Form revised May 26, 2009
Department: |
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DOF Analyst/Phone: |
Legislative |
Ben Noble, 4-8160 |
NA |
Legislation Title:
A RESOLUTION affirming the City’s race and social justice work and directing City Departments to use available tools to assist in the elimination of racial and social disparities across key indicators of success, including health, education, criminal justice, the environment, employment and the economy; and to promote equity within the City workplace and in the delivery of City services.
· Summary of the Legislation:
This resolution acknowledges the significant successes of the City’s Race and Social Justice Initiative and endorses continued investments in the programs and policies that have been established under the Initiative. Anticipating the upcoming change in Executive administrations, this resolution provides policy direction for the new Mayor to continue these programs and policies and to build upon the foundation that has been established by the Race and Social Justice Initiative. The resolution specifically identifies s the recently-formed Race and Social Justice Community Roundtable as one of the Initiative’s components that should continue into the future. The resolution establishes City Council representation on the Committee and calls upon the Seattle Office forCivil Rights (SOCR) to continue its work in staffing the Committee, and helping the Committee achieve its mission of providing a forum for community leadership on racial and social justice. Finally, the resolution calls upon SOCR to provide updates to the City Council on overall Initiative progress, on at least an annual basis.
· Background:
In 2004, the City initiated a Race and Social Justice Initiative to address racial disparities and social inequalities within City of Seattle internal operations and within the services provided to Seattle residents. Over the initiative’s first five years, significant accomplishments have been made, but significant work remains.
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The staffing resources needed to support the activities called for in this resolution already exist within the City budget.