Form revised November 15, 2007





Contact Person/Phone:

DOF Analyst/Phone:


Patricia Lee

Council Central Staff





Legislation Title:  amending SMC 4.04.120 to add an expectation that the Seattle City Council and the Office of Professional Accountability Review Board will jointly host a public hearing on police accountability at least ninety days before the City begins collective bargaining on a new contract with the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild or the Seattle Police Management Association or their successor labor organizations.


Summary of the Legislation:

The City of Seattle respects and honors its responsibility to bargain in good faith with its employees including keeping collective bargaining discussions confidential.  The City Council also believes it is important to provide a meaningful opportunity for the public to provide input to elected officials on the effectiveness of the City’s police accountability system before collective bargaining negotiations begin.  Accordingly, this ordinance states the expectation that the Seattle City Council and the Office of Professional Accountability Review Board will jointly host a public hearing on the effectiveness of the City’s police accountability system.  The public hearing will be a joint meeting of the Council’s Labor and Public Safety, Human Services and Education Committee, or the successor Council committees with oversight of the City’s labor policy and the City’s public safety departments.  The public hearing should be held at least ninety days before the City begins negotiations on a collective bargaining agreement with the Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG), the Seattle Police Management Association (SPMA) or their successor labor organizations.


Suggested changes made at the public hearing that are legally required to be bargained with the SPOG or SPMA will be considered by the City, in good faith, for inclusion in negotiations but the views expressed in the public hearing will not dictate the city’s position during bargaining.




·        Resolution 30871 affirms the City’s intent to provide a meaningful opportunity for elected officials to hear from the public on the effectiveness of the City’s police accountability system before the City begins negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement with the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild or Seattle Police Management Association.  This ordinance codifies and modifies Resolution 30871 by shortening the time for the public hearing from one hundred and twenty (120) to ninety (90) days before negotiations begins, including the Seattle Police Management Association, specifying that both the City Council and the Office of Professional Accountability Review Board will host the hearing, specifying the hearing is before a joint meeting of the Council’s Labor and Public Safety Human Services and Education Committee, requesting the City’s Director of Labor Relations notify the City Council at least 180 days before negotiations begin, and amending SMC 4.04.120.


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__X__ This legislation does not have any financial implications.


____    This legislation has financial implications.