Form revised: July 12, 2011







Contact Person/Phone:

CBO Analyst/Phone:


Rebecca Herzfeld/ 684-8148

Not applicable


Legislation Title:

AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; amending Sections 23.04.010, 23.34.004, 23.69.032, 23.76.004, 23.76.005, 23.76.006, 23.76.008, 23.76.010, 23.76.012, 23.76.014, 23.76.015, 23.76.016, 23.76.018, 23.76.020, 23.76.022, 23.76.024, 23.76.026, 23.76.028, 23.76.032, 23.76.034, 23.76.036, 23.76.038, 23.76.040, 23.76.042, 23.73.046, 23.76.050,  23.76.052, 23.76.054, 23.73.056, 23.76.058, 23.76.060, 23.76.062, 23.78.002, 23.78.006, 23.78.012, 23.78.014, 23.79.006, 23.79.010, 23.79.012, 23.84A.014, 23.84A.024, 23.84A.025, 23.84A.030, 23.84A.032, 25.05.355, and 25.05.680 of the Seattle Municipal Code, repealing Sections 23.76.019, 23.76.049, and 23.76.068, and adding a new Section 23.76.067, to improve and clarify procedures for Master Use Permits and Council land use decisions.


Summary of the Legislation:

This legislation improves and clarifies the procedures for land use permits in Seattle.  The bill would add an option for notices of decisions and other documents related to a permit application to be made by electronic means; add failure to pay past-due permit fees as a reason to delay further permit processing or to suspend or revoke a Master Use Permit; clarify the rules for land use permit expiration; make other clarifications to land use procedures; and correct cross-references and formatting.




Periodic updating of the Land Use Code is an important part of the regulatory process. Clarifying procedures for permit processing is necessary from time to time to make procedures more efficient and to ensure that the City’s policy intent is clear and achievable.  Adoption of these Land Use Code amendments will help to facilitate easier understanding and improved administration of the Land Use Code. The last ordinance that focused on updates to the permit process regulations was adopted in 2007.


Please check one of the following:


__X__ This legislation does not have any financial implications.

(Please skip to “Other Implications” section at the end of the document and answer questions a-h. Earlier sections that are left blank should be deleted. Please delete the instructions provided in parentheses at the end of each question.)



____    This legislation has financial implications.

(If the legislation has direct fiscal impacts (e.g., appropriations, revenue, positions), fill out the relevant sections below.  If the financial implications are indirect or longer-term, describe them in narrative in the “Other Implications” Section. Please delete the instructions provided in parentheses at the end of each title and question.)

Other Implications: 


a)      Does the legislation have indirect financial implications, or long-term implications?

Over time, the legislation could save money by allowing the use of e-mail for some notices, which would reducing the postage and paper costs as well as staff time.


b)     What is the financial cost of not implementing the legislation? 

Not applicable.


c)      Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department? 

The legislation would affect the Department of Planning and Development, the Hearing Examiner, and the Department of Neighborhoods, all of which play a role in processing various land use permit applications.


d)     What are the possible alternatives to the legislation that could achieve the same or similar objectives?

Not applicable.


e)      Is a public hearing required for this legislation? 

A public hearing is required, and is tentatively scheduled for April 2012.


f)       Is publication of notice with The Daily Journal of Commerce and/or The Seattle Times required for this legislation?

Notice of the public hearing in Daily Journal of Commerce is required.


g)      Does this legislation affect a piece of property?



h)     Other Issues: 

Not applicable.


List attachments to the fiscal note below: