Form revised February 6, 2008





Contact Person/Phone:

DOF Analyst/Phone:


Christa Valles (684-5336)



Legislation Title:

AN ORDINANCE concerning the regulation of lobbying; establishing certain duties, registration and reporting requirements, restrictions and penalties; setting forth powers and duties of the Ethics and Elections Commission and the Executive Director thereof; setting forth procedures relating to complaints and investigations concerning alleged violations; adding a new Chapter 2.06; and amending certain sections of Chapter 2.04 of the Seattle Municipal Code. 


·        Summary of the Legislation:

This legislation requires lobbyists who are compensated for lobbying to register with the City’s Ethics and Elections Commission. It also requires employer’s of lobbyist to also register and report.  This legislation will be enforced by the Ethics and Election’s Commission. The Director of Ethics and Elections does not anticipate that additional budgetary resources will be needed to implement this legislation.


·        Background:  

The purpose of the legislation is to:

·        Increase transparency and open government. 

·        Enable the public to know who is being paid to lobby elected officials.

·        Many other cities require lobbyists to register, including Portland, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento, Austin, Madison, New York, Columbus, and Denver.


___X_ This legislation does not have any financial implications.  (Stop here and delete the remainder of this document prior to saving and printing.)