Form revised December 4, 2006





Contact Person/Phone:

DOF Analyst/Phone:

Seattle Department of Transportation

Barbara Gray, 615-0872

Stephen Barham, 733-9084



Legislation Title AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle’s Complete Streets policy, stating guiding principles and practices so that transportation improvements are planned, designed and constructed to encourage walking, bicycling and transit use while promoting safe operations for all users. 


·         Summary of the Legislation: This Council Bill states that “Complete Streets” principles (see Resolution 30915) will be incorporated, to the maximum practicable extent, in all new City transportation improvement projects on arterials to provide appropriate accommodation for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and disabled persons while promoting safe operation for all users.  Additionally, these Complete Streets principles will be incorporated into (The Seattle Department of Transportation’s) Transportation Strategic Plan, Seattle Transit Plan, Pedestrian Master Plan, Bicycle Master Plan, Intelligent Transportation System Strategic Plan, and other SDOT plans, manuals, rules, regulations and programs as appropriate.  SDOT will implement Complete Streets policy by designing, operating, and maintaining the transportation network to improve travel conditions for bicyclists, pedestrians, transit and freight in a manner consistent with and supportive of the surrounding community.  Street and sidewalk lighting, pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements, access improvements for freight, access improvements in accordance with ADA requirements, public transit facilities accommodation, street trees, landscaping, and street amenities are all components of the Complete Streets program.



·        Background: (Include brief description of the purpose and context of legislation and include record of previous legislation and funding history, if applicable):

Resolution 30195, relating to Bridging the Gap, includes support for the principles of “Complete Streets” and states that all Bridging the Gap projects will provide appropriate accommodation for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and disabled persons while promoting safe operation for cars and trucks.  Additionally, these Complete Streets principles will be incorporated into SDOT’s Transportation Strategic Plan, Seattle Transit Plan, Pedestrian Master Plan, Bicycle Master Plan and other SDOT plans, manuals, rules, regulations and programs as appropriate.  The Resolution states that the City Council will work with SDOT and the Mayor to assess the feasibility of legislation adopting Complete Street principles.  This Ordinance results from that statement.   




·        Please check one of the following:


____    This legislation does not have any financial implications.


__X__ This legislation has financial implications.


There is no way to forecast the financial impacts of this Council Bill because the projects and improvements have not yet been determined.  The Council Bill states that Complete Streets may be achieved through single projects or incrementally through a series of smaller improvements or maintenance activities over time.  It also states that Complete Streets principles will not apply when the cost of complying exceeds approximately 20% of the overall project cost.  Maximum financial flexibility is important to implement Complete Streets principles.  All sources of transportation funding could be drawn upon to implement Complete Streets; however, at this time SDOT does not anticipate requesting additional funding from the City’s General Fund for Complete Streets work.