Form revised: December 14, 2010





Contact Person/Phone:

CBO Analyst/Phone:


Christa Valles/4-5336



Legislation Title:

A RESOLUTION stating the City Council’s intent to foster a safe and lively food-vending culture in Seattle and providing policy guidance and direction to the Executive to provide a transparent and efficient permitting process, adequate enforcement, and on-going monitoring and evaluation of program implementation and impacts.


Summary of the Legislation:

This resolution requests the Executive collect and report back on various data associated with a new program in Seattle to allow more food vending in the public right of way. It also directs the Executive to address several specific issues in its Director’s Rules and for the Office of Economic Development to provide comprehensive food vending information on its website.




This resolution is a companion to a Council Bill that enables food trucks to park in curbside parking spaces and for vending carts to locate on sidewalks and public plazas without obtaining adjacent property owner approval.


Please check one of the following:


_X___ This legislation does not have any financial implications.  

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