Form revised: December 6, 2011







Contact Person/Phone:

CBO Analyst/Phone:


Michael Jenkins/5-1674



Legislation Title:


A RESOLUTION reaffirming the City of Seattle’s support for marriage equality in the State of Washington and urging the Washington State Legislature to pass Senate Bill 6239


Summary of the Legislation:


This resolution reaffirms the City of Seattle’s support for marriage equality for its residents and all people who seek marriage within the State of Washington. The resolution calls on the Washington State Legislature to adopt Senate Bill 6239 in its 2012 regular session, which Bill supports marriage equality by extending the rights and responsibilities of marriage to same sex individuals. The resolution also reaffirms the City’s support for marriage equality through additional actions if the legislation does not pass in this session.





Over 25 years the City has taken many steps to support the rights of same sex individuals. Since 1994 the City has consistently passed legislation that supported domestic partnership of committed and ongoing relationships of same sex individuals, in lieu of marriage equality, while working towards the goal of complete marriage equality.


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