Department: |
Contact Person/Phone: |
DOF Analyst/Phone: |
Department of Neighborhoods |
Sarah Sodt/615-1786 |
Amy Williams/233-2651 |
Legislation Title: |
AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation, imposing controls upon the Norton Building, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code. |
· Summary of the Legislation:
The attached legislation acknowledges the designation of the Norton Building as an historic landmark based upon a determination by the Landmarks Preservation Board, imposes controls, grants incentives, and adds the Norton Building to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in SMC Chapter 25.32. The legislation does not have a financial impact.
· Background:
The Norton Building was built in 1959 in downtown Seattle. A Controls and Incentives Agreement has been signed by the owners and has been approved by the Landmarks Preservation Board. Included in the landmark controls is the exterior of the building, including the site. Excluded from the controls are any in–kind maintenance or repairs of the features listed in Section A.1., as well as the removal and/or addition of the following landscape elements: shrubs, perennials and annuals; the removal of the planters on the western portion of the site, which are currently obscured by the lobby and are not visible from the public right-of-way; and the removal and replacement of the tile decking on the non-public areas of the plaza underneath the tower shaft.
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