Fiscal Note

Each piece of legislation that appropriates funds, creates position authority, or will create a financial impact through policy direction or otherwise, requires a fiscal note.  The fiscal note should be drafted by department staff and should include all relevant financial information.  After preparation by departmental staff, the Department of Finance will review and make necessary revisions before transmittal to Council. 



Contact Person/Phone:

DOF Analyst/Phone:


Diane Sugimura 233-3882

Mark Troxel   615-1739

Susan Cole  684-8894


Legislation Title:

AN ORDINANCE authorizing the execution of  the First Amendment to 1998 Agreement Between The City of Seattle and the University of Washington to revise land acquisition and leasing provisions of that Agreement. 


Summary of the Legislation:

This ordinance amends 1998 Agreement between the City of Seattle and the University of Washington to remove the 550,000 sq ft limit of space that the university may lease in the surrounding neighborhoods. It requires that space leased by the UW conform to existing City land use regulations.  


This legislation has no fiscal impact.


Appropriations (in $1,000’s):

Fund Name and Number


Budget Control Level*



2004 Anticipated Appropriation











* This is line of business for operating budgets, and program or project for capital improvements



Expenditures (in $1,000’s):

Fund Name and Number


Budget Control Level*



2004 Anticipated Expenditures











* This is line of business for operating budgets, and program or project for capital improvements


Anticipated Revenue/Reimbursement (in $1,000’s):

Fund Name and Number


Revenue Source






















Total Permanent Positions Created Or Abrogated Through Legislation, Including FTE Impact; Estimated FTE Impact for Temporary Positions:

Fund Name and Number


Position Title*

2003 FTE

2004 FTE











* List each position separately


Do positions sunset in the future?  (If yes, identify sunset date):



Background  (Include brief description which states the purpose and context of legislation and include record of previous legislation and funding history, if applicable): 

University of Washington is limited to 550,000 sq ft of leased space in its surrounding neighborhoods (the Primary and Secondary Impact Zones under the UW Master Plan).  It anticipates needing more space in the near future.  The lease lid was a mechanism for keeping major institutions from developing beyond their boundaries in such a way as to alter the existing character of their surrounding neighborhood.  Lease lids affecting other major institutions have been replaced with a requirement that the institution report on leasing and development activity outside, but within 2,500 feet, of its boundary.  The University and all other major institutions are now subject to a master planning process that involves affected neighborhood interests.  Development regulations in surrounding neighborhoods have changed over the years so that a project occupied by the University will be subject to development regulations that will protect the established uses and character of its surroundings.  For the foregoing reasons, the lease lid provisions within the 1998 City-University Agreement are no longer necessary.


The financial cost of not implementing the legislation  (Estimate the costs to the City of not implementing the legislation, including estimated costs to maintain or expand an existing facility or the cost avoidance due to replacement of an existing facility, potential conflicts with regulatory requirements, or other potential costs if the legislation is not implemented):



Possible alternatives to the legislation which could achieve the same or similar objectives  (Include any potential alternatives to the proposed legislation, including using an existing facility to fulfill the uses envisioned by the proposed project, adding components to or subtracting components from the total proposed project, contracting with an outside organization to provide the services the proposed project would fill, or other alternatives):

Rather than lift the lease lid entirely, the City could amend the 1998 City-University Agreement to substantially raise the limit.  As noted above, however, no other major institution remains subject to a lease lid. 


Is the legislation subject to public hearing requirements (If yes, what public hearings have been held to date):



Other Issues (including long-term implications of the legislation):

None at this time.