Historic Seattle Municipal Code: 1973
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Source files may not include graphics. See ordinances that created and amended SMC sections for complete graphics and tables.
City Charter (adopted 1946, as amended 1948, 1950, and 1952)
Preface and Contents
Title 1 Administration
Title 2 Finance and Property
Title 3 Building Code
Title 4 Electrical Code
Title 5 Plumbing
Title 6 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Title 7 Sewage Disposal
Title 8 Fire Code
Title 9 Harbor
Title 10A Weights and Measures
Title 10 Business Regulation and Licensing
Title 11 Taxation
Title 12 Crimes and Punishment
Title 13 Food Sanitation
Title 14 Garbage
Title 15 Health
Title 16 Intoxicating Liquor
Title 17 Narcotics
Title 18 Nuisances Weeds and Pests
Title 19 Street Use
Title 20 Improvements
Title 21 Traffic
Title 22 Parks
Title 23 Water
Title 24 Seattle Center
Title 25 Subdivisions
Title 26 Zoning
Title 27 Housing
Title 28 Historic Districts
Charts: Codified Ordinances
Charts: Franchises