Form revised: December 14, 2010
Department: |
Contact Person/Phone: |
CBO Analyst/Phone: |
Planning & Development |
Bill Mills/ 4-8738 |
Joe Regis/5-0087 |
Legislation Title:
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; amending Sections 23.43.040, 23.50.012, and 23.84A.038 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and adding new Sections 23.42.054, 23.44.053, 23.45.595, and 23.47A.036; to permit transitional encampments for homeless individuals as a use accessory to religious facilities in all zones.
Summary of the Legislation:
The proposal would accomplish the following:
· Add a new definition for a “transitional encampment” to clarify that an encampment is a use providing temporary quarters for sleeping and shelter and describing the activities and development that are associated with the encampment;
· Add a new Code Section 23.42.054 providing for the transitional encampment use to locate on sites owned or occupied by a religious facility, such as a church or synagogue;
· Add specific standards for operation of the encampment in new Section 23.42.054 to address site management and operations, maintenance, and hygiene.
Transitional encampment sites would be required to meet these standards:
· Maximum of 100 occupants;
· Required inspections by public health and safety officials;
· Specific fire and health safety conditions including location of fire extinguishers, first aid kits, appropriate power and light connections, toilets, running water, appropriate cooking facilities if provided; and
· Site inspection by public officials prior to commencing operation.
Homeless encampments have been located within the City of Seattle for many years. According to information obtained by the City Human Services Department, shelters are operating at maximum capacity and cannot accommodate all the needs of the homeless in Seattle. One solution to deal with the lack of shelter capacity is to establish well-managed transitional encampments with specific standards for operation, maintenance, and hygiene. Individuals who may join a managed encampment would, if an encampment alternative did not exist, live outside and occupy spaces in alleys, doorways, vacant buildings, greenbelts, or other outdoor locations not designed or intended for shelter use. A managed encampment is a relatively low cost alternative to permanent housing options.
The proposal would acknowledge transitional managed encampments as an allowed use and would limit them to religious facility sites. Health and safety criteria for their location were determined based on the need for an encampment to provide facilities including shelter, food service, showers, and lavatories, for up to 100 persons. These standards are expected to limit the number of sites that would likely be used as encampments, while allowing for the needs of the homeless in the city to be accommodated.
The proposed legislation is not expected to generate additional costs to the City through the implementation of the proposed zoning regulations. Encampments are recognized as accessory uses to religious facilities, and no permit is required. Therefore, minimal if any review time will be required of City staff as a result of this proposal. Funding for encampments sponsored by religious facilities is not expected to be provided by the City
__x__ This legislation does not have any financial implications.