Form revised April 10, 2006
Department: |
Contact Person/Phone: |
DOF Analyst/Phone: |
Legislative |
Martha Lester / 4-8149 |
NA |
Legislation Title: |
A RESOLUTION submitting a proposition to the qualified electors of the City, at an election to be held on November 7, 2006, to amend Subsection 1.F of Article IV, and Section 1 and Section 2 of Article XX of the Charter of the City of Seattle to change the effective date for successful ballot measures to five days after election results are certified; calling on the City Clerk to certify the proposed amendment to the Director of the Department of Records and Elections of King County and requesting and directing such Director to call a special election and submit the proposition to City voters; and providing for the publication of such proposed amendment. |
· Summary of the Legislation:
This resolution would submit a proposition to Seattle voters to amend the City Charter to change the effective date for successful ballot measures to five days after election results are certified.
· Background: (Include brief description of the purpose and context of legislation and include record of previous legislation and funding history, if applicable):
The City Charter currently provides that, upon voter approval of citizen initiative measures, the Mayor shall publish a proclamation proclaiming the ordinance subject to such initiative to be in full force and effect, and to do so within five days of the election; and currently provides that, upon voter approval of proposed amendments to the City Charter, the Mayor shall publish a proclamation proclaiming the amendment(s) to become a part of the City Charter, and to do so within five days of the election. However, election results are not official until the results are certified. Amending the City Charter, as proposed in this resolution, to specify that the Mayor proclaim the effectiveness of the approved measures within five days after “certification of the results” of the election would bring the Charter into conformity with state law.
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__X_ This legislation does not have any financial implications. (Stop here and delete the remainder of this document prior to saving and printing.)