Seattle Municipal Code Table of Contents
Chapter 18.12 PARKS CODE
- Sections:
- SubChapter I General Provisions
- 18.12.010 Citation.
- 18.12.020 Police power.
- 18.12.025 Purpose and findings.
- 18.12.030 DefinitionsRules of construction.
- 18.12.040 Superintendent's authorityRulemakingEnforcement.
- 18.12.042 Permit system.
- 18.12.045 Terms and conditions.
- 18.12.047 Refund of deposits and fees.
- SubChapter II Property Regulations
- 18.12.050 Posting signs, posters and notices.
- 18.12.060 Distribution of handbills.
- 18.12.070 No-trespassing areasRemoval or destruction of property.
- SubChapter III Animals
- 18.12.080 Animals running at large prohibited.1
- 18.12.085 ViolationCivil penalties.
- 18.12.090 Entering exhibits or game refuge prohibited.
- 18.12.100 Capturing or striking animals prohibited.
- 18.12.110 Animals prohibited in designated areas.
- 18.12.120 Feeding of Zoo and Aquarium animals.
- SubChapter IV Weapons
- 18.12.130 Unlawful use of airguns, bow and arrow or slingshots.
- SubChapter V Prohibited Acts
- 18.12.145 Urinating or defecating prohibited except in restrooms.
- 18.12.150 Soliciting prohibited.
- 18.12.160 Sale of merchandiseConcession contract required.
- 18.12.165 Sale or rental of merchandise or service from park property on hydroplane race day.
- 18.12.170 Sound-amplifying devices.
- SubChapter VI Watercraft and Vehicles
- 18.12.180 Operation or landing of watercraft at designated areas only.
- 18.12.190 Motor-powered watercraft prohibited in certain areas.
- 18.12.195 Fishing for commercial purposes.
- 18.12.200 Use of driveways and boulevardsSpeed limit.
- 18.12.210 Areas closed to general vehicular access.
- 18.12.230 Testing vehicles prohibited.
- 18.12.235 Restrictions on uses of vehicles and animals in a park when the park is not open to the public.
- 18.12.240 Authorization required for competitions and airborne craft.
- SubChapter VII Use Regulations
- 18.12.245 General park operating hoursFour a.m. through Eleven-thirty p.m.
- 18.12.250 Camping.
- 18.12.255 Liquor offenses.
- 18.12.257 Unlawful possession of liquor in a public park.
- 18.12.260 LitteringTrash deposit.
- 18.12.265 Motorized models.
- 18.12.270 Fires.
- 18.12.275 Permits.
- 18.12.278 Park exclusion.
- 18.12.279 Trespass in parksDefinitionPunishment.
- 18.12.280 Discrimination prohibited.
- SubChapter VIII ViolationPenalty
- 18.12.290 Designated