Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances
Information modified on August 22, 2002; retrieved on February 17, 2025 3:47 PM
Ordinance 120889
Introduced as Council Bill 114170
Title | |
AN ORDINANCE relating to certain dances and dance venues; adding a new chapter to the Seattle Municipal Code to regulate such dances and dance venues; providing penalties for violations; establishing a music and youth commission; and repealing Chapter 6.294 of the Seattle Municipal Code. |
Description and Background | |
Current Status: | Passed |
Notes: | All-ages Dance |
References: | Related: CB 113373, 113372, 113371, 113302 |
Legislative History | |
Sponsor: | CONLIN, LICATA | tr>
Date Introduced: | May 6, 2002 |
Committee Referral: | Neighborhoods, Arts and Civil Rights |
City Council Action Date: | August 12, 2002 |
City Council Action: | Passed |
City Council Vote: | 6-2 (No: McIver, Pageler; Excused: Compton) |
Date Delivered to Mayor: | August 13, 2002 |
Date Signed by Mayor: (About the signature date) | August 19, 2002 |
Date Filed with Clerk: | August 20, 2002 |
Signed Copy: | PDF scan of Ordinance No. 120889 |
Text | |
AN ORDINANCE relating to certain dances and dance venues; adding a new chapter to the Seattle Municipal Code to regulate such dances and dance venues; providing penalties for violations; establishing a music and youth commission; and repealing Chapter 6.294 of the Seattle Municipal Code. WHEREAS, Young persons under the age of 18 should have access to the arts, including dances, and should be able to participate in the cultural life of the City; and WHEREAS, The problems associated with unregulated dances and dance venues that permit attendance by young persons under the age of 18, including but not limited to drug and alcohol use and abuse of children, are a matter of City concern; and WHEREAS, Dances and dance venues that permit attendance by young persons under the age of 18 should provide a safe and secure environment for these young patrons; and WHEREAS, It is appropriate that dances that permit attendance by young persons under the age of 18, and the persons who operate such dances, meet certain requirements and qualifications to ensure a safe and secure environment for these young patrons; and WHEREAS, To provide a safe and secure environment for young dance patrons and to prevent their victimization, it is important that persons who operate dances be free from recent convictions for crimes that specifically relate to their qualifications to operate such dances, including serious crimes against persons, certain sexual offenses, certain drug offenses, and certain crimes in which a minor was the victim; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF SEATTLE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 6.294 of the Seattle Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 2. A new Chapter is added to the Seattle Municipal Code to read as follows: Chapter 6.295 ALL-AGES DANCES AND DANCE VENUES I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.295.010 Purpose. This Chapter is an exercise of police power for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of those who attend All-Ages Dances, and is not intended to create, establish or designate any particular class or group of persons who will be especially protected or benefited by its terms. 6.295.020 Construction of Chapter. The provisions of this Chapter shall be construed liberally to accomplish its purposes. Nothing in this Chapter modifies, repeals or supersedes any provision of another ordinance, rule or requirement that may relate to All-Ages Dances or All-Ages Dance Venues, including but not limited to building, landuse, planning, health and fire codes. 6.295.030 Chapter Subject to New License Code Conflict. This Chapter is subject to the general provisions of the New License Code, Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 6.202, as those provisions now exist or may hereafter be modified. However, if there is a conflict between this Chapter and Chapter 6.202, this Chapter shall govern. 6.295.040 Definitions. For purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. "All-Ages Dance" means any public dance at (1) which persons under age eighteen (18) years are allowed or permitted to attend or (2) at which each patron is not required to show valid picture identification, showing that patron's date of birth, as a condition of entry. B. "All-Ages Dance Venue" means any place or premises where an AllAges Dance is conducted or operated, including but not limited to all hallways, bathrooms and other adjoining areas on the premises accessible to the public during the dance. C. A "concert" is any event at which live music is played or sung, and at which the primary purpose of the person conducting or operating the event is for patrons to view a musical performance. D. A "dance" is any event at which the primary purpose of the person conducting or operating the event is for patrons to dance as that term is commonly defined. However, a "dance" shall not be defined to include an event that is a "concert" as that term is defined by this Chapter. E. "Department" means the Department of Executive Administration of the City of Seattle. F. "Director" means the Director of the Department of Executive Administration of the City of Seattle, or his or her designated representative. G. "Knowingly" shall have the definition set forth in Seattle Municipal Code Section 12A.04.030 B. H. "On-site manager" is the person present at an All-Ages Dance or All-Ages Dance Venue who is responsible for the direct operation and oversight of the dance or venue and supervision of other employees or workers. I. "Person" includes any natural person and, in addition, a company, corporation, partnership, governmental entity, non-profit group or unincorporated association. J. "Public dance" means any dance that is readily accessible to the public. 6.295.050 All-Ages Dance License Required. A. No person shall conduct or operate an All-Ages Dance unless the person who is conducting or operating such dance has obtained a license in accordance with this Chapter. If a fair, festival or other such event includes one or more separate All-Ages Dances, then only one license shall be required pursuant to this Chapter; provided, however, that each such All-Ages Dance or All-Ages Dance Venue must otherwise separately comply with the requirements of this Chapter. B. The requirements of this Chapter shall not apply if the All-Ages Dance admits fewer than two hundred fifty (250) patrons. C. The requirements of this Chapter shall not apply if the All-Ages Dance is sponsored by an accredited educational institution. 6.295.060 License Duration. Each license issued by the Director under this Chapter shall expire on the September 30 next following its issuance. A licensee who desires to renew a license previously issued under this Chapter shall submit a license renewal application on a form to be supplied by the Director. The license renewal application shall include all information required under SMC 6.295.090. Information from the licensee's initial licensing application may be incorporated by reference into the license renewal form to the extent such information is unchanged. If this is done, a copy of the initial licensing application shall be attached to the licensing renewal form. The renewal form shall contain a declaration under penalty of perjury as required by SMC 6.295.090F. 6.295.070 Fees. The fee for a license issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be one hundred twenty dollars ($120). The fee for an initial license obtained after March 30 shall be sixty dollars ($60). Persons who hold a license issued under former Chapter 6.294 of the Seattle Municipal Code are exempt from paying a new license application fee under this section. 6.295.080 Authority of Director. The Director is authorized to: A. Make rules for the interpretation and implementation of this Chapter pursuant to the Administrative Code; and B. Grant, deny, suspend or revoke licenses according to the terms of this Chapter; and C. Collect fees according to the terms of this Chapter. II. LICENSING REQUIREMENTS AND PROCESS 6.295.090 License Application. The person desiring to conduct or operate an All-Ages Dance shall be responsible for obtaining a license. The applicant shall complete a license application, which shall include the following: A. The name (including any aliases or former names), address, day and evening telephone numbers and date of birth of the applicant. If the applicant is not a natural person, then this information shall be provided for both the applicant (excepting date of birth) and for the natural person making the application on behalf of the applicant. If the applicant is not a natural person, the applicant also shall provide the names (including any aliases or former names), addresses, day and evening telephone numbers and dates of birth of the limited partners, partners, owners, and principals of the applicant. B. A statement of indemnification consistent with Municipal Code Section 6.295.150. C. A statement from the applicant that any premises on which the applicant will conduct or operate any All-Ages Dance will comply with all laws and other legal requirements, including but not limited to building, land-use, health, planning and fire codes; and a statement that the applicant and any employee or agent thereof will, in the conduct of any All-Ages Dance, comply with all laws and other legal requirements, including but not limited to the building, land-use, health, planning and fire codes. D. A statement that neither the applicant, nor the natural person making the application on behalf of an applicant that is not a natural person, nor any limited partner, partner, owner or principal of an applicant that is not a natural person: (1) is currently the subject of a license suspension or revocation pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.160; or (2) has at any time been determined to be a sexually-violent predator pursuant to RCW Ch. 71.09 or equivalent statute; or (3) has been convicted within the ten (10) years preceding the filing of the license application of any crime listed in Subsection C of Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.100; or (4) has been convicted within the five (5) years preceding the filing of the license application of any crime listed in Subsection D of Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.100. E. Such other information as the Director requires by rule adopted pursuant to the Administrative Code for the health, safety and welfare of the patrons of All-Ages Dances and All-Ages Dance Venues. F. A certification or declaration under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the information and statements in the application are true and correct. 6.295.100 Approval or Denial of License Application Grounds. A criminal background check will be required. The Director shall grant a license unless the license applicant, or the natural person making the application on behalf of an applicant that is not a natural person, or any limited partner, partner, owner or principal of an applicant that is not a natural person: A. Is currently the subject of a license suspension or revocation pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.160; or B. Has, at any time, been determined to be a sexually-violent predator pursuant to RCW Ch. 71.09 or equivalent statute; or C. Has been convicted within the ten (10) years preceding the filing of such application of: 1. Any sexual crime involving a minor or child as a victim, including but not limited to: such crimes charged under RCW Ch. 9.68A (sexual exploitation of children), or RCW Ch. 9A.44 (sex offenses), or felony crimes charged under RCW Ch. 9A.88 (indecent exposure and prostitution), or such crimes included within RCW 9.94A.030(37) (sex offenses), or such crimes included within RCW 43.43.830(5) (crimes against children or other persons), or a crime for which a finding of sexual motivation has been made pursuant to RCW 9.94A.127, or extortion for sexual favors pursuant to RCW 9A.56.110; or 2. An attempt or conspiracy to commit any crime as set forth in this Subsection C, or of aiding and abetting such crime; or D. Has, under circumstances not requiring license denial pursuant to the preceding Subsections B and C, been convicted within the five (5) years preceding the filing of such application of: 1. Any felony crime involving the unlawful manufacture, sale, delivery, dispensing, distribution, or the possession with intent to manufacture, sell, deliver, dispense or distribute a drug, legend drug, or controlled substance, including but not limited to those crimes charged under RCW Ch. 69.41 (legend drugs), RCW Ch. 69.43 (precursor drugs) and RCW Ch. 69.50 (Uniform Controlled Substances Act; or 2. Any felony crime of violence as defined by RCW 9.41.010(11), a most serious offense as defined by RCW 9.94A.030(27), a violent offense as defined by RCW 9.94A.030(44), or a felony with a deadly weapon finding or verdict under RCW 9.94A.125; or 3. Any sexual offense, including but not limited to: a sex offense as defined by RCW 9.94A.030(37) or RCW Ch. 9A.44, a crime for which a finding of sexual motivation has been made under RCW 9.94A.127, extortion to obtain sexual favors pursuant to RCW 9A.56.110, or sexual offenses included within RCW 43.43.830(5) (crimes against children or other persons), or felony crimes charged under RCW Ch. 9A.88 (indecent exposure and prostitution); or 4. An attempt or conspiracy to commit any crime as set forth in this Subsection D, or of aiding and abetting such crime. 6.295.110 Approval or Denial of License Application Time Frame. The Director normally shall approve or deny a license within ten (10) business days of the filing of a complete application under Municipal Code Sections 6.202.130 and 6.295.090; provided, however, that the Director may take reasonable additional time for approval or denial when necessary to conduct a criminal-history investigation. 6.295.120 License Limited to Licensee. Any license issued under this Chapter shall apply to a single licensee, and shall not be transferable to other persons or licensees. The licensee may use such license at any All-Ages Dance Venue or Venues; provided, however, that such use shall not excuse the licensee or venue from compliance with any ordinance, rule or requirement that may relate to such licensee or venue, including but not limited to building, land-use, planning, health and fire codes; and provided further that such use shall not result in an extension of the duration of such license. 6.295.130 Security Personnel. It shall be the obligation of every licensee under this Chapter to insure: A. That security personnel are employed and in attendance at an AllAges Dance Venue during and following each All-Ages Dance, in order to maintain order and ensure compliance with the law. Specifically, every licensee must provide two (2) persons who have received formal training in crowd control and event management, plus one (1) additional person so trained for every one hundred (100) patrons admitted to the All-Ages Dance or All-Ages Dance Venue in addition to the first two hundred fifty (250) patrons so admitted. B. The licensee of any All Ages Dance which is scheduled to continue after 2:00 A.M. shall hire a minimum of two (2) off-duty Seattle police officers to be in attendance no later than 2:00 A.M. If the licensee does not make other arrangements to hire off-duty police officers, the licensee shall make a written request for such off-duty police officers to be employed through Seattle Security not less than five (5) business days prior to the All Ages Dance. If Seattle Security does not provide written confirmation (by hard copy, electronic mail or facsimile) within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the request that the requested off-duty officers will be available for the dance, the licensee is exempted from the requirement to provide any additional security from off-duty Seattle police officers after 2:00 A.M. 6.295.135 Access-Peace Officers-Director All peace officers of the City of Seattle and/or the Director shall have free access to All-Ages Dance Venues when an All-Ages Dance is being conducted or operated for the purpose of inspection and to enforce compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. 6.295.140 On-Site Manager. It shall be the obligation of every person licensed under this Chapter to insure that at least one on-site manager is employed and in attendance at an All-Ages Dance Venue during and following each AllAges Dance, to be responsible for the direct operation and oversight of the dance and venue and supervision of other employees or workers. 6.295.150 Indemnification. The licensee shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all losses, claims, actions or damages suffered by any person or persons by reason of or resulting from any negligence of the licensee or its agents, employees, or patrons or on account of any act or omission of the licensee in its exercise of its license or use or occupancy of any premises in connection with such license. In the event any suit or action is brought against the City, the licensee shall, upon notice of the commencement thereof, defend the same, at no cost and expense to the City, and promptly satisfy any final judgment adverse to the City or to the City and the licensee jointly; provided, that in the event the City determines that one (1) or more principles of governmental or public law are involved, the City retains the right to participate in such action. The above liability shall not be diminished by the fact, if it be a fact, that any such death, injury, damage, loss, cost or expense may have been, or may be alleged to have been, contributed to by the negligence of the City or its officers, employees or agents; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed as requiring the licensee to indemnify the City against liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of the City, or its officers, employees or agents. III. ENFORCEMENT 6.295.160. Suspension or Revocation Grounds, Duration and Administrative Appeal. A. A license issued pursuant to this Chapter may be suspended or revoked pursuant to the terms of this Chapter upon a finding that any one (1) or more of the following violations exist or have occurred: 1. The license was procured by fraud or false representation or omission of material fact in the license application; or 2. The applicant or licensee, or natural person who made the license application on behalf of the applicant or licensee, or any limited partner, partner, owner or principal of the applicant or licensee has: a. Knowingly made any false statement or given any false information in connection with an application for a license; or b. Violated any of the provisions of this Chapter or has committed any act which is a ground for denial of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter; or 3. The licensee, or any employee or agent thereof, has knowingly allowed or permitted to occur at any All-Ages Dance Venue: a. Any felony crime of violence as defined by RCW 9.41.010(11), a most serious offense as defined by RCW 9.94A.030(27), a violent offense as defined by RCW 9.94A.030(44), or a felony involving the use or display of a deadly weapon ; or b. Any felony sexual offense, including but not limited to a sex offense as defined by RCW 9.94A.030(37) or RCW Ch. 9A.44, a felony as defined by RCW Ch. 9.68A (sexual exploitation of minors) or RCW Ch. 9A.88 (indecent exposure and prostitution), a felony sexual offense included under RCW 43.43.830(5) (crimes against children or other persons), or extortion to obtain sexual favors pursuant to RCW 9A.56.110; or c. Any felony sexual offense involving a minor as the victim, or any crime involving prostitution or promoting prostitution, or indecent exposure; or d. Any act of solicitation for prostitution; or e. The unlawful possession of any weapon or firearm; or 4. On three or more occasions during any one-year period, the licensee or any employee or agent thereof has knowingly allowed or permitted to occur at any All-Ages Dance Venue or combination of Venues: a. The unlawful possession, consumption, opening, sale, purchase or supplying of liquor as defined in RCW 66.04.010(20); or b. The unlawful possession, manufacture, sale, delivery, dispensing, distribution, or the possession with intent to manufacture, sell, deliver, dispense or distribute a drug, legend drug or controlled substance. For purposes of this Subsection A4, the actions or knowledge of an employee or agent of the licensee shall be imputed to the licensee; or 5. On three or more occasions during any one-year period, any building, structure or premises at which the licensee operated or conducted any All-Ages Dance, or any combination of such buildings, structures or premises, failed to comply with the building, land-use, planning, health or fire codes. B. The duration of any suspensions or revocations of licenses issued under this Chapter shall be as follows: 1. A 30-day suspension upon the first violation during any oneyear period; 2. A 90-day suspension upon the second such violation; 3. A one-year revocation upon the third such violation; Provided, however, that if a license is suspended or revoked because any person listed in Subsection A 2 of this Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.160 has been determined to be a sexually-violent predator, or has been convicted of a crime set forth in Subsections C or D of Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.100, then the person against whom such finding or conviction has been entered shall be disqualified from licensing pursuant to this Chapter, or from being an applicant, a limited partner, partner, owner or principal of an applicant, or from making an application on behalf of an applicant under this Chapter, during the relevant periods of disqualification set forth in Subsections B, C or D of Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.100; and Provided further, that the fourth and subsequent occasions during any one-year period on which the licensee or any employee or agent thereof has knowingly allowed or permitted to occur those activities set forth in Subsection A 4 of this Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.160, or on which any building, structure or premises of a licensee has failed to comply with the building, land-use, planning health or fire codes as set forth in Subsection A 5 of this Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.160, each shall be counted as a separate violation for which a license issued pursuant to this Chapter may be suspended or revoked. C. Notice and Administrative Review 1. For each occasion on which it is alleged the licensee, or any employee or agent thereof, has knowingly allowed or permitted those activities set forth in Subsection A 4 of this Seattle Municipal Code Section 6.295.160, or on which any building, structure or premises has failed to comply with the building, land-use, planning health or fire codes as set forth in Subsection A 5 herein, and which occasion does not constitute a violation for which a license issued pursuant to this Chapter may be suspended or revoked, the Director shall give written notice to the affected licensee. Such notice shall be mailed or delivered to the licensee within ten (10) days of such time that the Director was made aware of such occasion. 2. Any such notice shall state that the licensee is entitled to a hearing to respond to the notice and introduce any evidence to refute the allegations contained in the notice. Upon written request filed within ten (10) days after the date of the notice, the Director shall set a hearing date, which shall be not more than fourteen (14) days from the date of the receipt of the request. Failure to file a timely written request shall constitute waiver of any right to review the notice. 3 The hearing shall be held by the Director. 4. The hearing shall be informal, but shall be recorded by electronic means provided by the Director or his or her designee. Within twenty (20) days of the hearing, the Director or his or her designee shall issue a written ruling including factual findings and conclusions, with supporting reasons, affirming, modifying, or reversing the notice. The decision shall be mailed by first class mail to the licensee. 5. The decision of the Director or his or her designee is subject to review by the Hearing Examiner only during a license suspension or revocation hearing as provided for SMC 6.295.180. 6.295.170 Operating without a License. A. Any person who conducts or operates an All-Ages Dance or AllAges Dance Venue without a valid license issued pursuant to this Chapter commits an infraction, the penalty for which cannot exceed $500 (five hundred dollars); provided that if such person previously has been determined to have committed such infraction or has been found guilty under this subsection then such person is guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be punished by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Absolute liability is imposed by this Subsection pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code Section 12A.04.100. B. Any person who has been found to have committed an infraction or who is convicted of a crime pursuant to the above Subsection A is ineligible to apply for an All-Ages Dance license for (30) days following such finding or conviction. 6.295.180 Appeals of License Denials, Suspensions or Revocations. A. Appeals from denials, suspensions or revocations of licenses issued under this Chapter shall be heard and decided by the Hearing Examiner. Except as otherwise provided herein, these appeals shall be heard in the manner prescribed by Seattle Municipal Code Chapters 3.02 and 6.202. B Within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the hearing, the Hearing Examiner shall prepare a written decision and order. An applicant or licensee aggrieved by the decision may seek judicial review of that decision, and may do so only by applying for a writ of review in the King County Superior Court under the provisions of Chapter 7.16 of the Revised Code of Washington. An application for a writ of review must be filed with the Court and served on all parties within fourteen (14) days of the date the decision was issued. IV. MISCELLANEOUS 6.295.190 Music and Youth Commission Composition and Authority. A. There is established a twelve (12)-member Music and Youth Commission. The Music and Youth Commission shall be housed and administratively supported within the Office of Economic Development or such other department or office as the Mayor shall designate. Six (6) Commission members shall be appointed by majority vote of the City Council, and six (6) Commission members shall be appointed by the Mayor, as follows: 1. Five (5) of the six (6) Commission members appointed by the City Council shall be Seattle residents with a demonstrated interest in matters relating to music, dance and all-ages musical and dance events, neighborhood or youth-related issues, public safety or lawenforcement. To the extent possible, these Commission members should represent persons of diverse ages and interests, and should represent a variety of the City's neighborhoods. The City Council also shall endeavor to appoint Commission members that include parents, youth, musicians, persons involved in conducting or operating all-ages musical and dance events or venues, and members of neighborhood groups. Commission members appointed under this subsection may not be employees of the City of Seattle, and will serve without compensation. 2. The sixth Commission member appointed by the City Council shall be a City Council member or Council staff person, and may serve on the Commission in this capacity only as long as he or she remains on the City Council or Council staff, subject to the terms of Subsection B of this Section 6.295.190. 3. The six (6) Commission members appointed by the Mayor shall be City employees with a demonstrated expertise in or professional responsibility for law enforcement, public safety, musical events, or youth or neighborhood issues and related matters. Mayoral appointees shall include, among others, representatives from the police department and fire department. Mayoral appointees may serve on the Commission in this capacity only as long as they remain City employees, subject to the terms of Subsection B of this Section 6.295.190. B. Each Commission member shall serve a two (2)-year term; provided, however, that three (3) of the initial City Council appointees and three (3) of the initial Mayoral appointees shall serve initial terms of one (1) year, to provide for staggered terms. Following the initial appointments, the terms of one-half (1/2) of the Mayoral appointees and one-half (1/2) of the Council appointees shall begin on January 1 of even-numbered years, with all other terms beginning on January 1 of odd-numbered years. No Commission member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. Vacancies shall be filled for the duration of an unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. If a person is appointed to fill the duration of an unexpired term, then that term shall qualify as one (1) of the two (2) consecutive terms only if the portion of the unexpired term actually served is one (1) year or more. If the appointing authority fails to appoint or re-appoint a person to fill a Commission position before the incumbent Commission member's term has expired, then the incumbent may remain in his or her position for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days until such appointment or re-appointment is made. The authority that appointed a Commission member may remove that Commission member at will. The Commission may, by majority vote, remove from office a Commission member who is absent without excuse from three (3) Commission meetings during any one (1)-year period. The Commission shall select a chair, and may adopt, promulgate, amend and rescind administrative rules and regulations for its own conduct. C. The purposes and duties of the Commission are as follows 1. To promote and facilitate communication and understanding between and among all-ages and youth music and dance promoters and licensees, musicians, youth, parents, and governmental officials; and: 2. To promote an understanding of laws, policies and resources relating to all-ages and youth music and dance events and venues in the City, and to make recommendations concerning these laws, policies and resources; and 3. To provide, through its own broad-based membership, an informed opinion concerning all-ages and youth music and dance venues in the City, to complement the work of the City's elected officials and departments in these areas, and to make recommendations to those elected officials; and 4. When pertinent, to solicit public comment on issues relating to all-ages and youth music and dance events and venues in the City. D. In January, 2003, and annually thereafter, the Music and Youth Commission shall report to the City Council on the implementation of this Ordinance. This report shall include a review of licenses issued, license violations and enforcement actions taken, and an assessment of the effectiveness of this ordinance in carrying out its purposes. 6.295.195 Annual Report. The Department shall submit an annual report to the City Council regarding the operation of this ordinance for each of the three years following the effective date of this ordinance. 6.295.200 Validity of Licenses Issued under Former Chapter 6.294. All licenses issued under former Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 6.294 prior to the effective date of this ordinance, and which otherwise would remain valid, shall remain valid for thirty (30) days following the effective date of this ordinance. Section 3. All violations occurring, all proceedings begun, and all notices given under Chapter 6.294 of the Seattle Municipal Code as it existed prior to its repeal by this ordinance shall continue unaffected by this ordinance. Section 4. Severability. The several provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable and the invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten (10) days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Municipal Code Section 1.04.020. Passed by the City Council the _____ day of ____________, .and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this _____ day of _________________, _____________________________________ President _______ of the City Council Approved by me this _____ day of _________________, . ___________________________________________ Mayor Filed by me this _____ day of ____________________, 8/13/2002. ___________________________________________ City Clerk August 12, 2002 (Ver. 5) ta |
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