Seattle Comptroller/Clerk Files Index
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Clerk File 323281
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Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) Director's Rules for Cannabis Businesses, Rule Nos. CBR-017-2025, CBR-075-2025, CBR-077-2025, CBR-079-2025, CBR-080-2025, CBR-083-2025, CBR-085-2025, CBR-086-2025, CBR-087-2025, CBR-095-2025, CBR-096-2025, CBR-099-2025, CBR-105-2025, CBR-1055-2025, CBR-106-2025, CBR-110-2025, CBR-147-2025, CBR-150-2025, CBR-155-2025, CBR-310-2025, CBR-410-2025, CBR-415-2025. |
Description and Background | |
Current Status: | Filed |
References: | Supersedes CF 322431 |
Legislative History | |
PDF Copy: | Clerk File 323281 |
Text | |
Department: City of Seattle Department of Finance and Administrative Services Rule No: CBR-017-2025, CBR-075-2025, CBR-077-2025, CBR-079-2025, CBR-080-2025, CBR-083-2025, CBR-085-2025, CBR-086-2025, CBR-087-2025, CBR-095-2025, CBR-096-2025, CBR-099-2025, CBR-105-2025, CBR-1055-2025, CBR-106-2025, CBR-110-2025, CBR-147-2025, CBR-150-2025, CBR-155-2025, CBR-310-2025, CBR-410-2025, CBR-415-2025 Supersedes: CBR-017-2022, CBR-075-2022, CBR-077-2022, CBR-079-2022, CBR-080-2022, CBR-083-2022, CBR-084-2022, CBR-085-2022, CBR-086-2022, CBR-087-2022, CBR-095-2022, CBR-096-2022, CBR-099-2022, CBR-105-2022, CBR-106-2022, CBR-110-2022, CBR-147-2022, CBR-150-2022, CBR-155-2022, CBR-310-2022, CBR-410-2022, CBR-415-2022 Publication: 1/13/2025 Effective: 2/3/2025 Subject: Director's Rules for Cannabis Businesses Code and Section Reference(s): SMC 6.500.100 Approved: Division Director Business Unit Officer Kiersten Grove, Acting Department Director Date Date Date 1. Purpose The following rules provides guidance for implementing SMC 6.500.100 as authorized by the Seattle Municipal Code. 2. Rule The following rules, based on the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), are adopted by the Director or amended for alignment. Violations of or failure to comply with the provisions of these rules shall have the same monetary penalties as those set forth in the applicable provisions of the Washington Administrative Code in accordance with SMC 6.500.170.H.3. 3. Definitions For the purposes of interpreting these Director's Rules, the definitions in WAC 314-55-010 shall apply. Rules CBR-017-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-017) Conditional sales prohibited. Conditional sales of cannabis products are prohibited. (1) Cannabis producers and processors are prohibited from requiring the purchase of other products and/or services by another cannabis licensee as a condition of a transaction of cannabis product. Products and services include, but are not limited to, paraphernalia, lighters, promotional items, unreasonable processing and/or packaging charges. (2) Cannabis retailers are prohibited from requiring a customer to purchase other products and/or services as a condition to purchasing a cannabis product. Products and services include, but are not limited to, paraphernalia, lighters, promotional items, memberships, and bags, boxes, or containers. (3) The selling price of cannabis product must be indicative of the true value when sold without any other products or services. CBR-075-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-075) Cannabis producer license Privileges, requirements, and fees. (1) [Not included] (2) [Not included] (3) [Not included] (4) [Not included] (5) [Not included] (6) [Not included] (7) [Not included] (8) [Not included] (9) [Not included] (10) [Not included] (11) A cannabis producer must make quality assurance test results available to any processor purchasing product. A cannabis producer must label each lot of cannabis with the following information: (a) Lot number; (b) UBI number of the producer; and (c) Weight of the product. CBR-077-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-077) Cannabis processor licensePrivileges, requirements, and fees. (1) [Not included] (2) [Not included] (3) [Not included] (4) [Not included] (5) [Not included] (6) [Not included] (7) [Not included] (8) [Not included] (9) [Not included] (10) To reduce the risk to public health, potentially hazardous foods as defined in WAC 246-215-01115 may not be infused with cannabis. Potentially hazardous foods require time-temperature control to keep them safe for human consumption and prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms or the production of toxins. Any food that requires refrigeration, freezing, or a hot holding unit to keep it safe for human consumption may not be infused with cannabis. (11) Other food items that may not be infused with cannabis to be sold in a retail store include: (a) [Not included] (b) [Not included] (c) [Not included] (d) Fruit or vegetable butters; (e) Pumpkin pies, custard pies, or any pies that contain egg; (f) Dairy products of any kind such as butter, cheese, ice cream, or milk; and (g) Dried or cured meats. (h) [Not included] (i) [Not included] (12) [Not included] (13) [Not included] (14) [Not included] (15) [Not included] (16) [Not included] CBR-079-2025 (Technical Revision) (See WAC 314-55-079) Cannabis retailer licensePrivileges, requirements, and fees. (1) [Not included] (2) [Not included] (3) [Not included] (4) [Not included] (5) Internet sales and delivery of product to customers is prohibited. (6) Sales of cannabis-infused products not permissible under WAC 314-55-077 are prohibited. (7) [Not included] (8) All cannabis products must be stored behind a counter or other barrier to ensure a customer does not have direct access to the product. (9) [Not included] (10) [Not included] (11) [Not included] (12) [Not included] (13) [Not included] (14) [Not included] CBR-080-2025 (Amended) (See WAC 314-55-080) Medical cannabis endorsement. (1) [Not included] (2) [Not included] (3) To maintain a medical cannabis endorsement in good standing, a cannabis retailer must: (a) [Not included] (b) Have a consultant on staff in accordance with chapter 246-72 WAC; (c) (i) Have consulting service hours for entering qualifying patients into the medical cannabis database posted alongside hours of operation as required in WAC 314-55-055; (ii) The requirement in (c)(i) of this subsection can be met by posting a window of time where appointments with cannabis consultants can be scheduled; (d) [Not included] (e) [Not included] (f) [Not included] (g) [Not included] (h) [Not included] (i) [Not included] (j) [Not included] (4) [Not included] (5) [Not included] (6) [Not included] (7) [Not included] CBR-083-2025 (Technical Revision) (See WAC 314-55-083) Security and traceability requirements for cannabis licensees. The security requirements for a cannabis licensee are as follows: (1) Display of identification badge. All licensees and employees on the licensed premises shall be required to hold and properly display an identification badge issued by the licensed employer at all times while on the licensed premises and engaged in the transportation of cannabis. The identification badge must list the licensee's trade name and include the person's full and legal name and photograph. All licensees and employees must have their state issued identification available to verify the information on their badge is correct. (a) All nonemployee visitors to the licensed premises, other than retail store customers, shall be required to hold and properly display an identification badge issued by the licensee at all times while on the licensed premises. (b) A log must be kept and maintained showing the full name of each visitor entering the licensed premises, badge number issued, the time of arrival, time of departure, and the purpose of the visit. (c) All log records must be maintained on the licensed premises for a period of three years and are subject to inspection by any LCB employee or law enforcement officer, and must be copied and provided to the LCB or law enforcement officer upon request. (d) Employees, visitors, and other persons at a cannabis licensed premises, including persons engaged in the transportation of cannabis, must provide identification to the Director upon request. (2) [Not included] (3) Surveillance system. At a minimum, a licensed premises must have a complete video surveillance system with minimum camera resolution of 640 x 470 pixels or pixel equivalent for analog. The surveillance system storage device and/or the cameras must be internet protocol (IP) compatible. All cameras must be fixed and placement must allow for the clear and certain identification of any person and activities in controlled areas of the licensed premises. All entrances and exits to an indoor facility must be recorded from both indoor and outdoor, or ingress and egress vantage points. All cameras must record continuously 24 hours per day and at a minimum of 10 frames per second. The surveillance system storage device must be secured on the licensed premises in a lockbox, cabinet, closet, or secured in another manner to protect from employee tampering or criminal theft. All surveillance recordings must be kept for a minimum of 45 days on the licensee's recording device. All videos are subject to inspection by any LCB employee or law enforcement officer, and must be copied and provided to the LCB or law enforcement officer upon request. All recorded images must clearly and accurately display the time and date. Time is to be measured in accordance with the U.S. National Institute Standards and Technology standards. Controlled areas include: (a) Any area within an indoor, greenhouse or outdoor room or area where cannabis is grown, or cannabis or cannabis waste is being moved within, processed, stored, or destroyed. Rooms or areas where cannabis or cannabis waste is never present are not considered control areas and do not require camera coverage. (b) All point-of-sale (POS) areas. (c) Twenty feet of the exterior of the perimeter of all required fencing and gates enclosing an outdoor grow operation. Any gate or other entry point that is part of the required enclosure for an outdoor growing operation must be lighted in low-light conditions. A motion detection lighting system may be employed to light the gate area in low-light conditions. (d) Any room or area storing a surveillance system storage device. (4) Traceability: To prevent diversion and to promote public safety, cannabis licensees must track cannabis from seed to sale. Licensees must provide the required information on a system specified by the LCB. All costs related to the reporting requirements are borne by the licensee. Cannabis seedlings, clones, plants, lots of useable cannabis or trim, leaves, and other plant matter, batches of extracts, cannabis-infused products, samples, and cannabis waste must be traceable from production through processing, and finally into the retail environment including being able to identify which lot was used as base material to create each batch of extracts or infused products. The following information is required and must be kept completely up-to-date in a system specified by the LCB: (a) [Not included] (b) [Not included] (c) [Not included] (d) [Not included] (e) [Not included] (f) All cannabis plants eight or more inches in height or width must be physically tagged and tracked individually; (g) [Not included] (h) All cannabis, useable cannabis, cannabis-infused products, cannabis concentrates, seeds, plant tissue, clone lots, and cannabis waste must be physically tagged with the unique identifier generated by the traceability system and tracked; (i) [Not included] (j) [Not included] (k) [Not included] (l) [Not included] (m) [Not included] (n) [Not included] (o) [Not included] (p) [Not included] CBR-085-2025 (Technical Revision) (See WAC 314-55-085) What are the transportation requirements for a cannabis licensee? (1) [Not included] (2) [Not included] (3) [Not included] (4) Records of transportation. Records of all transportation must be kept for a minimum of three years at the licensee's location and are subject to inspection. (5) Transportation of product. Cannabis or cannabis products that are being transported must meet the following requirements: (a) Only the cannabis licensee, an employee of the licensee, a transportation licensee, or a certified testing lab may transport product and/or occupy a transporting vehicle; (b) Drivers and/or occupants of a transporting vehicle must be 21 years of age or older; (c) Cannabis or cannabis products must be in a sealed package or container approved by the LCB pursuant to WAC 314-55-105; (d) Sealed packages or containers cannot be opened during transport; (e) Cannabis or cannabis products must be in a locked, safe and secure storage compartment that is secured to the inside body/compartment of the vehicle transporting the cannabis or cannabis products; (f) Any vehicle transporting cannabis or cannabis products must travel directly from the shipping licensee to the receiving licensee and must not make any unnecessary stops in between except to other facilities receiving product; (g) Live plants may be transported in a fully enclosed, windowless locked trailer, or in a secured area within the inside body/compartment of a van or box truck. A secured area is defined as an area where solid or locking metal petitions, cages, or high strength shatterproof acrylic can be used to create a secure compartment in the fully enclosed van or box truck. The secure compartment in the fully enclosed van or box truck must be free of windows. Live plants may not be transported in the bed of a pickup truck, a sports utility vehicle, or passenger car. (6) [Not included] (7) All cannabis plants, clones, seeds, lots, batches, intermediate products, end products, vendor samples, and sample jars must remain physically tagged during transport. CBR-086-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-086) Mandatory signage. (1) All licensed cannabis processors, producers, and retailers, with the exception of licensed retailers with a medical cannabis endorsement, must conspicuously post a notice provided by the board about persons under 21 years of age at each entry to all licensed premises. The notice must contain all of the following language: "Persons under 21 years of age not permitted on these premises." (2) All licensed retailers with a medical cannabis endorsement must conspicuously post a notice provided by the board regarding persons under 21 years of age at each entry to all licensed medical cannabis premises. The notice must contain all of the following language: "Persons under 21 years of age not permitted on these premises without a valid qualifying patient card. Qualifying patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by their designated provider at all times." (3) All licensed cannabis retailers must conspicuously post a sign provided by the board regarding the use of cannabis during pregnancy and breastfeeding as follows: (a) At each point of sale; and (b) In a location easily visible to employees. (4) All licensed cannabis retailers must conspicuously post a notice provided by the board prohibiting the opening of a package of cannabis or cannabis-infused product in public or consumption of cannabis or cannabis-infused products in public. The notice must be posted in plain view at the main entrance of the cannabis retail establishment. (5) All licensed cannabis processors, producers, and retailers must conspicuously post on the premises and make available their current and valid master license or licenses with appropriate endorsements for inspection by the Director. (6) Firearms prohibited signs provided by the board must be posted at the entrance of each producer, processor, and retailer licensed location. CBR-087-2025 (Amended) (See WAC 314-55-087) Recordkeeping requirements for cannabis licensees. (1) Cannabis licensees are responsible to keep records that clearly reflect all financial transactions and the financial condition of the business. The following records must be kept and maintained on the licensed premises for a five-year period and must be made available for inspection if requested by the Director: (a) Purchase invoices and supporting documents, to include the items and/or services purchased, from whom the items were purchased, and the date of purchase; (b) Bank statements and canceled checks for any accounts relating to the licensed business; (c) Accounting and tax records related to the licensed business and each true party of interest; (d) Records of all financial transactions related to the licensed business, including contracts and/or agreements for services performed or received that relate to the licensed business; (e) [Not included]; (f) Records of each daily application of pesticides applied to the cannabis plants or growing medium. For each application, the producer shall record the following information on the same day the application is made: (i) Full name of each employee who applied the pesticide; (ii) The date the pesticide was applied; (iii) The name of the pesticide or product name listed on the registration label which was applied; (iv) The concentration and total amount of pesticide per plant; and (v) [Not included] (g) Soil amendment, fertilizers, or other crop production aids applied to the growing medium or used in the process of growing cannabis; (h) [Not included] (i) [Not included] (j) Transportation records as described in WAC 314-55-085; (k) Inventory records; (l) All samples sent to an independent testing lab and the quality assurance test results; (m) All free samples provided to another licensee for purposes of negotiating a sale; (n) All samples used for testing for quality by the producer or processor; (o) Sample jars containing usable cannabis provided to retailers; (p) Records of any theft of cannabis seedlings, clones, plants, trim or other plant material, extract, cannabis-infused product, or other item containing cannabis; (q) Records of any cannabis product provided free of charge to qualifying patients or designated providers; (r) Detailed sales records including, but not limited to, date of sale, sale price, item sold, and taxes assessed; (s) Records for medical cannabis patient excise tax exemptions as required in WAC 314-55-090. (2) [Not included] (3) The provisions contained in subsections (1) and (2) of this section do not eliminate the requirement to maintain source documents, but they do allow the source documents to be maintained in some other location. CBR-095-2025 (Amended) (See WAC 314-55-095) Cannabis servings and transaction limitations. Personal possession limits and transaction limits are detailed in RCW 69.50.360 and 69.50.4013. (1) For persons age 21 and older and qualifying patients or designated providers who are not entered into the medical cannabis authorization database, cannabis serving and transaction limitations are as follows: (a) Single serving. A single serving of a cannabis-infused product must not exceed 10 milligrams of active delta-9 THC. Additional tetrahydrocannabinol compounds other than delta-9 THC may be present in the product, but any single tetrahydrocannabinol compound other than delta-9 THC must not exceed 0.5 milligrams per serving, and the combined concentration of additional tetrahydrocannabinol compounds must not exceed 1.0 milligram per serving. (b) Single Package. Any one single package of cannabis-infused product meant to be eaten or swallowed or otherwise taken into the body must not exceed 100 milligram of active delta-9 THC. (c) Single concentrate unit. A single unit of cannabis concentrate cannot exceed one gram. (d) Transaction limits. (i) A single transaction is limited to: (A) One ounce of useable cannabis; (B) Sixteen ounces of cannabis-infused product meant to be eaten or swallowed in solid form; (C) Seven grams of cannabis-infused extract or cannabis concentrate for inhalation; (D) Ten units of a cannabis-infused product otherwise taken into the body; (E) Seventy two ounces of cannabis-infused product in liquid form for oral ingestion or applied topically to the skin, unless the product is packaged in individual units containing no more than four milligrams of active delta-9 THC per unit; and (F) 200 mg of active delta-9 THC within a cannabis-infused product in liquid form if the product is packaged in individual units containing no more than four milligrams of active delta-9 THC per unit. (ii) A licensee or employee of a licensee is prohibited from conducting a transaction that facilitates an individual in obtaining more than the personal possession amount. (2) For qualifying patients and designated providers who are entered into the medical cannabis authorization database, serving and transaction limits are as follows: (a) Single serving. Except as provided in chapter 246-70 WAC, a single serving of a cannabis-infused product meant to be eaten, swallowed, or applied must not exceed 10 milligrams of active delta-9 THC. Additional tetrahydrocannabinol compounds other than delta-9 THC may be present in the product, but any additional single tetrahydrocannabinol compound other than delta-9 THC must not exceed 0.5 milligrams per serving, and the combined concentration of additional tetrahydrocannabinol compounds must not exceed 1.0 milligram per serving. (b) Single package. Except as provided in chapter 246-70 WAC, a single package of cannabis-infused product meant to be eaten, swallowed or applied must not exceed 100 milligrams of active delta-9 THC. (c) Single concentrate unit. A single unit of cannabis concentrate cannot exceed one gram. (d) Transaction limitation. A single transaction by a retail store with a medical cannabis endorsement to a qualifying patient or designated provider who is entered into the medical cannabis database is limited to three ounces of usable cannabis, 48 ounces of cannabis-infused product meant to be eaten or swallowed in solid form, 21 grams of cannabis-infused extract or cannabis concentrate for inhalation, and 216 ounces of cannabis-infused product in liquid form meant to be eaten or swallowed, and up to 200 mg of active delta-9 THC within a cannabis-infused product in liquid form meant to be eaten or swallowed if product is packaged in individual units containing no more than four milligrams of active delta-9 THC per unit. (3) [Not included] CBR-096-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-096) Samples. (1) [Not included] (2) [Not included] (3) [Not included] (4) [Not included] (5) Retailers may not provide free samples to customers. (6) [Not included] (7) [Not included] CBR-099-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-099) Standardized scales. (1) Cannabis producer and processor licensees must have at least one scale on the licensed premises for the traceability and inventory of products. (2) The scales and other measuring devices are subject to chapter 19.94 RCW, and must meet the requirements of the most current version of chapter 16-662 WAC. (3) Licensees must register scales on a business license application with business license services through the department of revenue as required under chapter 19.94 RCW. CBR-105-2025 (Amended) (See WAC 314-55-105) Cannabis product packaging and labeling. (1) The following definitions apply to this section, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (a) "Cartoon" means any drawing or other depiction of an object, person, animal, creature, or any similar caricature that meets any of the following criteria: (i) The use of comically exaggerated features; (ii) The attribution of human characteristics to animals, plants, or other objects; (iii) The attribution of animal, plant, or other object characteristics to humans; (iv) The attribution of unnatural or extra-human abilities. (b) "Child resistant packaging" means packaging that is used to reduce the risk of poisoning in persons under the age of 21 through the ingestion of potentially hazardous items including, but not limited to, cannabis concentrates, useable cannabis, and cannabis-infused products. (c) "Especially appealing to persons under the age of 21" means a product or label that includes, but is not limited to: (i) The use of cartoons; (ii) Bubble-type or other cartoon-like font; (iii) A design, brand, or name that resembles a noncannabis consumer product that is marketed to persons under the age of 21; (iv) Symbols or celebrities that are commonly used to market products to persons under the age of 21; (v) Images of persons under the age of 21; or (vi) Similarities to products or words that refer to products that are commonly associated or marketed to persons under the age of 21. (d) "Cannabis concentrates" means products consisting wholly or in part of the resin extracted from any part of the plant Cannabis and having a THC concentration greater than 10 percent, consistent with RCW 69.50.101. (e) "Cannabis edible" means a cannabis-infused product as defined in RCW 69.50.101. (f) "Cannabis topical" or "topical" means any product containing parts of the cannabis plant that is intended for application to the body's surface including, but not limited to, lotions, ointments, salves, gels, or cream that are not intended for ingestion, inhalation, or insertion by humans or animals. (g) "Structure and function claims" mean a description of the role of a cannabis product intended to affect normal structure and function in humans, characterized by the means by which a cannabis product acts to maintain such structure or function, or describe the general well-being from consumption of a cannabis product, consistent with the guidance provided in 21 U.S.C. Sec. 343(6). (h) "Useable cannabis" means dried cannabis flowers consistent with RCW 69.50.101. The term "useable cannabis" does not include either cannabis-infused products or cannabis concentrates. (2) Cannabis concentrates. The following standards apply to all packaging and labeling of marijuana concentrates: (a) [Not included] (b) Cannabis concentrates must be packaged: (i) In child resistant packaging consistent with 16 C.F.R. Part 1700, Poison Prevention Packaging Act; or (ii) In plastic that is two mil or greater in thickness, heat sealed without an easy-open tab, dimple, corner, or flap that will protect persons under the age of 21 from accidental exposure to cannabis concentrates. (c) Cannabis concentrates must not be labeled as organic unless permitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture consistent with the Organic Foods Production Act. (d) Cannabis concentrate labels must comply with the version of NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Packaging and Labeling regulation adopted in chapter 16-662 WAC. (e) Cannabis concentrate labels must clearly and visibly provide all of the following information: (i) The business or trade name and the nine-digit Washington state unified business identifier (UBI) number of the cannabis producer and processor; (ii) The lot number of the product. This must be the same number that appears on the transport manifest; (iii) The net weight in ounces and grams or volume as applicable; (iv) Total THC, calculated individually for each tetrahydrocannabinol compound present in amounts greater than 0.2 mg/g, as defined in WAC 314-55-010, using the formula referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (v) Total CBD (cannabidiol) meaning the concentration of CBDA and CBD, using the formulas referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (vi) Medically and scientifically accurate and reliable information about the health and safety risks posed by cannabis use; (vii) If solvents were used to create concentrate or extract, a statement that discloses the type of extraction method, including in solvents or gases used to create the concentrate; and (viii) A complete list of any other chemicals, compounds, additives, thickening agents, terpenes, or other substances used to produce or added to the concentrate or extract at any point during production. A copy of the complete list of chemicals, compounds, additives, thickening agents, terpenes, or other substances must be kept and maintained at the facility in which the cannabis concentrates are processed. (f) Cannabis concentrate labels may not contain any statement, depiction, or illustration that: (i) Is false or misleading, consistent with guidance provided in 21 C.F.R. Sec. 101.18(a); (ii) Promotes over consumption; (iii) Represents that the use of cannabis has curative or therapeutic effects; (iv) Depicts a person under the age of 21 consuming cannabis; or (v) Is especially appealing to persons under 21 years of age as defined in subsection (1)(c) of this section. (g) The following statements must be included on all marijuana concentrate labels: (i) "Warning - May be habit forming;" (ii) "Unlawful outside Washington State;" (iii) "It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of cannabis;" (iv) The cannabis universal symbol as provided in WAC 314-55-106; and (v) "Smoking is hazardous to your health." (h) Product labeling for cannabis concentrates identified as compliant cannabis product under RCW 69.50.375(4) and chapter 246-70 WAC may include: (i) A structure or function claim describing the intended role of the product to maintain the structure or any function of the body; or (ii) Characterization of the documented mechanism by which the product acts to maintain such structure or function, provided that the claim is truthful and not misleading. (iii) Any statement made under this subsection may not claim to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (i) Where there is one statement made under (h) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product that is not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "This statement has not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (j) Where there is more than one statement made under (h) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product that is not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "These statements have not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (3) Cannabis edibles in solid form. The following standards apply to all packaging and labeling of cannabis edibles in solid form: (a) [Not included] (b) Cannabis edibles in solid form must be packaged: (i) In child resistant packaging consistent with 16 C.F.R. Part 1700, Poison Prevention Packaging Act; or (ii) In plastic that is two mil or greater in thickness, heat sealed without an easy-open tab, dimple, corner, or flap that will protect persons under the age of 21 from accidental exposure to cannabis edibles in solid form. (c) Cannabis-infused edibles in solid form, such as capsules, lozenges, and similar products approved by the board on a case-by-case basis may be packaged loosely within a resealing outer package that is child resistant in accordance with Title 16 C.F.R. 1700 of the Poison Prevention Packaging Act. (d) Cannabis edibles in solid form must not be labeled as organic unless permitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture consistent with the Organic Foods Production Act. (e) Labels for cannabis edibles in solid form must comply with the version of NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Packaging and Labeling regulation adopted in chapter 16-662 WAC. (f) Labels for cannabis edibles in solid form must clearly and visibly provide all of the following information: (i) The business or trade name and the nine -digit Washington state unified business identifier (UBI) number of the licensees that produced and processed the cannabis or cannabis products; (ii) The lot number of the product. This must be the same number that appears on the transport manifest; (iii) The serving size, the amount of product per serving, and the number of servings contained within the package must be prominently displayed; (iv) Net weight in ounces and grams or volume as applicable; (v) Total THC, calculated individually for each tetrahydrocannabinol compound present in amounts greater than 0.2 mg/g, as defined in WAC 314-55-010, using the formula referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (vi) Total CBD (cannabidiol) meaning the concentration of CBDA and CBD, using the formulas referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (vii) Medically and scientifically accurate and reliable information about the health and safety risks posed by cannabis use; (viii) A list of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight or volume as applicable and a list of major food allergens as defined in the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004; (ix) If solvents were used, a statement that discloses the type of extraction method, including any solvents, gases, or other chemicals or compounds used to produce or that were added to the extract. (g) Labels for cannabis edibles in solid form may not contain any statement, depiction, or illustration that: (i) Is false or misleading, consistent with guidance provided in 21 C.F.R. Sec. 101.18(a); (ii) Promotes over consumption; (iii) Represents that the use of cannabis has curative or therapeutic effects; (iv) Depicts a person under the age of 21 consuming cannabis, or is especially appealing to persons under 21 years of age as defined in subsection (1)(c) of this section. (h) The following warning statements must be included on all labels for all cannabis edibles in solid form. The following warning statements must be legible, unobscured, and visible to the consumer: (i) "Warning - May be habit forming;" (ii) "Unlawful outside Washington State;" (iii) "It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of cannabis;" (iv) The cannabis universal symbol as provided in WAC 314-55-106; and (v) "Caution: Intoxicating effects may be delayed by 2+ hours." (i) Product labeling for cannabis edibles in solid form identified as compliant cannabis product under RCW 69.50.375 and chapter 246-70 WAC may include: (i) A structure or function claim describing the intended role of the product to maintain the structure or any function of the body; or (ii) Characterization of the documented mechanism by which the product acts to maintain such structure or function, provided that the claim is truthful and not misleading. (iii) Any statement made under this subsection may not claim to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (j) Where there is one statement made under (i) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided it is not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "This statement has not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (k) Where there is more than one statement made under (h) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided they are not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "These statements have not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (4) Cannabis edibles in liquid form. The following standards apply to all packaging and labeling of cannabis edibles in liquid form: (a) [Not included] (b) Cannabis edibles in liquid form must be packaged: (i) In child resistant packaging consistent with 16 C.F.R. Part 1700, Poison Prevention Packaging Act; or (ii) In plastic that is two mil or greater in thickness, heat sealed without an easy-open tab, dimple, corner, or flap that will protect persons under the age of 21 from accidental exposure to cannabis edibles in liquid form. (iii) Cannabis edibles in liquid form that include more than one serving must be packaged with a resealable closure or cap. Cannabis edibles in liquid form must include a measuring device such as a measuring cup or dropper. Hash marks on the bottle or package qualify as a measuring device. (c) Cannabis edibles in liquid form must not be labeled as organic unless permitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture consistent with the Organic Foods Production Act. (d) Labels for cannabis edibles in liquid form must comply with the version of NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Packaging and Labeling regulation adopted in chapter 16-662 WAC. (e) Labels for cannabis edibles in liquid form must clearly and visibly provide all of the following information: (i) The business or trade name and the nine-digit Washington state unified business identifier (UBI) number of the licensees that produced and processed the cannabis or cannabis products; (ii) The lot number of the product. This must be the same number that appears on the transport manifest; (iii) The serving size, the amount of product per serving, and the number of servings contained within the package must be prominently displayed; (iv) Net weight in ounces and grams or volume as applicable; (v) Total THC, calculated individually for each tetrahydrocannabinol compound present in amounts greater than 0.2 mg/g, as defined in WAC 314-55-010, using the formula referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (vi) Total CBD (cannabidiol) meaning the concentration of CBDA and CBD, using the formulas referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (vii) Medically and scientifically accurate and reliable information about the health and safety risks posed by cannabis use; (viii) A list of all ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight or volume as applicable and a list of major food allergens as defined in the Food Allergen Labeling and Protections Act of 2004; (ix) If solvents were used, a statement that discloses the type of extraction method, including any solvents, gases, or other chemicals or compounds used to produce or added to the extract. (f) Labels for cannabis edibles in liquid form may not contain any statement, depiction, or illustration that: (i) Is false or misleading, consistent with guidance provided in 21 C.F.R. Sec. 101.18(a); (ii) Promotes over consumption; (iii) Represents the use of cannabis has curative or therapeutic effects; (iv) Depicts a person under the age of 21 consuming cannabis, or is especially appealing to persons 21 years of age as defined in subsection (1)(c) of this section. (g) The following warning statements must be included on all labels for all cannabis edibles in liquid form. The following warning statements must be legible, unobscured, and visible to the consumer: (i) "Warning May be habit forming;" (ii) "Unlawful outside Washington State;" (iii) "It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of cannabis;" (iv) The cannabis universal symbol as provided in WAC 314-55-106; and (v) "Caution: Intoxicating effects may be delayed by 2+ hours." (h) Product labeling for cannabis edibles in liquid form identified as compliant cannabis product under RCW 69.50.375(4) and chapter 246-70 WAC may include: (i) A structure or function claim describing the intended role of the product to maintain the structure or any function of the body; or (ii) Characterization of the documented mechanism by which the product acts to maintain such structure or function, provided that the claim is truthful and not misleading. (iii) Any statement made under this subsection may not claim to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (i) Where there is one statement made under (h) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided it is not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "This statement has not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (j) Where there is more than one statement made under (h) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided they are not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "These statements have not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (5) Useable cannabis. The following standards apply to all packaging and labeling of useable cannabis: (a) [Not included] (b) Useable cannabis must not be labeled as organic unless permitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture consistent with the Organic Foods Production Act. (c) Useable cannabis must comply with the version of NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Packaging and Labeling regulation adopted in chapter 16-662 WAC. (d) Labels for useable cannabis must clearly and visibly provide all of the following information: (i) The business or trade name and the nine-digit Washington state unified business identifier (UBI) number of the licensees that produced and processed the cannabis or cannabis products; (ii) The lot number of the product. This must be the same number that appears on the transport manifest; (iii) Net weight in ounces and grams or volume as applicable; (iv) Total THC, calculated individually for each tetrahydrocannabinol compound present in amounts greater than 0.2 mg/g, as defined in WAC 314-55-010, using the formula referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (v) Total CBD (cannabidiol) meaning the concentration of CBDA and CBD, using the formulas referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (vi) Medically and scientifically accurate and reliable information about the health and safety risks posed by cannabis use. (e) Labels for useable cannabis may not contain any statement, depiction, or illustration that: (i) Is false or misleading, consistent with guidance provided in 21 C.F.R. Sec. 101.18(a); (ii) Promotes over consumption; (iii) Represents the use of cannabis has curative or therapeutic effects; (iv) Depicts a person under the age of 21 consuming cannabis, or is especially appealing to persons under 21 years of age as defined in subsection (1)(c) of this section. (f) The following warning statements must be included on all labels for all useable marijuana. The following warning statements must be legible, unobscured, and visible to the consumer: (i) "Warning May be habit forming;" (ii) "Unlawful outside Washington State;" (iii) "It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of cannabis;" (iv) The cannabis universal symbol as provided in WAC 314-55-106; and (v) "Smoking is hazardous to your health." (g) Product labeling for useable cannabis identified as compliant cannabis product under RCW 69.50.375(4) and chapter 246-70 WAC may include: (i) A structure or function claim describing the intended role of the product to maintain the structure or any function of the body; or (ii) Characterization of the documented mechanism by which the product acts to maintain such structure or function, provided that the claim is truthful and not misleading. (iii) Any statement made under this subsection may not claim to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (h) Where there is one statement made under (g) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided it is not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "This statement has not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (i) Where there is more than one statement made under (g) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided they are not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "These statements have not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (6) Cannabis mix. Cannabis mix is defined in WAC 314-55-010(7) as an intermediate lot that contains multiple strains of useable cannabis and is chopped or ground so no particles are greater than 3 mm. The following standards apply to all packaging and labeling of cannabis mix: (a) [Not included] (b) Cannabis mix must not be labeled as organic unless permitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture consistent with the Organic Foods Production Act. (c) Cannabis mix must comply with the version of NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Packaging and Labeling regulation adopted in chapter 16-662 WAC. (d) Labels for cannabis mix must clearly and visibly provide all of the following information: (i) The business or trade name and the nine-digit Washington state unified business identifier (UBI) number of the licensees that produced and processed the cannabis or cannabis products; (ii) The lot number of the product. This must be the same number that appears on the transport manifest; (iii) Net weight in ounces and grams or volume as applicable; (iv) Total THC, calculated individually for each tetrahydrocannabinol compound present in amounts greater than 0.2 mg/g, as defined in WAC 314-55-010, using the formula referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (v) Total CBD (cannabidiol) meaning the concentration of CBDA and CBD, using the formulas referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (vi) Medically and scientifically accurate and reliable information about the health and safety risks posed by cannabis use; (vii) If solvents were used, a statement that discloses the type of extraction method, including any solvents, gases, or other chemicals or compounds used to produce or added to the extract; (viii) Any other chemicals or compounds used to produce or were added to the concentrate or extract. (e) Labels for cannabis mix form may not contain any statement, depiction, or illustration that: (i) Is false or misleading, consistent with guidance provided in 21 C.F.R. Sec. 101.18(a); (ii) Promotes over consumption; (iii) Represents the use of cannabis has curative or therapeutic effects; (iv) Depicts a person under the age of 21 consuming cannabis, or is especially appealing to persons under 21 years of age as defined in subsection (1)(c) of this section. (f) The following warning statements must be included on all labels for all cannabis mix. The following warning statements must legible, unobscured, and visible to the consumer: (i) "Warning May be habit forming;" (ii) "Unlawful outside Washington State;" (iii) "It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of cannabis;" (iv) The cannabis universal symbol as provided in WAC 314-55-106; and (v) "Smoking is hazardous to your health." (g) Product labeling for cannabis mix identified as compliant marijuana product under RCW 69.50.375(4) and chapter 246-70 WAC may include: (i) A structure or function claim describing the intended role of the product to maintain the structure or any function of the body; or (ii) Characterization of the documented mechanism by which the product acts to maintain such structure or function, provided that the claim is truthful and not misleading. (iii) Any statement made under this subsection may not claim to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (h) Where there is one statement made under (g) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided it is not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "This statement has not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (i) Where there is more than one statement made under (g) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided they are not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "These statements have not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (7) Cannabis topicals. The following standards apply to all packaging and labeling of cannabis topicals: (a) [Not included] (b) Cannabis topicals must not be labeled as organic unless permitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture consistent with the Organic Foods Production Act. (c) Cannabis topicals must comply with the version of NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Packaging and Labeling regulation adopted in chapter 16-662 WAC. (d) Labels for cannabis topicals must clearly and visibly provide all of the following information: (i) The business or trade name and the nine-digit Washington state unified business identifier (UBI) number of the licensees that produced and processed the cannabis or cannabis products; (ii) The lot number of the product. This must be the same number that appears on the transport manifest; (iii) The label must prominently display the net weight in ounces and grams or volume as applicable, and may not exceed serving and transaction limits as described in WAC 314-55-095; (iv) Total THC, calculated individually for each tetrahydrocannabinol compound present in amounts greater than 0.2 mg/g, as defined in WAC 314-55-010, using the formula referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (v) Total CBD (cannabidiol) meaning the concentration of CBDA and CBD, using the formulas referenced in WAC 314-55-102; (vi) Medically and scientifically accurate and reliable information about the health and safety risks posed by cannabis use; and (vii) A list of all ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight or volume as applicable. (e) Labels for cannabis topicals may not contain any statement, depiction, or illustration that: (i) Is false or misleading, consistent with guidance provided in 21 C.F.R. Sec. 101.18(a); (ii) Promotes over consumption; (iii) Represents the use of cannabis has curative or therapeutic effects; (iv) Depicts a person under the age of 21 consuming cannabis, or is especially appealing to persons under 21 years of age as defined in subsection (1)(c) of this section. (f) The following warning statements must be included on all labels for all cannabis topicals. The following warning statements must be legible, unobscured, and visible to the consumer: (i) "Unlawful outside Washington State;" (ii) The cannabis universal symbol as provided in WAC 314-55-106; and (iii) "DO NOT EAT" in bold, capital letters. (g) Product labeling for cannabis topicals identified as compliant marijuana product under RCW 69.50.375(4) and chapter 246-70 WAC may include: (i) A structure or function claim describing the intended role of the product to maintain the structure or any function of the body; or (ii) Characterization of the documented mechanism by which the product acts to maintain such structure or function, provided that the claim is truthful and not misleading. (iii) Any statement made under this subsection may not claim to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (h) Where there is one statement made under (g) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided it is not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "This statement has not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (i) Where there is more than one statement made under (g) of this subsection, or there is a warning describing the psychoactive effects of the cannabis product, provided they are not false or misleading, the disclaimer must state, "These statements have not been evaluated by the State of Washington. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." (8) Optional label information. Optional label information includes the following: Harvest date, "best by" date, and manufactured dates. (9) Accompanying materials. Accompanying materials must be provided with a cannabis product or made available to the consumer purchasing cannabis products. A producer or processor must provide the following product-specific information, for as long as the product is for sale, through an internet link, web address, or QR code on the product label as follows: (a) A statement disclosing all pesticides applied to the cannabis plants and growing medium during production of the useable cannabis or the base cannabis used to create the concentrate or the extract added to infused products; (b) A list disclosing all of the chemicals, compounds, additives, thickening agents, terpenes, or other substances added to any cannabis concentrate during or after production. (10) Upon request materials. A consumer may request the name of the certified lab and quality assurance test results for any cannabis or cannabis product. A retailer must provide the information upon request. CBR-1055-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-1055) Ingredient Disclosure (1) All licensed cannabis processors and producers must disclose all ingredients used in the production of cannabis concentrates for inhalation and cannabis-infused extracts for inhalation. (2) All chemicals, compounds, additives, preservatives, thickening agents, terpenes, and other substances used at any point in the production or processing of cannabis concentrates for inhalation or cannabis-infused extracts for inhalation, regardless of source or origin, must be disclosed to the board as follows: (a) On a form provided by the board and stored by the licensee, either electronically or in hard copy, and made available for inspection if requested by the Director; and (b) In a manner directed by the board including, but not limited to, submission to an email address or other online platform provided and maintained by the board. (3) The complete list of all chemicals, compounds, additives, preservatives, thickening agents, terpenes, and other substances used at any point in the production or processing of cannabis concentrates for inhalation or cannabis-infused extracts for inhalation, regardless of source or origin, that is required under subsection (2) of this section must be kept and maintained, consistent with recordkeeping requirements described in WAC 314-55-087, at the facility in which the products are processed. The list must be updated whenever there is any change in product composition. CBR-106-2025 (Technical Revisions) (See WAC 314-55-106) Cannabis warning symbol requirement. The following requirements are in addition to the packaging and labeling requirements provided in WAC 314-55-105. (1) Cannabis-infused products for oral ingestion sold at retail must be labeled on the principal display panel or front of the product package with the "not for kids" warning symbol ("warning symbol") created and made available in digital form to licensees without cost by the Washington poison center (WPC). The warning symbol may be found on the WPC's web site. (a) The warning symbol must be of a size so as to be legible, readily visible by the consumer, and effective to alert consumers and children that the product is not for kids, but must not be smaller than three- quarters of an inch in height by one-half of an inch in width; and (b) The warning symbol must not be altered or cropped in any way other than to adjust the sizing for placement on the principal display panel or front of the product package, except that a licensee must use a black border around the edges of the white background of the warning symbol image when the label or packaging is also white to ensure visibility of the warning symbol. (c) Licensees may download the digital warning symbol from the WPC and print stickers, or purchase and use a sticker made available by the WPC, in lieu of incorporating the warning symbol on its label or packaging as required under subsection (1) of this section. If a licensee elects to use a warning symbol sticker, the sticker: (i) Must meet all requirements of (a) and (b) of this subsection; and (ii) Must not cover or obscure in any way labeling or information required on cannabis products by WAC 314-55-105. (2) All cannabis products sold at retail must be labeled on the principal display panel or front of the product package with the cannabis universal symbol ("universal symbol") created and made available in digital form to licensees without cost by the LCB. The digital file for the universal symbol is available on the LCB's website. (a) The universal symbol must be of a size so as to be legible, readily visible by the consumer, and effective to alert consumers that the product is or contains cannabis, but must not be smaller than three-quarters of an inch in height by three-quarters of an inch in width; (b) The universal symbol must not be altered or cropped in any way other than to adjust the sizing for placement on the principal display panel or front of the product package; and (c) Licensees may download the digital universal symbol from the LCB's website and print stickers in lieu of incorporating the universal symbol on the label or packaging as required under (a) and (b) of this subsection. If a licensee elects to use a universal symbol sticker, the sticker: (i) Must meet all requirements of this section; and (ii) Must not cover or obscure in any way labeling or information required on cannabis products by WAC 314-55-105. (3) For the purposes of this section, "principal display panel" means the portion(s) of the surface of the immediate package, or of any outer package or wrapping, which bear(s) the labeling designed to be most prominently displayed, shown, presented, or examined under conditions of retail sale. "Immediate package" means the external container holding the cannabis product. CBR-110-2025 (Technical Revision) (See WAC 314-55-110) What are my responsibilities as a cannabis licensee? (1) [Not included] (2) [Not included] (3) [Not included] (4) Licensees must control their conduct and the conduct of employees, customers, and visitors on the licensed premises at all times. Except as otherwise provided by law, licensees or employees may not: (a) Be disorderly or apparently intoxicated by liquor, cannabis, or controlled substances on the licensed premises; (b) Permit any disorderly person to remain on the licensed premises; (c) Engage in or allow behavior on the licensed premises that provokes conduct which presents a threat to public safety; (d) Engage, or permit any employee or other person to engage in, conduct on the licensed premises which is prohibited by any portion of Title 9, 9A, or 66 RCW, or chapters 69.50 and 69.51A RCW; (e) Engage in or permit any employee or other person to engage in the consumption of any type of cannabis, usable cannabis, cannabis concentrate, or cannabis-infused product on the licensed premises. CBR-147-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-147) What hours may a cannabis retailer licensee conduct sales? A cannabis retailer licensee may sell usable cannabis, cannabis concentrates, cannabis-infused products, and cannabis paraphernalia between the hours of 8 a.m. and 12 a.m. CBR-150-2025 (No Change) (See WAC 314-55-150) What are the forms of acceptable identification? (1) Following are the forms of identification that are acceptable to verify a person's age for the purpose of purchasing cannabis: (a) Driver's license, instruction permit, or identification card of any state, or province of Canada, from a U.S. territory or the District of Columbia, or "identicard" issued by the Washington state department of licensing per RCW 46.20.117; (b) United States armed forces identification card issued to active duty, reserve, and retired personnel and the personnel's dependents, which may include an embedded, digital signature in lieu of a visible signature; (c) Passport; (d) Merchant Marine identification card issued by the United States Coast Guard; and (e) Enrollment card issued by the governing authority of a federally recognized Indian tribe located in Washington, if the enrollment card incorporates security features comparable to those implemented by the department of licensing for Washington driver's licenses. (2) The identification document is not acceptable to verify age if expired. CBR-155-2025 (Technical Revisions) (See WAC 314-55-155) Advertising requirements and promotional itemsCoupons, giveaways, etc. The following provisions apply in addition to the requirements and restrictions in RCW 69.50.369. (1) Advertising generally. The following requirements apply to all advertising by cannabis licensees in Washington state. (a) All cannabis advertising and labels of useable cannabis, cannabis concentrates, and cannabis-infused products sold in the state of Washington must not contain any statement, or illustration that: (i) Is false or misleading; (ii) Promotes over consumption; (iii) Represents the use of cannabis has curative or therapeutic effects; (iv) Depicts a child or other person under legal age to consume cannabis, or includes: A. The use of objects, such as toys, inflatables, movie characters, cartoon characters suggesting the presence of a child, or any other depiction or image designed in any manner to be likely to be appealing to youth or especially appealing to children or other persons under legal age to consume cannabis; or B. Is designed in any manner that would be especially appealing to children or other persons under 21 years of age. (b) No cannabis licensee shall place or maintain, or cause to be placed or maintained, an advertisement of a cannabis business or cannabis product, including cannabis concentrates, useable cannabis, or cannabis-infused product: (i) In any form or through any medium whatsoever within 1,000 feet of the perimeter of a school grounds, playground, recreation center or facility, child care center, public park, library, or a game arcade admission to which it is not restricted to persons aged 21 years or older unless the 1,000 minimum distance requirement has been reduced by ordinance in the local jurisdiction where the licensed retailer is located and the licensed retailer is located within 1,000 feet of a restricted location listed in this paragraph; (ii) On or in a private vehicle, public transit vehicle, public transit shelter, bus stop, taxi stand, transportation waiting area, train station, airport, or any similar transit-related location; (c) All advertising for cannabis businesses or cannabis products, regardless of what medium is used, must contain text stating that cannabis products may be purchased or possessed only by persons 21 years of age or older. Examples of language that conforms to this requirement include, but are not limited to: "21+," "for use by persons 21 and over only," etc. (d) A cannabis licensee may not engage in advertising or marketing that specifically targets persons residing out of the state of Washington. (2) Outdoor advertising. In addition to the requirements for advertising in subsection (1) of this section, the following restrictions and requirements apply to outdoor advertising by cannabis licensees: (a) [Not included] (i) [Not included] (ii) No outdoor advertising signs, including billboards, may contain depictions of cannabis plants or cannabis products. Logos or artwork that do not contain depictions of cannabis plants or cannabis products as defined in this section are permissible. A. A depiction of a cannabis plant means an image or visual representation of a cannabis leaf, plant, or the likeness thereof that explicitly suggests or represents a cannabis leaf or plant. B. A depiction of a cannabis product means an image or visual representation of useable cannabis, cannabis-infused products, or cannabis concentrates, or an image that indicates the presence of a product, such as smoke, etc. (iii) Stating the location of the business may include information such as the physical address or location, directional information, website address, email address, or phone number of the licensed business. (iv) Identifying the nature of the business may include information related to the operation of the business, what the business is engaged in, or the goods the business offers for sale. (v) Double-sided signs or signs with text visible on opposite sides are permissible and count as a single sign so long as the sign is contained in or affixed to a single structure. (b) No cannabis licensee may use or employ a commercial mascot outside of, and in proximity to, a licensed cannabis business. (c) Outdoor advertising is prohibited on signs and placards in arenas, stadiums, shopping malls, fairs that receive state allocations, farmers markets, and video game arcades, whether any of the foregoing are open air or enclosed, but not including any such sign or placard located at an adult only facility. (d) The restrictions in this section and RCW 69.50.369 do not apply to outdoor advertisements at the site of an event to be held at an adult only facility that is placed at such site during the period the facility or enclosed area constitutes an adult only facility, but must not be placed there more than fourteen days before the event, and that does not advertise any cannabis product other than by using a brand name, such as the business or trade name or the product brand, to identify the event. Advertising at adult only facilities must not be visible from outside the adult only facility. (e) A sign affixed to the licensed premises or in the window of a licensed premises indicating the location is open for business, closed for business, the hours of operation, that the licensed location has an ATM inside, or other similar informational signs not related to the products or services of the cannabis business are not considered advertising for the purposes of this section. (f) "Adopt-a-Highway" signs erected by the Washington state department of transportation under a current valid sponsorship with the department of transportation are not considered advertising for the purposes of this section. (3) Advertising placed on windows within the premises of a licensed cannabis retail store facing outward must meet the requirements for outdoor advertising as provided in RCW 69.50.369 and this section. (4) Promotional items such as giveaways, coupons, and distribution of branded or unbranded merchandise are banned. For the purposes of this section, a "giveaway" does not include representative samples of products (edible products and topicals only) carried by a licensed retailer that are not infused with cannabis and are offered to customers on licensed cannabis retail premises for sampling purposes only. (5) Cannabis retail licensees holding a medical cannabis endorsement may donate product to qualifying patients or designated providers who hold a valid recognition card. Retail licensees may not advertise "free" or "donated" product. (6) Except for outdoor advertising under subsection (2) of this section, all advertising must contain the following warnings that must be in type size at least 10 percent of the largest type used in the advertisement: (a) "This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming."; (b) "Cannabis can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug."; (c) "There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product."; and (d) "For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children." (7) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: (a) "Adult only facility" means: (i) A location restricted to persons age 21 and older by the LCB or classified by the LCB as off limits to persons under 21 years of age; or (ii) A venue restricted to persons age 21 and older and where persons under 21 years of age are prohibited from entering or remaining, including employees and volunteers. (b) "Billboard" means a permanent off-premises sign in a fixed location used, in whole or in part, for the display of off-site commercial messages with a minimum size of five feet in height by 11 feet in width. (c) "Off-premises sign" means a sign relating, through its message and content, to a business activity, product, or service not available on the premises upon which the sign is erected. CBR-310-2025 (Technical Revisions) (See WAC 314-55-310) Transportation license. (1) [Not included] (2) [Not included] (3) Transport manifest. A complete printed transport manifest on a form provided by the LCB containing all information required by the LCB must be kept with the product at all times. (4) Records of transportation. Records of all transportation must be kept for a minimum of three years at the licensee's location and are subject to inspection if requested by an employee of the LCB or local law enforcement: (a) Copies of transportation manifests for all deliveries; (b) A transportation log documenting the chain of custody for each delivery to include driver(s) and vehicle(s) associated with each delivery; (c) Bank statements and canceled checks for any accounts relating to the licensed business; (d) Accounting and tax records related to the licensed business; (e) Records of all financial transactions related to the licensed business, including invoices, contracts and/or agreements for services performed or received that relate to the licensed business; (f) [Not included] (5) Transportation of product. Cannabis or cannabis products that are being transported must meet the following requirements: (a) Only the transportation licensee or an employee of the transportation licensee who is at least 21 years of age may transport product. All drivers must carry a valid Washington driver's license with the proper endorsements when operating a vehicle in the transportation of product. All passengers in the vehicle transporting cannabis or cannabis products must be employees of the transportation licensee who are at least 21 years of age; (b) Cannabis or cannabis products must be in a sealed package or container approved by the LCB pursuant to WAC 314-55-105; (c) Sealed packages or containers cannot be opened during transport; (d) Cannabis or cannabis products must be in a locked, safe and secure storage compartment that is secured to the inside body/compartment of the vehicle transporting the cannabis or cannabis products; (e) Any vehicle transporting cannabis or cannabis products must be delivered or returned to the shipper within 48 hours from the time of pickup; (f) Live plants may be transported in a fully enclosed, windowless locked trailer, or in a secured area within the inside body/compartment of a van or box truck. A secured area is defined as an area where solid or locking metal petitions, cages, or high strength shatterproof acrylic can be used to create a secure compartment in the fully enclosed van or box truck. The secure compartment in the fully enclosed van or box truck must be free of windows. Live plants may not be transported in the bed of a pickup truck, a sports utility vehicle, or passenger car. (6) [Not included] CBR-410-2025 (Technical Revisions) (See WAC 314-55-410) Cooperatives. (1) A cooperative may be formed by qualifying patients and/or designated providers to share responsibility for growing and processing cannabis only for the medical use of the members of the cooperative. A cooperative must meet the following criteria: (a) All cooperative members must be at least 21 years of age. The designated provider of a qualifying patient under 21 years of age may be a member of a cooperative on the qualifying patient's behalf; (b) All cooperative members must hold valid recognition cards as defined by RCW 69.51A.010; (c) No more than four qualifying patients or designated providers may become members of a cooperative; (d) Qualifying patients or designated providers may only participate in one cooperative; (e) A cooperative member may only grow plants in the cooperative and may not grow plants elsewhere; (f) Cooperative members must participate in growing plants. Cooperative members must provide nonmonetary resources and assistance in order to participate. A monetary contribution or donation is not considered assistance; (g) Cooperative members may grow up to the total amount of plants for which each cooperative member is authorized on his or her recognition cards. At the location, the qualifying patients or designated providers may possess the amount of usable cannabis that can be produced with the number of plants permitted, but no more than 72 ounces; (h) Cooperative members may not sell, donate, or otherwise provide cannabis, cannabis concentrates, usable cannabis, or other cannabis-infused products to a person who is not a member of the cooperative; (i) A cooperative may not be located within a one mile radius of a cannabis retailer; (j) A cooperative must be located at the domicile of one of the members. Only one cooperative may be located per property tax parcel; and (k) To obscure public view of the premises, outdoor cannabis production must be enclosed by a sight obscure wall or fence at least eight feet high. (2) People who wish to form a cooperative must register the location with the LCB. The location registered is the only location where cooperative members may grow or process cannabis. (a) [Not included]; (b) [Not included]; (c) [Not included]; (d) [Not included]. (3) [Not included] (4) [Not included] (5) [Not included] (6) [Not included] (7) [Not included] CBR-415-2025 (Technical Revisions) (See WAC 314-55-415) What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for cooperatives? (1) Cannabis cooperatives must keep records that clearly reflect all activity, inventory, and conditions of the cooperative. The following records must be kept in a format prescribed by the LCB. All records must be maintained on the cooperative premises for a three-year period and must be made available for inspection if requested by an employee of the LCB, the department of health, the department of revenue, or local law enforcement. (a) Cooperatives must maintain a plant log to track each cannabis plant from the time it enters the cooperative. At minimum, tracking must include: (i) Unique plant identification numbers for each plant at the cooperative; (ii) The date the plant was brought into the cooperative; and (iii) The date the plant leaves the cooperative, including the reason, (e.g., harvested, destroyed, or member left the cooperative). (b) Cooperatives must maintain a log to track all harvested plant material from time of harvest until all harvested material has been dispersed. At minimum, tracking must include: (i) A unique identification number for each harvest; (ii) The total dry weight of harvested material; (iii) The date quantities are removed from the harvested material; (iv) The amount removed from the harvested material; (v) The reason quantities are removed from the harvested material (e.g., taken for use by qualifying patient, used for extraction, etc.); and (vi) The current weight of the harvested material. (c) Cooperatives must maintain a log to track all extracts produced from the time they are produced until all extracted material has been dispersed. At minimum, tracking must include: (i) A unique identification for the extract batch; (ii) The date the extract batch was created; (iii) The total initial weight of the extract batch; (iv) ID number of the harvest the material used to make the extract came from; (v) The weight of cannabis plant material used to create the batch; (vi) The date quantities are removed from the extract batch; (vii) The quantity removed from the extract batch and reason; and (viii) The current weight of the extract batch. (2) Cooperatives must submit monthly activity report(s) to the LCB. The required monthly reports must be: (a) On an electronic system designated by the LCB; (b) Filed every month, including months with no activity; (c) Submitted to the LCB on or before the 20th day of each month, for the previous month. (For example, a report listing activity for the month of January is due by February 20th.); (d) Filed separately for each cooperative; and (e) All records must be maintained and available for review for a three-year period on licensed premises. |
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