190.77 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 9 degrees 06'38" W a distance of 97.88 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the southwest, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S 80 degrees 53'22 W, a radius of 200.00 feet, a central angle of 73 degrees 16'58" an arc distance of 255.81 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 82 degrees 23'36" W a distance of 62.83 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the south, Thence westerly and southerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S 7 degrees 36'24" W, a radius of 408.00 feet, a central angle of 67 degrees 50'13" an arc distance of 483.06 feet to a point of tangency, Thence S 29 degrees 46'11" W a distance of 304.98 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the northwest, Thence southerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N60 degrees 13'49"W, a radius of 110.00 feet, a central angle of 27 degrees 26'58" an arc distance of 52.70 feet to the intersection with Idaho Avenue to the north, designated here as "ID", Thence continuing along said curve through an additional central angle of 34 degrees 03'02" an arc distance of 65.37 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 88 degrees 43'49" W a distance of 914.95 feet more or less to the easterly boundary of a tract of land known as Capehart Housing, Thence continuing N 88 degrees 43'49" W a distance of 98.81 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the north, Thence westerly and northerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N 1 degrees 16'11" E, a radius of 300.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 55'31" an arc distance of 78.15 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 73 degrees 48'18" W a distance of 64.65 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the northeast, Thence westerly and northerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N 16 degrees 11'42" E a radius of 150.00 feet, a central angle of 40 degrees 36'18" an arc distance of 106.30 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 33 degrees 12'00" W a distance of 150.21 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the southwest, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S56 degrees 48'00"W, a radius of 700.00 feet, a central angle of 4 degrees 17'14" an arc distance of 52.38 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 37 degrees 29'14" W a distance of 214.70 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the southwest, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S52 degrees 30'46"W, a radius of 120.00 feet, a central angle of 50 degrees 36'40" an arc distance of 106.00 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 88 degrees 05'54" W a distance of 375.09 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the southeast, Thence westerly and southerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S1 degrees 54'06"W, a radius of 250.00 feet, a central angle of 28 degrees 48'36" an arc distance of 125.71 feet to a point of tangency, Thence S 63 degrees 05'30" W a distance of 142.19 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the northwest, Thence westerly and southerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N26 degrees 54'30"W, a radius of 700.00 feet, a central angle of 2 degrees 31'19" an arc distance of 30.81 feet to the westerly boundary of a tract of land known as Capehart Housing, Thence continuing along said curve through an additional 2 degrees 09'33" an arc distance of 26.38 feet to a point of tangency, Thence S 67 degrees 46'22" W a distance of 156.33 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the southeast, Thence westerly and southerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S22 degrees 13'38"E, a radius of 350.00 feet, a central angle of 24 degrees 20'15" an arc distance of 148.67 feet to a point of tangency, Thence S 43 degrees 26'07" W a distance of 506.14 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the northwest, Thence southerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N46 degrees 33'53"W, a radius of 230.00 feet, a central angle of 86 degrees 38'11" an arc distance of 347.78 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 49 degrees 55'42" W a distance of 245.07 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the south, Thence westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S 40 degrees 04'18" W, a radius of 220.00 feet, a central angle of 69 degrees 40'07" an arc distance of 267.51 feet to a point of tangency, Thence S 60 degrees 24'11" W a distance of 34.14 feet to the boundary of Discovery Park and METRO West Point, and the terminus of this description. TOGETHER WITH a strip of land northerly of the northerly margin of the above described boulevard area and abutting the most southerly boundary of a parcel of land known as Montana Circle Housing, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the centerline of Utah Street designated "ID" previously in this description, thence southerly and westerly along a curve on the centerline of Utah Street an arc distance of 65.37 feet to a point of tangency, thence N 88 degrees 43'49" W a distance of 9.05 feet, thence N 1 degrees 16'11" E a distance of 18.00' to the northerly margin of Utah Street and the TPOB of this strip; Thence continuing N 1 degrees 16'11" E a distance of 4.20 feet more or less to a capped rebar marked 'DEA' at the southeasterly corner of Montana Circle Housing, Thence N 89 degrees 05'43" W a distance of 239.68 feet to a capped rebar marked 'DEA' at the southwesterly corner of Montana Circle Housing, Thence S 1 degrees 16'11" W a distance of 2.67 feet more or less to the northerly margin of Utah Street, Thence S 88 degrees 43'49" E a distance of 239.67 feet to the TPOB and the end of this strip. Sidelines at the initial point of beginning and at the terminus to be extended or shortened to their intersections with crossing lines. Description of Discovery Park Road known as Idaho Avenue From Utah Street to 230 Feet Northerly A 40 foot strip of land in the NW1/4, Section 15, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 20 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the centerline of Utah Street designated "ID" in the Utah Street description, thence N 4 degrees 11'23" E a distance of 23.95 feet to the northwesterly margin of Utah Street and the True Point of Beginning: Thence continuing N 4 degrees 11'23" E a distance of 206.05 feet to the terminus of this description. Sidelines at the point of beginning to be extended or shortened to their intersections with crossing lines. Description of Discovery Park Road known as Texas Way From Illinois Avenue to West Lawton St A 40 foot strip of land in the SW1/4 of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 20 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of Illinois Avenue and Texas Way designated "T" in the Illinois Avenue description, and being the True Point of Beginning: Thence S 82 degrees 21'20" E a distance of 57.77 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the south, Thence easterly along said curve having a radial bearing of S 7 degrees 38'40" W, a radius of 200.00 feet, a central angle of 11 degrees 12'34 an arc distance of 39.13 feet to a point of tangency, Thence S 71 degrees 08'45" E a distance of 191.54 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the northwest, Thence easterly and northerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N 18 degrees 51'15" E, a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 107 degrees 41'33" an arc distance of 93.98 feet to a point of tangency on the centerline of 40th Avenue West extended southerly, Thence N 1 degrees 09'42" E along said extension of the centerline of 40th Avenue a distance of 39.31 feet to the intersection of Lawtonwood Road, designated here as "L", Thence continuing N 1 degrees 09'42" E a distance of 51.17 feet more or less to the intersection with Discovery Park boundary (southerly margin of West Lawton Street) and the terminus of this description. Sidelines at the beginning and at the terminus to be extended or shortened to their intersections with crossing lines. Description of Discovery Park Road known as Lawtonwood Road From 40th Avenue West to West Cramer Street A 40 foot strip of land in the SW1/4 and the NW1/4 of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 20 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at a concrete monument in case marking the intersection of the centerlines of West Commodore Street and 40th Avenue West, thence S 1 degrees 09'42" W along the centerline of 40th Avenue West a distance of 455.57 feet to the Discovery Park boundary (southerly margin West Lawton Street), thence continuing S 1 degrees 09'42" W a distance of 51.17 feet to the intersection with Lawtonwood Road to the northwest designated "L" in the Texas Way description, thence N 41 degrees 52'56" W a distance of 29.30 feet to the westerly margin of Texas Way and the True Point of Beginning: Thence continuing N 41 degrees 52'56" W a distance of 176.82 feet to an intersection with a Discovery Park road to the north, known as Bay Terrace Road, designated here as "BT", Thence continuing N 41 degrees 52'56" W a distance of 130.51 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, being concave to the northeast, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N48 degrees 07'04"E, a radius of 169.30 feet, a central angle of 17 degrees 31'40" an arc distance of 51.79 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 24 degrees 21'16 W a distance of 273.31 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left, being concave to the southwest, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S65 degrees 38'44"W, a radius of 379.75 feet, a central angle of 3 degrees 17'42" an arc distance of 21.84 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 27 degrees 38'57" W a distance of 148.91 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the northeast, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N62 degrees 21'03"E, a radius of 425.89 feet, a central angle of 7 degrees 50'39" an arc distance of 58.31 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 19 degrees 48'18" W a distance of 109.47 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the southwest, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S70 degrees 11'42"W, a radius of 345.05 feet, a central angle of 8 degrees 42'20" an arc distance of 52.43 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 28 degrees 30'38" W a distance of 78.78 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the southwest, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S61 degrees 29'22"W, a radius of 403.00 feet, a central angle of 8 degrees 04'12" an arc distance of 56.76 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 36 degrees 34'50" W a distance of 87.89 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right being concave to the northeast, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N53 degrees 25'10"E, a radius of 1143.00 feet, a central angle of 4 degrees 17'55" an arc distance of 85.75 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 32 degrees 16'55" W a distance of 125.35 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the southwest, Thence northerly and westerly along said curve having a radial bearing of S57 degrees 43'05"W, a radius of 783.17 feet, a central angle of 3 degrees 59'37" an arc distance of 54.59 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 36 degrees 16'32' W a distance of 40.23 feet to the southerly margin of a 30 foot street right of way established by Act of Congress, May 2, 1908 and known as West Cramer Street, Thence continuing N 36 degrees 16'32" W a distance of 38.25 feet to the northerly margin of West Cramer Street, Thence continuing N 36 degrees 16'32" W a distance of 197.98 feet to the intersection with a line 20 feet southeast of and parallel with the Discovery Park boundary line, designated here as "A", Thence S 60 degrees 14'54" W along said line 20 feet southeast and parallel with the Discovery Park boundary line a distance of 304.03 feet to the intersection with the north line of said West Cramer Street as established by Act of Congress on May 2, 1908 and the terminus of this description. Sidelines at the point of beginning and at the south and north margins of West Cramer Street to be extended or shortened to their intersections with crossing lines. Description of Discovery Park Road known as 45th Avenue West from Lawtonwood Road to the Government Meanderline A 60 foot strip of land in the NW1/4 of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 30 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at a point designated as "A" in the Lawtonwood Road description, thence S36 degrees 16'32"E a distance of 10.07 feet to the intersection with a line 30 feet southeast of and parallel with the Discovery Park boundary line, and the beginning of a curve to the left, concave to the west, thence along said curve having a radial bearing of N 30 degrees 05'03" W, a radius of 230.00 feet, a central angle of 4 degrees 59'39" an arc distance of 20.05 feet to the northeasterly margin of Lawtonwood Road and the True Point of Beginning: Thence continuing along said curve through an additional central angle of 53 degrees 50'25" an arc distance of 216.13 feet to a point of tangency, Thence N 1 degrees 04'54" E a distance of 656.40 feet more or less to the Government Meander Line and the terminus of this description. Sidelines at the point of beginning and at the Government Meander Line to be extended or shortened to their intersections with crossing lines. Description of Discovery Park Road known as Bay Terrace Road From Lawtonwood Road to West Cramer Street A 40 foot strip of land in the SW1/4 of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, lying 20 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the centerline of Lawtonwood Road designated "BT" in the Lawtonwood Road description, thence N 8 degrees 57'22" E a distance of 25.79 feet to the northerly margin of Lawtonwood Road and the True Point of Beginning: Thence continuing N 8 degrees 57'22" E a distance of 22.10 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left being concave to the west, Thence northerly along said curve having a radial bearing of N 81 degrees 02'38" W, a radius of 653.50 feet, a central angle of 28 degrees 27'39" an arc distance of 324.62 feet to a point of reverse curvature, Thence northerly along a curve to the right concave to the east having a radial bearing of N70 degrees 29'43"E, a radius of 1280.25 feet, a central angle of 15 degrees 16'11" an arc distance of 341.20 feet to a point of compound curvature, Thence northerly along a curve to the right concave to the east having a radial bearing of N85 degrees 45'54"E, a radius of 1096.22 feet, a central angle of 22 degrees 53'48" an arc distance of 438.07 feet to a point of reverse curvature, Thence northerly along a curve to the left concave to the west, having a radial bearing of N 71 degrees 20'18" W, a radius of 104.83 feet, a central angle of 21 degrees 39'32" an arc distance of 39.63 feet to a point of tangency on the centerline of 42nd Avenue West extended southerly, Thence N 2 degrees 59'50" W along said extension of 42nd Avenue West a distance of 1.00 feet more or less to the boundary of Discovery Park and the terminus of this description. Sidelines at the point of beginning and at the terminus to be extended or shortened to their intersections with crossing lines. Section 2. Appendix I to Ordinance 117569 and to Title 15 of the Seattle Municipal Code (Description and Maps of Park Drives and Boulevards) is hereby amended to include the laid off boulevards described above, and the code reviser is directed to add them to Appendix I. Section 3. Appendix II, Corresponding Maps of Park Drives and Boulevards, to Title 15 of the Seattle Municipal Code and to Ordinance 117569, is hereby amended by the addition of the maps, attached to this ordinance as Attachment A, depicting the Designated Portions as Park Boulevards. In the event of conflict between the maps in Attachment A and the descriptions in Section 1 of this Ordinance, the descriptions in Section 1 shall control. Section 4. Those portions of Washington Avenue and Utah Street laid off as Park Boulevards shall be named "Discovery Park Boulevard" and shall be signed accordingly. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten (10) days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Municipal Code Section 1.04.020. Passed by the City Council the ____ day of _________, 2007, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this _____ day of __________, 2007. _________________________________ President __________of the City Council Approved by me this ____ day of _________, 2007. _________________________________ Gregory J. Nickels, Mayor Filed by me this ____ day of _________, 2007. ____________________________________ City Clerk (Seal) Attachment A: Discovery Park Boulevards Map June 4, 2007 Version #2 Form Last Revised on December 16, 2006. |
Attachments |