Form revised: December 14, 2010





Contact Person/Phone:

CBO Analyst/Phone:


Meg Moorehead 4-8929



Legislation Title:


A RESOLUTION adopting new climate protection and adaptation goals for Seattle and outlining the process for updating the Seattle Climate Action Plan to provide a roadmap for achieving those goals. 


Summary of the Legislation:

This legislation sets new long-term climate protection and adaptation goals for Seattle. It also provides guidance for a 2011-2012 update of the Seattle Climate Action Plan, including preliminary 2020 and 2030 emission reduction targets for transportation, buildings and solid waste.






Background:  (Include a brief description of the purpose and context of legislation and include record of previous legislation and funding history, if applicable.)

The City of Seattle has long been a leader in climate protection work. Its commitment to climate protection has been expressed through the 2001 adoption of initial climate protection goals in Resolution 30316, initiation of the U.S. Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement in 2005, development of a Seattle Climate Action Plan in 2006, and the setting of a zero net greenhouse gas emission (“carbon neutrality”) goal in the Council’s 2010 and 2011 work programs. This resolution builds on that previous work to set a long-term goal for 2050. The legislation also provides guidance for the content, citizen involvement process, and potential intermediate targets for a Climate Action Plan update that helps the City achieve its goals.


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__X__ This legislation does not have any financial implications.  

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This legislation does not change City spending or revenues. The City climate protection and adaptation actions to implement the current Climate Action Plan are funded in the approved and endorsed budgets, which also include funding for the Climate Action Plan update. The updated plan will identify additional actions needed to reach the more ambitious new goals. Funding for those actions will be incorporated into future budget proposals.