Form revised April 10, 2006





Contact Person/Phone:

DOF Analyst/Phone:


Ketil Freeman 684-8178




Legislation Title:


A RESOLUTION encouraging a voluntary facilitated process to resolve differences between the  proponents for redevelopment of the Goodwill site at 1400 South Dearborn Street (“the Goodwill Site”) , and the Dearborn Street Coalition for a Livable Neighborhood, and providing guidance to the Seattle Department of Transportation on application of Street Vacation Policies to the proposed redevelopment.



·        Summary of the Legislation:


This Resolution 1) encourages Goodwill and its development partners to meet with a coalition of neighborhood stakeholders, the Dearborn Street Coalition for a Livable Neighborhood, for a facilitated discussion of issues related to the proposed redevelopment of Goodwill’s property at 1400 South Dearborn Street; 2) establishes that Council will fund professional third party facilitation; and 3) requests that the facilitator make available to SDOT, by a date-certain, a written report, for inclusion in vacation materials sent to Council.  Additionally, the Resolution provides some general guidance on application of street vacation policies to the proposed redevelopment. 


The Resolution does not contemplate or prescribe any particularized outcome from facilitated discussions between Goodwill and its development partners and the Dearborn Street Coalition for a Livable Neighborhood. 


·        Background:


On December 11, 2006 Council passed Ordinance 122313 amending the Comprehensive Plan.  Ordinance 122313 includes an amendment changing the future land use map designation for an area including 1400 South Dearborn Street from Industrial to Commercial / Mixed-Use.  Goodwill Industries and its development partners have applied for a Master Use Permit to redevelop Goodwill’s property at 1400 S. Dearborn Street.  Redevelopment, as proposed, will require Council action on a contract rezone and vacation of public rights-of-way.  The proposed redevelopment has engendered considerable public interest. 


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__X__ This legislation does not have any financial implications.