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Seattle Comptroller/Clerk Files Index

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Documents: 1 - 97 of 97   Search String : 2=1 : 1=VOLUNTEER-PARK. INDX.

1313112Jun 27, 2013[DOC]Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) response to 2013-2013 Green Sheet No. 110-1...
2310229Oct 12, 2009[DOC]Seattle Parks and Recreation changing selected park operating hours to 4 a.m. to 11:30...
3306024Mar 26, 2003[DOC]Agreement # 2333 for the extension of Ordinance 117277, between the City of Seattle and the...
4299908Feb 14, 1994[DOC]Nighttime Closure of Volunteer Park, effective March 1, 1994....
5290109Nov 20, 1980[DOC]CONCESSION AGREEMENTS, City of Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation - Gas Works Park, Volunteer Park...
6282725Nov 18, 1975[DOC]Amendatory Agreement Between City and Seattle Art Museum to Allow Charging Fees for Admission to...
7281197Mar 20, 1975[DOC]Request of Seattle Art Museum for permission for adoption of a general admission fee schedule...
8280056Sep 25, 1974[DOC]Petition of Dr. G.R. Smith, et al., for solution of a traffic problem on 14th...
9279259Jun 13, 1974[DOC]Request of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation for appropriation for completion of Phase III improvements...
10275678May 3, 1973[DOC]Communication of Clifford J. and Ruth S. Leisy requesting consideration of their proposal to install...
11274223Nov 9, 1972[DOC]Recommendation of Mayor for authorization for execution of certain Parks & Recreation Department concession contracts....
12272106Feb 10, 1972[DOC]Recommendation of Mayor for appropriation for design and development of Volunteer Park....
13270332Jul 13, 1971[DOC]Petition of Seattle Art Museum for Approval of a Volunteer Admission Fee for Non-Members...
14268965Feb 16, 1971[DOC]Petition of Seattle Art Museum for permission to charge an admission fee to its "Great...
15267801Sep 2, 1970[DOC]Request of Seattle Art Museum for permission to charge admission to two major art exhibits...
16266724May 4, 1970[DOC]Petition of Mrs. Y. Yount for retention of the former popcorn concession operator at Volunteer...
17265689Jan 26, 1970[DOC]Petition of Elizabeth Giessman re: the Volunteer Park " popcorn truck" concession....
18265496Dec 29, 1969[DOC]Petition of Elizabeth Giesseman re: the "pop-corn" concession at Volunteer Park....
19263569May 12, 1969[DOC]Transmittal by the Mayor of petition from Capitol Hill Residents re. activities relating to rock...
20263131Mar 17, 1969[DOC]Recommendation of Mayor for appropriation for base of Noguchi sculpture at Volunteer Park....
21261058Jun 10, 1968[DOC]Petition of Seattle Art Museum for City Council to accept gift of remodeling Volunteer Park...
22258533Jul 3, 1967[DOC]Petition of resident against noise of hippies in Volunteer Park....
23248484Jun 17, 1963[DOC]Petition of Board of Park Commissioners for two additional carpenters for 8 weeks at Volunteer...
24247718Mar 25, 1963[DOC]Petition of Superintendent of Parks for appropriation for "Parks" Improvement at Volunteer Park Green House...
25246704Nov 5, 1962[DOC]Petition of Board of Park Commissioners for appropriation for the Clise memorial tree and orchid...
26246072Aug 13, 1962[DOC]Petition of Board of Park Commissioners for appropriation for sculpture work re Block Foundation gift...
27241970Feb 27, 1961[DOC]Commendation of City Council by Municipal Art Commission for repairing, etc. Volunteer Park fountains....
28240556Jul 25, 1960[DOC]Recommendation of Seattle Art Museum for repair of fountains and for parking space provisions and...
29237458Jun 15, 1959[DOC]Recommendation of Art Commission for additional parking space at Volunteer Park....
30233426Dec 2, 1957[DOC]Report of Park Board on citation to Al L. Smith of the Park Department for...
31231812May 13, 1957[DOC]Request of Superintendent of Water for appropriation for roof repair of water storage tanks at...
32230711Nov 19, 1956[DOC]Protest of resident against Water Department Building at Volunteer Park....
33230226Sep 10, 1956[DOC]Request of Superintendent of Water for appropriation for replacement of wood stave pipe in Cedar...
34229842Jul 30, 1956[DOC]Request of Superintendent of Water for appropriation for pumping equipment at Volunteer Park and Lincoln...
35228425Jan 3, 1956[DOC]Request of Seattle Art Museum to charge admission to painting exhibition from April 27 to...
36226486Mar 21, 1955[DOC]Request of Director, Seattle Art Museum for funds for Art Museum enlargement....
37224905Jul 19, 1954[DOC]Request of Seattle Art Museum regarding new roof for museum and alteration and addition to...
38224451May 24, 1954[DOC]Petition of the Director of the Seattle Art Museum for increase in the maintenance budget...
39224287May 3, 1954[DOC]Letter of Seattle Art Museum regarding awarding of contract for construction work in Museum this...
40224173Apr 19, 1954[DOC]Request of Seattle Art Museum for appropriation for improvement of Art Museum....
41221201Jun 1, 1953[DOC]Petition of United Spanish War Veterans for City Council representative at Volunteer Park for unveiling...
42218026Aug 18, 1952[DOC]Petition of Seattle Junior Programs, Inc. for bond issue to build addition to Seattle Art...
43217238Jun 23, 1952[DOC]Letter of Supt. of Parks regarding approrpriations for Volunteer Park Greenhouse and Conservatory Bldg. and...
44212434May 28, 1951[DOC]Request of Supt. Of Parks for appropriation to expand facilities at Volunteer Park to accommodate...
45212124May 7, 1951[DOC]Offer of Almon Ray Smith of $5,000 from estate of late Mrs. Jennie S....
46210462Jan 8, 1951[DOC]Request of Supt. Of Parks for appropriation from Cum Res. Fd. For Colman Pool, etc...
47205969Jan 17, 1950[DOC]Petition of Superintendent of Parks for appropriation of $5,000 for improvements to Volunteer Park...
48204609Sep 28, 1949[DOC]Protest of Robt. E. Leaf, et al., vs. proposal to discontinue summer concerts in the...
49204134Aug 10, 1949[DOC]Endorsement of Mrs. G. T. Kisak, et al., of concerts at Volunteer Park and request...
50202541Apr 11, 1949[DOC]Petition of Superintendent of Parks for appropriation re Music Shell at Volunteer Park....
51201931Feb 21, 1949[DOC]Petition of Superintendent of Parks for transfer of money for resurfacing paths at Lincoln Park...
52198683May 10, 1948[DOC]Petition of W.S. Greathouse, Trustee under the Will of Charles H. Frye regarding practicability of...
53195326Aug 25, 1947[DOC]Petition of Board of Park Commissioners for appropriation to make certain alterations to Art Museum...
54189620Jun 26, 1946[DOC]Invitation Bd. Park Commissioners to attend first band concert at Volunteer Park on Sunday, June...
55187652Jan 29, 1946[DOC]Petition of Board Park Commissioners for certain post war improvement to park system....
56187497Jan 21, 1946[DOC]Notice of Seattle Park Dept. of additional employees on Park Payroll on certain projects....
57186320Oct 29, 1945[DOC]Petition of Board of Park Commissioners for emergency appropriation on deferred maintenance projects. (Stoves, shelters...
58171581Oct 14, 1941[DOC]Acceptance of Seattle Art Museum of Ordinance No. 71290 - special admission for exhibit "Mrs. James...
59168925Feb 3, 1941[DOC]Petition of Greenhouse and Florists Union for retention of Jacob Umlauff in the Park Department...
60159070May 27, 1938[DOC]Petition of Louis Merrill-Cooper et al for lighting system in Volunteer Park....
61158388Mar 16, 1938[DOC]Petition of Board of Park Commissioners for appropriation to replace certain trucks and equipment....
62158114Feb 16, 1938[DOC]Petition of Board of Park Commissioners that maintenance of lighting Green Lake Park and Volunteer...
63156794Oct 11, 1937[DOC]Petition of Supt. of Water for appropriation from Water Extension Bond 1937 Construction Fund for...
64156595Sep 20, 1937[DOC]Petition of Supt. of Water for action on Council Bill 58301 for extensions....
65155654Jun 21, 1937[DOC]Annual Report Seattle Art Museum....
66144690Sep 6, 1934[DOC]Communication of Park Board relating to commendation of symphony concerts....
67143087Mar 14, 1934[DOC]Annual Report of Art Institute of Seattle for nine months of 1933....
68140804Jul 28, 1933[DOC]Petition of Park Board for approval of classifications for positions at Art Museum....
69139403Apr 12, 1933[DOC]Report of Park Board on agreement for payment for comfort stations in Seattle Art Institute...
70134329Jan 20, 1932[DOC]Contract between City of Seattle and Art Institute of Seattle....
71133702Nov 23, 1931[DOC]Report of Mayor transmitting report Civic Art Museum Commission....
72110239Apr 21, 1927[DOC]Petition of Seattle Garden Club for free lighting in pergola at Volunteer Park during annual...
73102571Nov 9, 1925[DOC]Request of Board of Public Works for additional appropriation for relining Volunteer Park Reservoir....
74102029Oct 1, 1925[DOC]Mayor Edwin J. Brown veto of CB 39594 re repairs to Volunteer Park Reservoir....
7592065Nov 24, 1923[DOC]Communication of Park Board transmitting petition for transfer of Board of tract on 14th Avenue...
7678707Sep 7, 1920[DOC]Report of City Engineer of money expended under Ordinance No. 37520 Cedar River Water Supply...
7776740Mar 19, 1920[DOC]Communication of Park Board estimating damages that will result from construction of 2nd reservoir in...
7876473Feb 24, 1920[DOC]Communication of Mayor transmitting protests against 2nd Reservoir in Volunteer Park....
7976346Feb 9, 1921[DOC]Report of City Engineer and Superintendent of Water re extension of Water System....
8076306Feb 6, 1920[DOC]Report of Municipal League of Seattle favoring construction of Second Reservoir in Volunteer Park....
8176305Feb 5, 1920[DOC]Mayor C.B. Fitzgerald veto of CB 29779 re reservoir in Volunteer Park....
8275634Dec 15, 1919[DOC]Communication of City Engineer relating to water system extensions by additional reservoirs....
8370425Apr 19, 1918[DOC]Communication of Corporation Counsel re amendment of Water Bond Ordinance to allow issuance and sale...
8470283Apr 3, 1918[DOC]Communication of Superintendent of Water re necessity for immediate issuance of bonds....
8565760Sep 30, 1916[DOC]Resolution of Board of Park Commissioners rejecting application of City to locate new reservoir of...
8664190May 15, 1916[DOC]Communication of Seattle Federation of Musical Clubs in regard to proposed musical festival....
8754815Jan 5, 1914[DOC]Mayor George F. Cotterill Annual Message published and unpublished....
8850630Jan 13, 1913[DOC]Mayor George F. Cotterill Annual Message....
8938223Oct 25, 1909[DOC]Request of Board of Park Commissioners for submission of a bond issue of $2,000...
9035032Jul 24, 1908[DOC]Request of Park Board for an ordinance prohibiting use of automobiles, auto cycles or motor...
9133153Oct 7, 1907[DOC]Report of Finance Committee on Estimate for 1908....
9231491Feb 4, 1907[DOC]Communication from T. Ryan in re construction of Volunteer Park Standpipe....
9330256Jun 18, 1906[DOC]Report of the Fire and Water Committee on proposed additions to the Cedar River Water...
9430175Jun 4, 1906[DOC]Acceptance of Foundation for Standpipe in Volunteer Park constructed by International Contract Co....
9529530[DOC]Specifications for Volunteer Park stand pipe....
9610654May 29, 1901[DOC]Recommendation of C. D. Williams that Volunteer Park be named Washington Park....
977268Feb 23, 1900[DOC]Protest of W. L. Childs et al. against the granting of a franchise for a...

Documents: 1 - 97 of 97   Search String : 2=1 : 1=VOLUNTEER-PARK. INDX.