Seattle City Council Resolutions
Information modified on October 4, 2011; retrieved on March 13, 2025 9:44 PM
Resolution 31264
Title | |
A RESOLUTION concerning public spaces on the Central Waterfront; establishing a Central Waterfront Committee to advise the City on designing, developing and managing a series of premiere public spaces on the Central Waterfront and the broader connections necessary to reconnect the Central Waterfront to the City. |
Description and Background | |
Current Status: | Adopted |
Fiscal Note: | Fiscal Note to Resolution 31264 |
References: | Related: Ordinance 123142, Resolution 30664, Resolution 30724 |
Legislative History | |
Date Introduced: | January 24, 2011 |
Committee Referral: | Full Council |
City Council Action Date: | January 31, 2011 |
City Council Action: | Adopted |
City Council Vote: | 9-0 |
Date Delivered to Mayor: | January 31, 2011 |
Date Filed with Clerk: | February 7, 2011 |
Signed Copy: | PDF scan of Resolution No. 31264 |
Text | |
A RESOLUTION concerning public spaces on the Central Waterfront; establishing a Central Waterfront Committee to advise the City on designing, developing and managing a series of premiere public spaces on the Central Waterfront and the broader connections necessary to reconnect the Central Waterfront to the City. WHEREAS, the removal of the Alaskan Way Viaduct, creation of new public space on the Central Waterfront, and replacement of the aging Elliott Bay Seawall present an exceptional opportunity to reconnect Downtown Seattle to its waterfront; and WHEREAS, in 2003 the City began a public process for developing a community vision for the Central Waterfront; and WHEREAS, in 2004 the City and the Planning and Design Commissions sponsored public forums to establish guiding principles for reclaiming the Central Waterfront and reconnecting it with Downtown; and WHEREAS, the City Council subsequently adopted those principles through Resolutions 30664 and 30724; and WHEREAS, these Resolutions called for making public use a primary objective for redeveloping the Central Waterfront, linking the waterfront with inland areas so that each area reinforces the other and contributes to a unified Downtown, and engaging the public in the decision-making process; and WHEREAS, in 2006 the City's Department of Planning and Development published the Waterfront Concept Plan, which provided concepts for reclaiming the Central Waterfront for public use consistent with Resolution 30664, including locations for public open spaces, environmental enhancements, and improved connections to the downtown core; and WHEREAS, in 2009, the City established through Ordinance 123142, the Central Waterfront Partnerships Committee ("CWPC"), to advise the City on issues relating to designing, developing and managing a series of premiere public spaces on the Central Waterfront, and specifically to recommend effective models for the formation of a civic partnership to oversee the successful creation of these public spaces on the Central Waterfront; and WHEREAS, through its deliberations, review of best practices from other cities, and work with practitioners, the CWPC concluded and participating City Departments concurred that strong project leadership is necessary to realize the waterfront vision and ensure that it is aligned with the Guiding Principles established by Council and the CWPC; and WHEREAS Project leadership needs to be consistent, transparent and engaged from the beginning--ensuring design excellence, rooting the process in broad and transparent public engagement, and based on sound experience with delivering complex civic projects; and WHEREAS, to achieve strong project leadership, the City in concurrence with the CWPC believes it is critical to carry forward their work, with a focus on providing holistic oversight of the project, overseeing development of the waterfront conceptual design and framework plan , ensuring robust and innovative public engagement, and establishing the foundation for a lasting civic partnership; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE, THE MAYOR CONCURRING, THAT: Section 1. Central Waterfront Committee A. Committee Established . The City hereby establishes the Central Waterfront Committee ("CWC") to continue work on the recommendations of the existing Central Waterfront Partnerships Committee that was created pursuant to Ordinance 123142. B. Functions . The CWC shall advise the City on issues related to the design, development and management of a series of premiere public spaces ( "public spaces") along the Central Waterfront in connection with the Alaskan Way Viaduct Seawall Replacement Program (AWVSRP), also known as the "Central Waterfront Project" and the broader "Waterfront Initiative," both as defined in the CWC Charter, Attachment 1. C. Membership . The CWC membership shall include those appointed to the Central Waterfront Partnership Committee pursuant to Ordinance 123142. The Directors of the Departments of Transportation, Planning and Development, and Parks and Recreation shall be ex-officio members of the CWC. CWC members who are removed or resign may be replaced by appointment by the Directors of the Seattle Department of Transportation, the Department of Planning and Development, and the Department of Parks and Recreation, after receiving recommendations from the Executive Committee of the CWC, and subject to confirmation by the City Council. D. Membership Term . Members serve two year terms, after which members may be reappointed or replaced as provided in Subsection C above. Members shall serve on the CWC until their successors are appointed and confirmed. Section 2. Organization and Reporting A. Bylaws and Transparency . The CWC shall have the authority to select a chair or chairs from its membership, establish a meeting schedule, establish subcommittees consisting of the members and such other non-members selected by the CWC, and otherwise establish procedures necessary to perform its functions. The CWC shall adopt bylaws and such other procedural rules consistent with this Charter as the CWC may determine necessary and appropriate for its work. The bylaws shall provide for transparency in its procedures and operations, specifically including compliance with public records and meeting requirements. The CWC shall endeavor to decide matters by consensus of all of its members. B. Executive Committee . The CWC shall have an Executive Committee comprised of the CWC co-chairs, chairs of any subcommittees created by the CWC, and representatives of the Seattle Department of Transportation, Department of Planning and Development, and Department of Parks and Recreation. The Executive Committee will be responsible for coordinating the CWC's work, communicating on behalf of the committee, finalizing key recommendations and deliverables including a Strategic Plan for the Seattle Waterfront Initiative, and other duties as described in the CWC Charter, Attachment 1. C. Meetings . Meetings shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act, RCW 42.30. D. Reports and Recommendations . The CWC shall provide regular progress reports to the Mayor and City Council as requested, and shall provide its recommendations to the Mayor and City Council at the following project milestones as applicable: * Completion of a Public Engagement Plan; * Selection of a preferred seawall design solution; * Completion of a Draft Framework Plan; * Completion of a Draft Conceptual Design * Completion of a Draft Strategic Plan. In addition, the CWC shall provide an annual report to the Mayor, City Council, and the general public, outlining its activities over the course of the preceding year. E. Relationship to Public Engagement . The City shall consult with the CWC in the development of a robust and innovative public engagement plan for the Central Waterfront Project and the Waterfront Initiative. The CWC shall consider the results of this engagement as relevant to their development of reports and recommendations described in Section 1. C. The CWC shall work closely with City staff and project consultants to ensure the public engagement plan is executed effectively and in accordance with the City's expectations for innovative and extensive citywide public engagement. F. Compensation . Service on the CWC is voluntary and members shall not be compensated other than for reimbursement of expenses pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code chapters 4.70 and 4.72. G Relationship to the City and City Decision-Making . Consistent with the advisory role of the CWC, the procedures required under the CWC Charter, Attachment 1, do not serve as formal prerequisites to City decision-making; however, City Departments and elected officials shall give careful consideration to the CWC's recommendations, and shall collaborate closely and respectfully with the CWC in the development and implementation of the Central Waterfront Project and the Waterfront Initiative. Section 3. Central Waterfront Guiding Principles . The prior Central Waterfront Partnerships Committee has developed Central Waterfront Guiding Principles ("Guiding Principles") to guide the Central Waterfront Project and the broader Waterfront Initiative. The Guiding Principles are included as Attachment 2 and shall provide the basis for the CWC's review and oversight of the Central Waterfront Project and specifically the deliverables described in Section 2. D. above. The Mayor and City Council affirm these Guiding Principles for the development of new public spaces on the Central Waterfront. The Guiding Principles shall be considered together with those principles previously expressed in Resolution 30664 and 30724, and Ordinance 122406. Adopted by the City Council the ____ day of ____________________, 2011, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its adoption this________ day of ______________________, 2011. _________________________________ President ___________of the City Council THE MAYOR CONCURRING: _________________________________ Michael McGinn, Mayor Filed by me this ____ day of ________________________, 2011. ____________________________________ City Clerk (Seal) Attachment 1: Central Waterfront Committee Charter Attachment 2: Guiding Principles Central Waterfront Project David W. Goldberg DPD Central Waterfront Committee RES December 14, 2010 Version #4a Attachment 1: Central Waterfront Committee Charter CENTRAL WATERFRONT COMMITTEE CHARTER Section 1 . Charge . The impending removal of the Alaskan Way Viaduct presents the City of Seattle (the "City") with an opportunity of incalculable importance to its future by reclaiming its Elliott Bay waterfront for public access, use and enjoyment, and for broader uses and purposes. Seattle's aspiration to become one of the most successful cities in the world will be materially advanced by a Seattle Waterfront Initiative (the "Initiative") which includes (i) design, development, and construction as well as the programming, operation and maintenance of the public spaces, streets, and other public facilities that will be created or planned as a result of the Viaduct's removal; (ii) reconnecting the waterfront to upland areas and other community assets; and (iii) stimulating compatible public and private development and investment. The Central Waterfront Committee (the "CWC") is chartered by the City pursuant to City Council Resolution 31264 to provide interim civic leadership for the Initiative, as a continuation of the successful work of the Central Waterfront Partnerships Committee ("CWPC"). Its specific responsibilities are delineated in this Charter. As one feature of its work, the CWC shall have overall responsibility to advise the Mayor and City Council concerning the City's Central Waterfront Project (the "CWP") to ensure that the CWP hones to the guiding principles (the "Principles") established for it by the City Council and the CWPC. Although advisory to the Mayor and City Council, the actions, recommendations, comments and initiatives of the CWC shall be given careful and respectful consideration by the City's elected and appointed officials. It is the intent of the Mayor and City Council to collaborate closely and respectfully with the CWC in the development and implementation of the Initiative and to support the CWC as it evolves and grows into its civic leadership role. Consistent with the recommendations of the CWPC, the CWC shall eventually transition its functions to a successor entity that will assume responsibility for civic leadership of the Initiative. When timely, and with the consent of the Mayor and City Council, the CWC shall be the prime mover in the formation of the successor entity, as well as one or more additional supporting entities, as may be necessary and appropriate. Section 2 . Scope . The work of the CWC will address two overlapping areas of concern. Consistent with the broader framework planning to be done as part of the waterfront design, the first element of the CWC's scope of work concerns the City's Elliott Bay Waterfront from South Downtown and the Stadium District (excluding Pier 46) in the south to the northern boundary of Myrtle Edwards Park in the north, and may extend farther to address certain essential opportunities or linkages. As generally reflected in Exhibit A, Seattle Waterfront Opportunities Diagram and related materials, the Initiative includes numerous opportunities and linkages, among them the "great streets and places" and "green streets and corridors" noted in Exhibit A. The second element of the CWC's scope of work concerns the budgeted portions of the CWP identified for conceptual design, including Alaskan Way from King Street to the south to Pine Street to the north, and including the corridor connecting the Pike Place Market and Belltown to the waterfront and creating highly important opportunities for public amenities and compatible development. Although the reach of the Initiative exceeds the scope of the CWP, the CWP and its coordination with the City's Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Project will be early priorities within the broader scope of the Initiative. Section 3 . Specific Responsibilities . A. Strategic Plan . The CWC will give priority attention to the development of a Waterfront Initiative Strategic Plan (the "Strategic Plan"). The Strategic Plan is intended to be a dynamic, evolving plan for the implementation of the Initiative over time and will be subject to periodic updates and amendments. The Strategic Plan and periodic amendments shall be subject to the review and approval of the Mayor and City Council. The CWC's Executive Committee will coordinate preparation of the Strategic Plan with the support of and in close collaboration with the membership of the CWC, City staff and, as necessary and appropriate, the CWP design team, Stakeholders Group and work groups. The Strategic Plan is envisioned as a thorough but relatively basic and general plan encompassing the entire Initiative, including but not limited to the CWP and the City's Seawall Replacement Project. The Strategic Plan should provide more detailed direction with respect to particular elements of the Initiative as such elements are implemented, including the relationship of such elements to other aspects of the Initiative. The Strategic Plan should prioritize and synthesize the responsibilities of the CWC under this Charter. It shall incorporate the funding, phasing, partnerships and programming and operation and maintenance planning contemplated by the Charter. Illustrating the need for the Strategic Plan to focus more specifically on Initiative components as such components move toward implementation, the initial Strategic Plan shall focus more specifically on the CWP framework plan and conceptual design and, to the extent appropriate, its coordination with the Seawall Replacement Project. The Strategic Plan shall reflect the role prescribed for the CWC with respect to the development of the CWP framework plan and conceptual design. As the framework plan and conceptual design are completed, the Strategic Plan shall provide practical direction for their implementation, including specific plans and recommendations for funding scenarios, phasing, optimal external partnership relationships, and eventual provision for programming and operation and maintenance. An important element of the Strategic Plan shall be identifying steps toward the eventual transition of the CWC to a successor entity or entities, including postulating meaningful milestones for its principal successor and related entities in order to maximize their potential for success and to warrant investment of continuing and enhanced responsibility for project implementation and stewardship. Respective responsibility for the continued evolution of the Strategic Plan as between the City and the successor entity shall be determined as one feature of the transition. The City intends to remain committed to the implementation and evolution of the Strategic Plan following transition of the CWC to its successor entity or entities. The Strategic Plan shall include specific mechanisms for the CWC or successor entity or entities to continuously fulfill their responsibilities to effectively oversee and encourage meaningful and influential public participation. B. Shaping the Central Waterfront Design . The CWC shall function as an integral component of the City's client team with respect to the CWP programming, planning and design process, specifically including but not limited to the following: (i) In order to foster a holistic vision for the CWP design, the CWC shall review and validate or recommend changes to each major design phase or component, including the framework plan and conceptual design. The CWC may be invited to and on its own initiative may review progress, including evolving basic assumptions, more frequently. Whenever decisions with respect to the CWP design or its implementation are framed for the City's elected leadership by the City Management Team for the Central Waterfront ("City Management Team"), which is comprised of key staff from the City's Departments of Transportation, Planning and Development, and Parks and Recreation, CWC review and validation or recommendations shall precede and be provided to the Mayor and City Council along with any such recommended decision. (iii) Generally as reflected in Exhibit B, "Central Waterfront Roles, Compositions and Relationships," the CWC shall participate and closely coordinate with the City Management Team, the consultant team, the Stakeholder Group and others. The CWC shall monitor and consider Stakeholders Group and public engagement discussions when reviewing the CWP design at key design milestones and facilitate City Management Team and City elected leadership awareness and timely response to emerging issues throughout the design process. (iv) The CWC shall oversee and evaluate formal public engagement for the design process, including the work of City staff and consultants. (v) The CWC may form and/or collaborate with working groups that bring additional expertise to advise the CWC on meeting its responsibilities. City departments shall provide the CWC with such information necessary to fulfill its responsibilities during the CWP design process. The CWC shall have ready access to department heads and key staff and consultants. There will be a regularly scheduled, standing meeting between the CWC, the City Management Team and the consultant team's project manager. In addition, the CWC shall be given reasonable advance notice of and may attend scheduled meetings among any combination of the City Management Team, CWP consultants and designers, the Stakeholders Group or the public that the City Management Team determines would be appropriate. The CWC shall identify specific members to participate in these meetings and inform city staff of their participation ahead of time. CWC member attendance shall be reasonably limited to ensure meetings to do not become difficult to manage or unwieldy. C. Identifying and Evaluating Funding Options . The CWC shall provide critically important citizen leadership in marshalling the resources that will be required to implement the Initiative, including funding for the initial capital cost of envisioned public spaces and public facilities as well as stable, long-term funding for programming, operations and maintenance of such improvements. The CWC shall identify and evaluate options for such funding, including reviewing the City's current work in this area. All reasonably available sources of such funding shall be evaluated and a range of options for combining and leveraging such sources shall be considered, including: (i) Voter-approved components, including scheduling, magnitude and possible contingencies. (ii) Meaningful private support such as mechanisms for participation of benefited property owners (e.g., local improvement districts) and philanthropy. (iii) Other public funding sources. This work will inform and be reflected as specific recommendations in the CWC Strategic Plan. D. Developing Partnership Opportunities and Relationships . Consistent with the recommendations of the CWPC, the CWC shall work with the City Management Team to develop meaningful partnerships with interested entities important to the success of the Initiative, specifically including the CWP. The CWC is expected to facilitate partnerships with both public and private sector entities. The CWC shall make recommendations to the City concerning any formal partnerships the City should enter into or actions that the City would need to undertake to in order to effectively implement partnerships related to the Initiative. As contemplated by the CWPC, partnership opportunities should be available with major players in particular areas along the waterfront such as the Seattle Art Museum; the Port of Seattle; the Seattle Aquarium Society; the Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority; and Washington State Ferries, among others. In addition to physical development partnership opportunities along the waterfront and within the broader scope of the CWP such as the Western Avenue connection to the Market and Belltown, the CWC shall work to identify and facilitate partnerships to help create additional meaningful physical connections between the waterfront and upland areas. The CWC shall forge mutually supportive relationships between the waterfront and other communities of interest and other public and private organizations interested in the success of the Initiative. E. Overseeing and Encouraging Meaningful and Influential Public Participation . The CWC shall oversee and encourage public participation in all phases of the Initiative. In order to ensure that such participation is both meaningful for the public and influential in its deliberations, the CWC will take care to understand and consider the perspectives of public participants and the issues they may raise in conducting its work generally and, in particular, when making recommendations. It also shall be a CWC responsibility to ensure that it fairly communicates such information to the City's elected leadership when providing its recommendations to them. Specifically with respect to the CWP, the CWC shall oversee the development by project staff and consultants of a vigorous public participation plan for the CWP design process and work to ensure that its execution is credible and robust. In addition, the CWC shall work to broaden public interest in the Initiative and build supportive relationships with constituencies city-wide and regionally. The CWC should remain mindful that one feature of public leadership is to advocate on behalf of the Initiative and to identify and take positions on issues relevant to the Initiative as necessary and appropriate. F. Long-term Programming, Operations and Maintenance Planning . In addition to developing specific recommendations for providing stable, long-term funding for programming, operations and maintenance of the public spaces and public improvements to be provided through the Initiative, the CWC shall outline principles, standards and protocols for use and upkeep of such public assets. Particularly if the Initiative is as successful in the creation of spectacular public spaces and facilities as is hoped, such spaces and assets will be heavily used and create steep public expectations for their performance and maintenance. Consistently meeting such expectations should be a priority both for the City and the successor entity. Delineating how that is accomplished should be reflected in the CWC's Strategic Plan. CWC recommendations in this regard should be mindful of the need to sustain waterfront improvements without compromising support for the City park system generally and other public spaces and facilities elsewhere in the City. G. Accountability . The CWC shall be responsive to the Mayor and City Council when asked for recommendations or advice and, to the extent practical, to undertake additional roles or responsibilities with respect to the Initiative. Specifically with respect to the CWC's role in the CWP design process, the CWC shall timely perform its responsibilities as contemplated under this Charter and be proactive in raising significant issues and concerns with City department heads and staff and the City's elected leadership. Annually, commencing after the conclusion of its first full year in operation, the CWC shall submit to the Mayor and City Council an Annual Report that also will be widely circulated to interested constituencies. Such report shall include the following: (i) An overview of the status of the Initiative, specifically including the CWP design process. (ii) A review and self-evaluation of the CWC's efforts to fulfill its responsibilities under this Charter and the status of the implementation of its Strategic Plan. (iii) Review of CWP design process public participation and outreach efforts. (iv) Such other matters as the CWC may determine appropriate or as the Mayor and City Council may request. H. Relationship with City . As noted in Section 1, the CWC is advisory to the Mayor and City Council. In working with the CWC to present departmental decisions or frame recommendations for the consideration of the Mayor or the City Council, city departments and their consultants may from time to time differ in their decisions or recommendations from those of the CWC when, in their determination, it would be in the demonstrable best interests of the City to do so. When presenting decisions or recommendations, the City Management Team shall inform the Mayor and/or City Council of CWC recommendations relevant to the topic. The CWC and the City Management Team shall work in good faith to achieve consensus on the issues under discussion. In the event consensus is not readily available, the information provided the Mayor and City Council on the decisions or recommendations at hand shall include a discussion of the CWC viewpoint to ensure both transparency and that the City's elected leadership is fully informed about the perspective of the CWC. Section 4 . Resources . The CWC will be staffed by the City Management Team and the consultant team selected to complete the CWP, including staff specifically dedicated to the support of the CWC. The CWC may request that the City Management Team engage staff and consultants, in addition to receiving support from City departments. Such additional staff and consultants (to supplement City departmental and project consultant team support) would be particularly appropriate to support CWC tasks and responsibilities outside the routine experience or skill sets of City staff and consultants such as identifying and evaluating funding options, particularly including private support, and developing partnership opportunities and relationships. The City agrees to work with CWC to consider such requests, and if deemed appropriate, to make funds available from the overall project budget. Prior to assigning or engaging staff resources to support the CWC, the City Management Team shall prepare for the CWC's reasonable review and recommendation a detailed staffing plan confirming its support needs and specifically proposing how such needs will be met from a combination of City, consultant team and, as needed and appropriate, independent resources. CWC staffing is subject to periodic review and revision as support needs and available resources change, subject to CWC's continuing reasonable review and recommendation. Section 5 . Evolution and Transition . The CWC is expected to transition its Initiative leadership role to a successor entity or entities. Toward that end, the CWC shall continue to define the long-term roles and responsibilities it envisions for the successor entity or entities. The CWC shall itself continue to develop its capacity to evolve into an effective, successor entity or entities, including cultivation of leadership and broad support for such entity or entities. Progress toward transition is expected to be measured but continuous. The City Management Team and the CWC shall jointly identify preconditions for the formation of and transition to the successor entity or entities, including available or anticipated capabilities of the nascent entity and City concurrence in the timeliness of the planned handover, subject to the review and approval of the Mayor and City Council. The CWC shall be expected to provide for the formation of and transition to the successor or successors when such preconditions have been satisfied. Exhibits Exhibit A: Central Waterfront Initiative Opportunities and Linkages Diagram Exhibit B: Central Waterfront Roles, Composition and Relationships Attachment 2: Guiding Principles Central Waterfront Project GUIDING PRINCIPLES CENTRAL WATERFRONT PROJECT Create a waterfront for all. The Central Waterfront should engage the entire city. It is a public asset and should remain focused on public use and activities that attract people from all walks of life. It should be a place for locals and visitors alike -a place where everything comes together and co-mingles effortlessly. The process for developing a waterfront design should, in fact must, draw on the talents and dreams of the entire city. The resulting public spaces and surrounding development will engage us through a range of activities throughout the day and year. Put the shoreline and innovative, sustainable design at the forefront To succeed, the waterfront must bring people to the water's edge-allowing them to experience the water itself and the unique geography and ecology of Elliott Bay. At the same time, we must take bold steps to improve the natural shoreline ecology while also preserving and enhancing the maritime activities that remain central to the Central Waterfront. The waterfront should, in its design, construction and operation, reflect Seattle's commitment to sustainability, innovation and responding to climate change. Reconnect the city to its waterfront The waterfront should provide a front door to the downtown neighborhoods and the City. It will build a network of green connections and public spaces that connect visually and physically to the water, to vital civic and commercial destinations, nearby neighborhoods and the larger fabric of downtown, city and regional open spaces. This will require a phased approach that is implemented over a longer horizon, but the full picture needs to be in view from the beginning. Embrace and celebrate Seattle's past, present and future The waterfront is a lens through which to understand Seattle's past, present and future--from its rich geologic and natural history and early Native American settlements, to the founding of the region's maritime and resource economy, to maritime, industrial, commercial and recreational activities today. The waterfront is and should continue to support these activities, to provide essential connections and access to the waterfront and to surrounding neighborhoods. New waterfront public spaces should tell these stories in ways that are authentic and bring them to life for people today and preserve these connections into the future. Improve Access and Mobility The waterfront is and will remain a crossroads. Waterfront users rely on safe and efficient access to the piers both from water and land, thousands of commuters use Colman Dock each day, and Alaskan Way will continue to provide an important connection for moving people and goods between the south and north of downtown. At the same time, the waterfront will be an increasingly attractive place for walkers, bicyclists, joggers, recreational boaters and others. The future waterfront should accommodate safe, comfortable and efficient travel by pedestrians, bicyclists, vehicles and freight. The interactions among these many parties must be designed carefully for safety, comfort, and efficiency for all. Create a bold vision that is adaptable over time The waterfront will come together over time, with many complex infrastructure and engineering projects that must be completed before permanent public space improvements can be made. The vision developed now should clearly define an overall framework for how the waterfront will take shape, what the key elements will be, and define their essential character. At the same time, the vision must be flexible enough to adapt as conditions inevitably change. Develop consistent leadership--from concept to construction to operations To succeed, strong leadership is necessary from an independent body tasked with realizing the waterfront vision. This leadership needs to be apolitical and start early--ensuring design excellence, rooting the process in a broad and transparent public outreach, and based on the realities of maintaining and programming the project once it is complete. |
Attachments |