Resolution _________________
A RESOLUTION selecting a Monitor pursuant to the Consent Decree entered by the United States District Court in United States v. City of Seattle, United States District Court, Western District of Washington, Case No. 2:12-cv01282-JLR.
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle is a defendant in the lawsuit filed by plaintiff United States of America, entitled United States v. City of Seattle, United States District Court, Western District of Washington, Case No. 2:12-cv01282-JLR; and
WHEREAS, the United States District Court approved of and entered a Consent Decree, agreed upon by the parties, with the goal of ensuring that police services are delivered to the people of Seattle in a manner that fully complies with the Constitution
and laws of the United States, effectively ensures public and officer safety, and promotes public confidence in the Seattle Police Department ("SPD") and its officers; and
WHEREAS, the Consent Decree consists of the Settlement Agreement and Stipulated Order of Resolution executed by the parties on July 27, 2012 as modified by the Stipulation and Order for Modification and for Entry of Preliminary Approval of the Parties'
Settlement Agreement and Stipulated Order of Resolution executed by the parties and entered by the Court on September 21, 2012; and
WHEREAS, the Consent Decree provides that the parties may jointly agree on a Monitor, who the Court may appoint as its agent to oversee the implementation of the Consent Decree; and
WHEREAS, the Consent Decree provides that if the parties agree on a Monitor, they must file a stipulated motion for approval of that monitor on or before October 26, 2012; and
WHEREAS, the City and the United States jointly solicited letters of interest from individuals and groups interested in acting as Monitor, and twenty-three applicants responded to the solicitation; and
WHEREAS, the City appointed a screening committee, comprised of representatives of the Mayor, City Attorney, the Budget Office and the Seattle Police Department, which selected nine first-round finalists from the original twenty-three applicants, who
were requested to provide follow-up materials and to interview with the screening committee; and
WHEREAS, the City's screening committee recommended that five of the nine finalists be interviewed by the Mayor's Office, interested Councilmembers, the City Attorney's Office, and the Seattle Police Department; and
WHEREAS, of the five finalists recommended for further interviews, one voluntarily withdrew; and
WHEREAS, the four remaining finalists were interviewed by the Mayor, the City Attorney, the Chief of Police, Council President Clark, and Councilmembers Harrell, Burgess, and Licata;
Section 1. The City Council affirms and supports the work our police officers do to protect the people of Seattle, prevent crime, and hold accountable those who engage in criminal behavior. We recognize the dangers our police officers face and we
pledge our continued support and to provide them with the resources they need to be effective in their work. We believe strongly in Constitutional and effective policing and hope for an expeditious resolution of the Consent Decree. We believe that a
monitor who focuses on the outcomes desired by the parties to the Consent Decree, including better community-police relations, will facilitate compliance with the terms of the Decree.
Section 2. The City Council places high importance on the Monitor's ability to develop and understand police use of force policies; early warning tracking systems to identify officers with risk indicators; risk management of police misconduct;
community and problem-oriented policing models; and meaningful and successful monitoring plans.
Section 3. The City Council finds that Merrick Bobb has been monitoring and reviewing law enforcement agencies for more than 20 years and has developed substantial expertise in police use of force policies and practices, community and problem-oriented
policing, and biased policing.
Section 4. The City Council finds that Merrick Bobb has authored numerous publications related to police accountability, effective policing practices, the development of effective community relations, and community and problemoriented policing and has
also led the development of the National Guidelines for Police Monitors (2008).
Section 5. The City Council has reviewed Merrick Bobb's experience and commitment to police reform based on his work across the nation, including his review of the King County Sheriff's Office, and finds that he possesses the qualifications and
expertise necessary to serve as the Court's Monitor and move the City toward rapid and effective compliance with the Decree.
Section 6. Attorneys for the United States have stated that they would agree with the City to Merrick Bobb as the Monitor of the consent decree and, if the City agreed, would join in a stipulation to the Court naming him as the Monitor.
Section 7. The City Council requests that the City Attorney advise and represent to the Court and to the plaintiff, United States of America, in United States v. City of Seattle, United States District Court, Western District of Washington, Case No.
2:12-cv-01282-JLR, that pursuant to the Stipulation and Order for Modification and for Entry of Preliminary Approval of the Parties' Settlement Agreement and Stipulated Order of Resolution, entered on September 21, 2012, the City agrees to the selection
of Merrick Bobb as Monitor.
Section 8. The City Council further requests that Joe Brann be named as a member of the Monitoring Team. Joe Brann is a nationally recognized police expert and the first Director of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) in
the Department of Justice who served as a Special Master to the Court for the Cincinnati consent decree. He has been advising the City and SPD since February 2012 on the City's response to the Department of Justice's findings. His participation on the
monitoring team would provide continuity as well as outstanding subject matter expertise and monitoring experience.
Adopted by the City Council the ____ day of ____________________, 2012, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its adoption this________ day
of ______________________, 2012.
President ___________of the City Council
Filed by me this ____ day of ________________________, 2012.
Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk
Councilmember Bruce Harrell Leg., RES re monitor selection October 22, 2012 Version #1