Form revised: December 6, 2011







Contact Person/Phone:

CBO Analyst/Phone:


Sara Nelson/ 684-5337



Legislation Title: A RESOLUTION concerning the Sound Transit East Link Project requesting the Executive to initiate a station area planning process for the planned North Rainier Station.





Summary of the Legislation:

This resolution requests that the Executive begin developing a plan for community outreach and station area planning around the planned North Rainier Station; that this plan include specific timelines, and that it includes the adoption of a station area overlay district for the North Rainier area and station area zoning that will limit the development of new auto-oriented uses in the vicinity of the proposed station.






(Include a brief description of the purpose and context of legislation and include record of previous legislation and funding history, if applicable.)

This legislation reflects the Council’s commitment to Station Area Planning and Transit Oriented Development (SAP/TOD) along the Link Light Rail line in Seattle.


Please check one of the following:


_x__    This legislation does not have any financial implications.

(Please skip to “Other Implications” section at the end of the document and answer questions a-h. Earlier sections that are left blank should be deleted. Please delete the instructions provided in parentheses at the end of each question.)



____    This legislation has financial implications.

(If the legislation has direct fiscal impacts (e.g., appropriations, revenue, positions), fill out the relevant sections below.  If the financial implications are indirect or longer-term, describe them in narrative in the “Other Implications” Section. Please delete the instructions provided in parentheses at the end of each title and question.)






Other Implications: 


a)      Does the legislation have indirect financial implications, or long-term implications?

No.  This work is already in DPD’s work plan.


b)     What is the financial cost of not implementing the legislation?  



c)      Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department? 

Although it calls on DPD to develop a plan for community outreach and station area planning around the planned North Rainier Station, this work was already in their work plan so this legislation does not increase staffing costs.


d)     What are the possible alternatives to the legislation that could achieve the same or similar objectives?  A letter from DPD stating their intention would be similar but not as powerful.


e)      Is a public hearing required for this legislation? 



f)       Is publication of notice with The Daily Journal of Commerce and/or The Seattle Times required for this legislation?



g)      Does this legislation affect a piece of property?



h)     Other Issues: None.


List attachments to the fiscal note below: