WHEREAS, the Shoreline Park Improvement Fund (SPIF) was established as part of the West Point Sewage Treatment Plant Expansion mitigation agreement between the City of Seattle and the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (METRO); and
WHEREAS, Resolution 28762 approved recommendations of the SPIF Citizens Steering Committee to administer an open public process and review proposed projects; and
WHEREAS, in August 1993 the City Council amended Resolution 28762 to direct the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Seattle Engineering Department, and the Department of Neighborhoods to develop coordinated shoreline street end policies; and
WHEREAS, draft shoreline street end policies were sent to community and business organizations, property owners, and other interested parties for review and comment during the summer of 1995 and January of 1996; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing to get further public comment on the Shoreline Street End Policies;
NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council adopts the following policies to guide City Departments in developing public access improvements in shoreline street ends.
Policy 1: Shoreline Street End Preservation
Shoreline street ends (identified on the Shoreline Street Ends map, Exhibit A) shall be preserved as public rights-of-way, to allow improvements for public uses and access.
Policy 2: Evaluation Criteria
Proposed public improvements for shoreline street ends shall be permitted only in suitable locations. These improvements should not conflict with existing water-dependent and marine-related commercial/industrial activities. The following evaluation
criteria shall be employed to establish the suitability of a shoreline street end for public use improvements.
A) Function of the area and compatibility of public uses or access improvement with predominant shoreline activities and land use pattern in the adjacent area. Generally, in areas with a predominant pattern of industrial water-dependent uses,
shoreline street end public use and access improvements should be designed and located to minimize conflicts, taking into consideration any operational impacts upon the adjacent businesses.
B) Compatibility of shoreline street end public use and access with existing and anticipated circulation patterns and pedestrian, vehicular and freight movement.
C) Compatibility of shoreline street end public access with adjacent open space and/or pedestrian activity patterns.
D) Compatibility of shoreline street end public access with the City's Comprehensive Pan including the adopted functional, urban center, manufacturing and industrial center, and neighborhood plan(s).
E) Compatibility of shoreline street end public access with existing topography, physical improvements, surrounding uses, and natural features to provide safe public use.
F) Compatibility with other City adopted policies and plans (i.e. Duwamish Public Access Plan, Lake Union Open Space Policies).
Policy 3: Implementation Procedures
Applications for Shoreline Street Ends improvements shall be approved only in a manner consistent with adopted procedures established in a Director's Rule on Shoreline Street End Public Access Improvements.
Policy 4: Private Encroachments
When the City determines that private encroachments on public rights-of-way providing access to water are to be removed, they shall be removed at the expense of the responsible private property owner.
Policy 5: Permits for Public Use
Street Use permits for public access improvements will be granted only following a public review process and only for proposals consistent with these policies. Existing street use permits for shoreline street ends will be revoked or modified when a
proposed public access improvement is approved, or upon a determination by the Seattle Engineering Department that the use under permit impairs public access to the shore.
Policy 6: New Private Uses
Street Use permits for new private use at shoreline street ends will be granted only following a public review process and only upon a finding that there is not an active proposal for a public access improvement.
PASSED by the City Council the ______ day of ___________, 1996, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this ______ day of ____________, 1996.
President __________________of the City Council