Form revised: December 6, 2011







Contact Person/Phone:

CBO Analyst/Phone:


Freeman / 48178



Legislation Title:


A RESOLUTION supporting the adoption of a Northgate Station Access Strategy by the Sound Transit Board, and stating that the City of Seattle intends to commit $5 million to pedestrian and bicycle improvements as a match to $5 million provided by Sound Transit and, additionally, up to $5 million to fund 25% of the cost of the proposed pedestrian/bicycle bridge over Interstate 5 at Northgate as part of a consortium of funders, including Sound Transit; the City would commit these funds between 2013 and 2018.


Summary of the Legislation:


The legislation states: 1) the City’s support for adoption of the Northgate Station Access Strategy; 2) urges adoption of the strategy by the Sound Transit Board; and 3) establishes the intent of the City to allocate up to $10 million dollars between 2013 and 2018 for pedestrian and bicycle access improvements, including partial funding for a pedestrian / bicycle bridge connecting the Northgate Station to the North Seattle Community College campus.  City funds would match contributions made by Sound Transit. 


The Northgate Access Strategy would include: evaluating possible pedestrian and bicycle access facilities; developing a 450 stall parking garage that will support park-and-ride facilities, preferably shared use, with possible private funding used to provide additional parking garage stalls and potentially free existing surface parking for future development; matching up to $5 million in City investments in bicycle and pedestrian facilities around the Northgate station; and committing up to $5 million as a 25% share in a bicycle/pedestrian bridge between the Northgate station and North Seattle Community College.


The resolution itself does not have fiscal implications.  However, it does create an expectation that, if the Northgate Station Access Strategy is approved by the Sound Transit Board,  future budget actions by the Council and Mayor will conform with the resolution.


Please check one of the following:


__X_   This legislation does not have any financial implications.

(Please skip to “Other Implications” section at the end of the document and answer questions a-h. Earlier sections that are left blank should be deleted. Please delete the instructions provided in parentheses at the end of each question.)



____    This legislation has financial implications.

(If the legislation has direct fiscal impacts (e.g., appropriations, revenue, positions), fill out the relevant sections below.  If the financial implications are indirect or longer-term, describe them in narrative in the “Other Implications” Section. Please delete the instructions provided in parentheses at the end of each title and question.)