Form revised February 4, 2010





Contact Person/Phone:

CBO Analyst/Phone:

City Budget Office

Hall Walker   /  233-7065

Thomas L. Taylor / 233-5032


Legislation Title:  AN ORDINANCE authorizing, in 2011, acceptance of funding from non City sources; authorizing the heads of the Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Police Department, Department of Planning and Development, Department of Neighborhoods, Human Services Department, Department of  Finance and Administrative Services, Office of Economic Development, Seattle Department of Transportation, and Seattle Public Utilities to accept specified grants and private funding and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.



Summary of the Legislation: This Council Bill proposes the acceptance of 32 grants and private funds from various agencies and organizations. 


Background:  During the course of a year, City departments receive grant awards or opportunities for other funding resources that are not anticipated in the Adopted Budget.  The City Budget Office formally accepts these funds by compiling departmental grants acceptances and similar agreements into three separate ordinances in the first, second, and fourth quarter of the year.  The attached ordinance contains grant-related requests received during the first quarter of 2011. 


____    This legislation does not have any financial implications.  (Stop here and delete the remainder of this document prior to saving and printing.)



__X__ This legislation has financial implications.  (Please complete all relevant sections that follow.)






Fund Name and Number


Budget Control Level*



2012 Anticipated Appropriation











*See budget book to obtain the appropriate Budget Control Level for your department.


Notes:  Detailed information on appropriations can be found in Attachment 1 to the Fiscal Note.


Anticipated Revenue/Reimbursement: Resulting From This Legislation

Fund Name and Number


Revenue Source
















Notes: N/A


Total Regular Positions Created, Modified, Or Abrogated Through This Legislation, Including FTE Impact

Position Title and Department

Position # for Existing Positions

Fund Name & #






2012 Positions*

2012 FTE*

































* 2011 positions and FTE are total 2011 position changes resulting from this legislation, not incremental changes.  Therefore, under 2011, please be sure to include any continuing positions from 2010.


Notes: N/A


Do positions sunset in the future(If yes, identify sunset date): N/A



Spending/Cash Flow:

Fund Name & #


Budget Control Level*



2012 Anticipated Expenditures











* See budget book to obtain the appropriate Budget Control Level for your department.


Notes: N/A




·         What is the financial cost of not implementing the legislation?  

The same objective could not be achieved without this legislation.


·         Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department?

This legislation affects multiple departments including the Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Police Department, Department of Planning and Development, Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Finance and Administrative Services, Human Services Department, the Office of Economic Development, Seattle Department of Transportation, and Seattle Public Utilities.


·         What are the possible alternatives to the legislation that could achieve the same or similar objectives?  The same objective could not be achieved without this legislation.


·         Is the legislation subject to public hearing requirementsNo


·         Other Issues: None


·         List attachments to the fiscal note below:


Attachment 1: 2011 First Quarter Grant Ordinance Fiscal Note Detail Table









2011 First Quarter Grant Ordinance Fiscal Note Detail Table




Item #


$ Amount


Section 1 – Grants Which Need Appropriation Increases



Air Monitoring & Detection Collectors Supporting Emergency Response Efforts (Seattle Fire Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Grants & Reimbusables BCL (F6000) by $599,900 from the Department of Homeland Security through its BioWatch program. The Seattle Fire Department will use this funding to support the Risk Management BCL for the local operation of this air sample and analysis effort to identify the presence of biological antagonists.  Kiosk collectors are located at a number of sites and whose samples will be collected daily for analysis by the State Department of Health.  If agents are detected, protocols have been developed for emergency management and response.  The intent of the BioWatch program is to provide early warning of a biological threat.  The DHS is finalizing its next generation of collectors to further shorten the collection and analysis time.  Seattle is one of only a dozen areas that will have such early access to these resources.  No positions or local match are associated with this funding.



Purchase of Firefighter Turnout Suits (Seattle Fire Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Grants & Reimbursables BCL (F6000) by $597,360 from FEMA in the Federal Department of Homeland Security.  The grant funds will be used in support of the Operations BCL to replace worn and less safe bunking gear that is currently in service.  These issued items have been inspected and are in immediate need of replacement.  New gear provides material that is more flame-retardant, blocks blood-borne pathogens, provides a safer moisture barrier to prevent scalding, and includes a safety harness to help extract fallen firefighters.  There are no positions associated with this grant, and the 20% local share of $149,340 is available from the Department’s 2011 operating budget.  SFD appropriates grant funds supporting any BCL to F6000 for centralized grant and financial management.



Chief Seattle Fireboat Overhaul (Seattle Fire Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Grants & Reimbursables BCL (F6000) by $487,465 awarded through the Port of Tacoma from the Federal Port Security Program of the Department of Homeland Security.  Funding is for the modernization of the Chief Seattle Fire Boat.  In addition to this appropriation, two previous ones have been made for the project.  Ordinance 123194 identified $2,370,235 in item 3.29 while item 6.1 transferred that amount to the Fleets and Facilities Department (FFD) project A1FL402. Construction of the project is managed by FFD.  Subsequently, Ordinance 123508 appropriated a total of $3,265,594 identified in items 3.22 and 3.26 while items 5.4 and 5.5 transferred these amounts to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services for construction management.  The increment that the current Ordinance appropriates is for the same Chief Seattle project.  The amount is a result of a funding increase by the Port of Tacoma from $2,890,594 to $3,378,059 for the complete replacement of the propulsion, steering, and firefighting systems of the Chief Seattle.  No positions are associated with this appropriation.  The local share of $162,488 is provided through the Fire Facilities Levy Fund, which has already been separately appropriated.



E-911 Revenue-Supported Information Technology Position

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Field Support Administration BCL (P8000) in the Seattle Police Department by $75,000 from the King County E-911 tax levy for Public Safety Access Points (PSAPs).  Ongoing funding will support the cost of one new Information Technology (IT) Professional B position in the SPD Communications Center.  This position is critical for supervision of existing IT positions in the Center and for coordination with other public agencies and vendors who will assist with integration of New Generation-911 (NG-911) technologies into Center operations.  These new technologies will give the Communications Center the ability to integrate text messaging, video and data streaming, and emergency signals from vehicle-mounted systems and medical alert devices.  The position will start July 1, 2011 and continue indefinitely with support from the E-911 tax levy funds provided to PSAPs.  The position will sunset if levy funding is withdrawn and alternate resources cannot be identified.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.



Marine Patrol Services Agreements

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Special Operations BCL (P3400) in the Seattle Police Department by $75,000 from the City of Medina ($60,000) and the Town of Hunts Point ($15,000).  The agreements with these municipalities will provide funding in 2011 to allow marine emergency response throughout the year and eight hours of daily marine patrol during the boating season, services to be provided by one SPD Harbor Patrol boat working on Lake Washington.  These services will enhance water safety in and around the lake.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this grant.



MID Supplemental Police Services Agreement

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Chief of Police BCL (P1000) in the Seattle Police Department by $118,630 from the Metropolitan Improvement District (MID) of the Downtown Seattle Association for supplemental bike and foot beat patrols within the MID service area of West Precinct between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011.  The MID has contracted with the Department for these services to further enhance the safety of the public, businesses and residents within the MID boundaries.  The agreement includes an hourly charge for police overtime and for bike equipment when employed.  This is the fifth year of the agreement, which has been expanded to include emphasis patrols in the 1500 block of 2nd Avenue, the 100 block of Yesler Way, and Alaskan Way between the 1000 and 1500 blocks.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.



SHA Grant for Police Officers

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Patrol Operations Administration BCL (P6000) in the Seattle Police Department by $484,000 from the Seattle Housing Authority (SHA).  These funds provide continuing salary and benefits for four existing Police Officer-Patrol positions that provide police services to selected public housing projects managed by SHA.  The proactive police services provided with this grant are vitally important to public safety and the quality of life enjoyed by SHA residents and nearby Seattle residents and businesses.  Funding is for the 12-month period beginning January 1, 2011.  These positions will sunset in the future if grant support is discontinued and an alternate source of funding cannot be secured.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.



Sound Transit Agreement for Traffic Control Services at University of Washington Athletic Events

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Special Operations BCL (P3400) in the Seattle Police Department by $19,050 from Sound Transit for traffic control services at University of Washington athletic events.  These services are provided to mitigate the effects of the University Link light rail construction work going on around Husky Stadium and the Hec Edmundson Pavilion during football and basketball games.  Funding will reimburse the Department for the cost of police overtime incurred in providing these services.  The term of the agreement runs from September 2010 through March 2011.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.



Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant for FFY 2010

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Chief of Police BCL (P1000) in the Seattle Police Department by $1,596,000 from the Washington State Military Department and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under the Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant (RCPG) Program for the 2010 federal fiscal year.  This is the third installment under the RCPG, which is intended to provide planning, training and exercise support to urban areas and surrounding regions at greatest risk of terrorist or other catastrophic events.  Grant activities will ensure that planning activities in the Seattle area are aligned with national and regional priorities, that any gaps in regional catastrophic planning are addressed, that regional planning processes and committees are established, and that plans and resource allocations are linked.  The three-year term of the grant extends through July 2013 and will continue support for 2.5 existing positions that will sunset at the conclusion of the grant unless alternative funding is identified.  A 25% in-kind match requirement will be met by contributions from partner jurisdictions within the region.  There are no capital improvement projects associated with this item.



Regional Bomb Squad Equipment Purchase  (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Chief of Police BCL (P1000) in the Seattle Police Department by $543,996 from the King County Office of Emergency Management under the State Homeland Security Program for the 2009 federal fiscal year.  This grant will provide funding to purchase equipment for the Regional Bomb Squad that will provide it with the capability to control and mitigate the effects of improvised explosive devices that may be employed by terrorist elements.  This equipment will further enable the effective and safe operation of Bomb Squad Unit.  The term for this grant will expire on September 30, 2011.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.



Port Security Grant for FFY 2010

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Chief of Police BCL (P1000) in the Seattle Police Department by $5,067,551 from the Maritime Exchange of Puget Sound and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.  This grant award will allow the purchase of four types of equipment that will greatly enhance the security of regional port facilities.  Items to be purchased include a 45' command and control vessel for SPD Harbor Patrol; locational equipment for operational tracking of friendly vessels; maritime response equipment for partner law enforcement agencies; and tactical response equipment to assist law enforcement in responding to maritime incidents.  The three-year term for the grant runs through May, 2013.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.



Buffer Zone Protection Grant

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Chief of Police BCL (P1000) in the Seattle Police Department by $134,399 from the Washington State Military Department and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under the Buffer Zone Protection Program.  The purpose of this federal program is to support planning and equipment purchase for protection of critical infrastructure and key resources from terrorist attack.  This is the third such grant made to the City and will support the cost of equipment purchase and installation for protection of one critical site.  The two-year term of the grant runs through May 31, 2012.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this grant.



Seattle Metro Incident Management Team Grant

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Chief of Police BCL (P1000) in the Seattle Police Department by $150,000 from the King County Office of Emergency Management under the State Homeland Security Program for the 2010 federal fiscal year.  This grant will provide funding to cover the cost of training and equipping the Seattle Metro Incident Management Team that was created in 2005 to provide the Seattle area with the capability to respond to significant events across jurisdictional lines, including those where there may be chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear explosive (CBRNE) contaminants or other terrorist-related events.  Currently, the Team includes police, fire and other first-responder personnel from 17 jurisdictions within the region.  The two-year term for this grant runs through September 30, 2012.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.



Transit Security Grant Rapid Deployment Force Training

 (Seattle Police Department, General Subfund - 00100)



This item increases support to the Chief of Police BCL (P1000) in the Seattle Police Department by $40,000 from the King County Department of Transportation under the federally funded Transit Security Grant Program.  This item will enhance the readiness of SPD to respond to emergency incidents involving Metro Transit.  The funds provided will reimburse SPD overtime costs associated with exercising Rapid Deployment Force capabilities during the month of February 2011.  There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.



Washington State Commerce Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Grant (Department of Planning and Development, Planning and Development Fund - 15700)



This item increases support to the Planning BCL (U2900) of the City Planning Division by $153,100 through a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce.  This grant will provide funding for DPD’s Transfer of Development Rights Program which reviews the appropriate transfer of development rights from rural land in King County to receiving sites in Seattle’s South Lake Union and Northgate Urban Centers.  The program will be supported largely with federal pass through funds from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and administered by the Washington State Department of Commerce Growth Management Services.  This grant supports $40,000 in consultant services for market and economic analysis, and the costs associated with 0.75 FTE of an existing position in DPD responsible for streetscape planning and code development.  The grant will run from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012 and no City match is required.



2011 Title XIX Medicaid Funds (Educational and Developmental Services Levy, Educational & Developmental Services Fund - 17856)



This action increases support to the Families and Education Levy's Family Support and Family Involvement BCL (IL200) by $250,000 from the federal government Title XIX Medicaid Funds as a pass through from King County.  The grant funds will be used to pay for additional family support worker positions in Seattle Public Schools (SPS).  Title XIX Medicaid funds are generated from SPS reporting on family support worker activities directly related to Medicaid's administrative work.  The federal Medicaid Administrative Match program matches the costs of approved activities by 50%.  The Office for Education is contracting with King County's Public Health Department, which in turn applies for Medicaid Match reimbursement with the federal government.  The revenue received by the City is then redirected to SPS to enhance FSW programming. The grant funding is in effect from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.



Emergency Pet Sheltering Supplies and Mobile Unit (Finance and Administrative Services, Finance and Administrative Services Fund - 50300)



This item increases support to the Seattle Animal Shelter BCL (A5510) by $25,000. The grant is from FEMA, Homeland Security and is part of a FEMA program designed to enhance public agencies abilities to prepare for, respond to and recover from a major disaster.  Sheltering systems that do not house pets have been less effective in the past because many evacuees are unwilling to leave dangerous areas without their pets. This is a fixed-price reimbursable grant. The period of performance for this grant agreement is January 1, 2011 to October 20, 2011 at which time work is expected to be complete.  No matching funds are required for this grant and no support has been requested for personnel.



Basic Food Education and Outreach (Human Services Department, Human Services Operating Fund - 16200)



This item increases support by $27,000 to the Leadership and Administration BCL (H50LA) and supports the City of Seattle PeoplePoint: Bridge to Benefits Program. The Grant is from WithinReach. The grant funds are from the federal Basic Food Education and Outreach program and will reimburse the City for Basic Food (food stamp) applications submitted to DSHS and client enrollments into the Basic Food program. The funds will be used to increase the City’s outreach and application assistance capacity.  The grant runs from October 2010 through September 2011; no funds were received in 2010. A 50% City match requirement provided by the existing 2011 PeoplePoint budget.



Summer Nutrition Grant (Human Services Department, Human Services Operating Fund - 16200)



This item increases support by $225,000 to the Early Learning and Family Support BCL (H80EL) and supports the City of Seattle Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The grant is from the Walmart Foundation. The SFSP provides breakfasts and/or lunches to nearly 4,300 children at 89 sites from mid June through the end of August. The Walmart Foundation Grant will be used in 2011 to provide more food to more children by funding an aggressive multilingual publicity campaign about the program; increasing the number of sites for children to access the program; providing more food by adding snacks as a meal option, providing fresh produce for children to take home to eat on weekends, and piloting Saturday meals for limited sites, and providing fun and engaging educational programming to attract more children. There is no City match required as part of accepting this grant.



Washington State Benefit Portal Integration Grant (Human Services Department, Human Services Operating Fund - 16200)



This item increases support by $150,000 to the Leadership and Administration BCL (H50LA) City and supports the Seattle PeoplePoint Bridge to Benefits program. The grant is from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. PeoplePoint, in partnership with Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and stakeholders from communities around the state, established an on-line application process in December 2010, called Washington Connection, that allows users to access a diverse range of State and City administered benefits from a single online location. The grant funds will be used to support the program and staff in HSD in order to allow PeoplePoint to interface with Washington Connection. The Gates Foundation grant will run from 1/31/11 through 1/31/12 and does not require a City match.



Grant Award from the Washington State Department of Commerce  (Office of Economic Development, General Subfund -00100)



This item increases support by $55,000 to the Office of Economic Development BCL (X1D00) and supports the Business Services program. The grant is from the Washington State Department of Commerce.  This performance-based grant will fund economic activities designed to further regional growth in the life sciences, medical device, and global health industries and to support the development of the South Lake Union Global Health Innovation Partnership Zone.  Specifically, this grant will fund a review of current business relationships and an analysis of other opportunities for local industries in this sector.  The term of the grant is January 24, 2011 to June 30, 2011.  The grant has a $55,000 match requirement that will be met through existing OED staff in the amount of $15,000 and by the Washington Global Health Alliance in the amount of $40,000. 



King Street Station Rehabilitation (Seattle Department of Transportation - Transportation Operating Fund - 10310) (Seattle Department of Transportation, Transportation Operating Fund - 10310)



This item increases support to the Mobility - Capital BCL (19003) by $1,985,000 from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Federal Enhancement Program.  This project will restore and seismically retrofit the historic King Street Station, allowing for removal of non-historic items that cover the historic features of the building. In addition, the project relocates and rehabilitates the central function of the Amtrak operations at the Station, improving efficiency and convenience for passengers.



King Street Station Energy Efficiency Improvements (Seattle Department of Transportation - Transportation Operating Fund - 10310) (Seattle Department of Transportation, Transportation Operating Fund - 10310)



This item increases support to the Mobility - Capital BCL (19003) by $2,555,344 from the Federal TIGER II Program.  This project will restore and seismically retrofit the historic King Street Station. This grant also funds sustainable infrastructure improvements that will reduce energy usage at the station and help it achieve a LEED Platinum rating.



King Street Station Rehabilitation  (Seattle Department of Transportation - Transportation Operating Fund - 10310) (Seattle Department of Transportation, Transportation Operating Fund - 10310)



This item increases support to the Mobility - Capital BCL (19003) by $4,244,656 from the Federal High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program.  This project will restore and seismically retrofit the historic King Street Station.  The total grant amount is $18,293,407.  The balance of the grant will be appropriated in future budget years.



Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement  and Bridge Seismic Programs (Seattle Department of Transportation - Transportation Operating Fund - 10310) (Seattle Department of Transportation, Transportation Operating Fund - 10310)



This item increases support to the Major Maintenance / Replacement BCL (19001) by $5,949,280 of grant funds from the Federal Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC). These funds are for the rehabilitation of the E Marginal Way at Horton bridge; and seismic improvements to the 2nd Ave Extension S, Airport Way between 4th Ave S and 5th Ave S, and Jackson St 4th-5th Railroad bridges.  Bridging the Gap funding will match the grants.  The total grant amount is $7,913,760.  The balance of the grant will be appropriated in future budget years.



Arterial Asphalt and Concrete Program (Seattle Department of Transportation - Transportation Operating Fund - 10310) (Seattle Department of Transportation, Transportation Operating Fund - 10310)



This item increases support to the Major Maintenance / Replacement BCL (19001) by $200,000 of grant funds from the State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB).  Phase I of the grant will construct the improvements to Northgate Way at the 5th Avenue NE intersection.  The second phase includes paving, pedestrian, signal and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) improvements on NE Northgate Way from Greenwood Ave N to Lake City Way NE.  Bridging the Gap funding will match the grants.  The total grant amount is $4,500,000.  The balance of the grant will be appropriated in future budget years.



Transit Corridor Project (Seattle Department of Transportation - Transportation Operating Fund - 10310) (Seattle Department of Transportation, Transportation Operating Fund - 10310)



This item increases support to the Mobility - Capital BCL (19003) by $300,000 from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Federal Enhancement Program.  The grant will fund installation of secured bicycle parking at McGraw Square Plaza, as well as design of secured bicycle parking facilities at the Chinatown/ID, Capitol Hill and University Link stations.



Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Education Campaign (Seattle Department of Transportation - Transportation Operating Fund - 10310) (Seattle Department of Transportation, Transportation Operating Fund - 10310)



This item increases support to the Mobility - Operations BCL (17003) by $100,000 from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Federal Enhancement Program. The funding will allow SDOT to conduct a bicycle and pedestrian safety education campaign in neighborhoods along the Central Link Light Rail line.



Seattle Urban Flooding Hazard Identification Project FEMA/WAMD Grant (Seattle Public Utilities, Drainage and Wastewater Fund - 44010)



This item increases support by $173,863 to the Other Operating BCL (N400B-DW) for the Seattle Urban Flooding Hazard Identification Project. The grant is from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Washington State Military Department (WAMD) Emergency Management. This grant will provide funding to analyze and identify potential urban flooding locations and critical drainage infrastructure data gaps. This will be funded 87.5% by the grant (75% FEMA and 12.5% WAMD).  The City match is 12.5% or $24,837. Grant money will run from September 23, 2010, through September 23, 2013.  This O&M work has no positions associated with the grant.


Item #


$ Amount


Section 2 – Accept Grants (appropriation authority not needed)



2011 SWRLID Competitive Grant-Capitol Hill Water Quality (Seattle Public Utilities, Drainage and Wastewater Fund - 44010)



This item allows Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to receive support in the amount of $1,000,000 for the Capitol Hill Water Quality project through the Washington State Department of Ecology’s 2011 Stormwater Retrofit Low Impact Development (SWRLID) Competitive Grants Program.  This grant will provide funding to install an innovative regional scale stormwater facility. The facility will include vegetated bioswales which will provide stormwater treatment for a portion of the largest subbasin draining to South Lake Union while providing a vibrant pedestrian-friendly streetscape. There is a required City match of $250,000.  Grant money will run from December 2010 through December 2011. Budget authority for this project has been approved in the 2011 Adopted Budget and no additional authority is required.



2011 SWRLID Competitive Grant-South Park Pump Station (Seattle Public Utilities, Drainage and Wastewater Fund - 44010)



This item allows Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to receive support in the amount of $1,000,000 for the South Park Pump Station (C3806) project through the Washington State Department of Ecology’s 2011 Stormwater Retrofit Low Impact Development (SWRLID) Competitive Grants Program.  This grant will provide funding to reduce pollutant loading to the Duwamish Waterway from the 7th Ave S drainage basin through a retrofit of the existing drainage system. SPU will construct a diversion structure, pump station, and stormwater treatment system at the downstream end of the 7th Ave S drainage system. There is a required City match of $250,000.  Grant money will run from December 2010 through December 2011. Budget authority for this project has been approved in the 2011 Adopted Budget and no additional authority is required.



2011 SWRLID Competitive Grant-Venema Creek Natural Drainage System (Seattle Public Utilities, Drainage and Wastewater Fund - 44010)



This item allows Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to receive support in the amount of $1,000,000 for the Venema Creek Natural Drainage System (C3333) project through the Washington State Department of Ecology's 2011 Stormwater Retrofit Low Impact Development (SWRLID) Competitive Grants Program.  This grant will provide funding for flow control and stormwater quality treatment in the Venema basin which will improve hydrology and water quality in Venema Creek, a tributary of Piper's Creek. There is a required City match of $250,000.  Grant money will run from December 2010 through December 2011. Budget authority for this project has been approved in the 2011 Adopted Budget and no additional authority is required.