Form revised December 4, 2006





Contact Person/Phone:

DOF Analyst/Phone:


Martha Lester / 4-8149




Legislation Title:

AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; amending Chapters 23.47A, Commercial zones; 23.48, Seattle Mixed zone; 23.49, Downtown zones; 23.50, Industrial zones; 23.54, Parking and Access; and 23.84A, Definitions; of the Seattle Municipal Code, adopting regulations for the establishment and location of new or expanding adult cabarets.


·       Summary of the Legislation:

Under existing zoning, new or expanding adult strip clubs or “adult cabarets” are allowed to locate in most commercial, downtown, and industrial zones throughout the city, and are not subject to separation requirements from other uses, such as other adult uses or locations where children congregate.  This ordinance would amend the Land Use Code to add separation requirements from two categories of land use, and to modify the method of calculating required parking.

First, this ordinance would prohibit new or expanding adult cabarets within 800 feet of an elementary or secondary school, a child care center, a community center, or a public park or open space area, which are places where children tend to congregate.  Second, this ordinance would require new or expanding adult cabarets to be at least 600 feet from other adult cabarets, and at least 600 feet from adult panorams and adult motion picture theaters, which are allowed in certain downtown zones, to reduce the possible secondary effects of adult uses on the surrounding neighborhood.

In addition, this ordinance would change the basis upon which required parking for an adult cabaret is calculated.  Presently, for performing arts theaters (including adult cabarets), the parking requirement is based upon the area of the business occupied by fixed seating or public assembly area, characteristic of traditional theater design or arrangement.  Under this ordinance, required parking for an adult cabaret would be calculated on the basis of gross square footage of the business, in the amount of one space for each 250 square feet, consistent with other similar businesses such as eating and drinking establishments.

As amended by the Urban Development and Planning Committee on May 23, 2007, this ordinance would also prohibit new or expanding adult cabarets in IG1 and IG2 (Industrial General 1 and 2) zones citywide.  (Existing zoning already prohibits new or expanding adult cabarets in IG1 and IG2 zones in the Duwamish Manufacturing and Industrial Center.)


·       Background: (Include brief description of the purpose and context of legislation and include record of previous legislation and funding history, if applicable):

See above under Summary.


·       Please check one of the following:


_x__    This legislation does not have any financial implications.


____    This legislation has financial implications.
