AN ORDINANCE relating to acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of various departments to accept and authorize the expenditure of specified grants, private funding, and subsidized loans and to execute, deliver, and perform
corresponding agreements; amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 Budget, including the 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the
Budget; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2024-2029 CIP; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Section 1. For each item in the following table, the head of the listed department is authorized to accept non-City funding from the listed sources below; and to execute, deliver, and perform, on behalf of The City of Seattle, agreements for the
purposes described. The funding, when received, shall be deposited in the receiving fund identified to support, or as reimbursement for, either the appropriations set forth in Section 2 of this ordinance or existing appropriations in the receiving
Item |
Department |
Source |
Purpose |
Fund |
Accept |
1.1 |
Community Assisted Response and Engagement |
Association of Washington Cities |
The Association of Washington Cities provides funding to pay for salaries and benefit costs for Behavioral Health Professionals (Community Crisis Responders) employed by the CARE team. |
General Fund (00100) |
$68,000 |
1.2 |
Department of Finance and Administrative Services |
Department of Energy |
This funding will upgrade a group of municipally-owned, community-serving buildings including transitioning the buildings' space and water heating from fossil fuels to carbon neutral electricity, supporting improved
indoor air quality, reducing energy use and GHG emissions, and providing cooling to community members. |
General Fund (00100) |
$681,520 |
1.3 |
Executive (Office of Economic Development) |
Department of Commerce |
This grant will support a program sponsorship of the M5 building film production programs and will provide reduced rate access to hot desks and film production offices. |
General Fund (00100) |
$30,000 |
1.4 |
Executive (Office of Economic Development) |
Department of Commerce |
The grant will be used to lease space for nonprofit and academic institutions to incubate technology business start-ups, especially those focusing on artificial intelligence and develop and teach curricula to skill up
workers to use artificial intelligence as a business resource. |
General Fund (00100) |
$500,000 |
1.5 |
Executive (Office of Emergency Management) |
FEMA via WA State Military Dept, Emergency Mgmt. Division |
This FEMA Hazard Mitigation grant provides funding under Disaster Declaration DR-4481-WA to develop an equitable, citywide climate change mitigation strategy ("Seattle Climate Ready") in ways that prioritize
vulnerable populations and places. |
General Fund (00100) |
$7,500 |
1.6 |
Executive (Office of Emergency Management) |
FEMA via WA State Military Dept., Emergency Mgmt. Division |
This FEMA Hazard Mitigation grant provides funding under Disaster Declaration DR-4481-WA to install efficient air conditioning (A/C) in 5 branches of the Seattle Public Library system currently without A/C, in order to
serve as public cooling centers and mitigate consequences of extreme heat events. |
General Fund (00100) |
$291,427 |
1.7 |
Executive (Office of Housing) |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development |
The Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) grant supports identification and removal of barriers to affordable housing production and preservation. |
Low Income Housing Fund (16400) |
$5,000,000 |
1.8 |
Executive (Office of Housing) |
Bonneville Power Administration via the Washington State Department of Commerce |
This Department of Commerce grant provides funding for program administration and delivery of weatherization and repair services to improve energy efficiency, and provide health and safety benefits for Eligible Low-Income
Persons/Participants in areas served by the Bonneville Power Administration in both single and multi-family buildings. |
Low Income Housing Fund (16400) |
$250,000 |
Office of Housing Fund (16600) |
$50,000 |
1.9 |
Executive (Office of Planning and Community Development) |
Federal Emergency Management Agency |
This FEMA Hazard Mitigation grant provides funding under Disaster Declaration DR-4481-WA to develop a an equitable, citywide climate change mitigation strategy ("Seattle Climate Ready") in ways that prioritize
vulnerable populations and places. |
General Fund (00100) |
$142,500 |
1.10 |
Executive (Office of Sustainability and Environment) |
USDA Food and Nutrition Service |
This project with Seattle Public Schools and community organizations will expand fresh and local food in school meals and increase education and training for students and practitioners. |
General Fund (00100) |
$99,736 |
1.11 |
Human Services Department |
WA State Dept of Commerce |
To provide shelter and other supports for unhoused migrants in the Seattle area. |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
$385,310 |
1.12 |
Human Services Department |
WA State DSHS |
To provide shelter and other supports for unhoused migrants in the Seattle area. |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
$2,197,070 |
1.13 |
Human Services Department |
King County |
Grant to provide funding for the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program. |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
$1,376,179 |
1.14 |
Human Services Department |
WA State Health Care Authority |
Grant to provide funding for the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program in Seattle. |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
$1,240,000 |
1.15 |
Human Services Department |
Washington State DSHS |
Grant to support outreach and information sharing with older adults on the WA CARES program. |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
$315,000 |
1.16 |
Human Services Department |
Washington State DSHS |
Grant providing nutrition programs to older adults in Seattle & King County. |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
$3,762,709 |
1.17 |
Human Services Department |
Washington State DSHS |
Grant providing care transitions support to assist individuals exiting a hospital stay. |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
$255,514 |
1.18 |
Human Services Department |
University of Washington |
Grant providing training to enhance the ability of service providers working with older adults. |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
$203,607 |
1.19 |
Law Department |
U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) |
The State Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (State TSRP) is a continuing project aimed at reducing impaired driving in Washington State. The State TSRP trains and educates prosecutors, law enforcement, judges, probation
staff, legislators, and hearing examiners on topics crucial to impaired driving enforcement. The State TSRP provides experienced litigation assistance in the courtroom, legal memoranda, research assistance and online assistance via the State TSRP
website and newsletter. |
General Fund (00100) |
$230,934 |
1.20 |
Legislative Department |
Washington State Historical Society |
The grant will be used to develop archivist exhibits based on existing audio recordings from Seattle City Council committee meetings and public hearings to more inclusively represent community participation in the
democratic process. |
General Fund (00100) |
$13,564 |
1.21 |
Seattle Department of Transportation |
Federal Highway Administration |
To accept federal grant funding for the design phase of the N 130th St - Bitter Lake to Haller Lake Mobility Improvements project. This project will establish a new multimodal corridor to connect riders to the future N
130th St light rail station, including improvements for transit operations and reliability, safety, and nonmotorized access. |
Transportation Fund (13000) |
$5,460,000 |
1.22 |
Seattle Department of Transportation |
Seattle City Light |
This appropriation increase represents additional scope for streetlighting work agreed to by SDOT and SCL in Amendment 2 of the interdepartmental agreement each agency has executed governing the Madison Bus Rapid Transit
project. |
Transportation Fund (13000) |
$2,144,220 |
1.23 |
Seattle Department of Transportation |
Port of Seattle |
This agreement supplements funding for the construction of the Terminal 5 quiet zone improvements and tree establishment costs. |
Transportation Fund (13000) |
$2,000,000 |
1.24 |
Seattle Fire Department |
WA State Department of Ecology |
The Washington State Department of Ecology Grant Program provides funding for oil spill and hazardous materials response and firefighting equipment, resources and trainings that support local, regional, and statewide
emergency response to oil spills and hazardous materials incidents. |
General Fund (00100) |
$100,000 |
1.25 |
Seattle Fire Department |
WA Homeland Security |
The objective of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) is to fund state, local, tribal, and territorial efforts to prevent, protect against, and respond to terrorist attacks, and
prepare the nation for threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. |
General Fund (00100) |
$294,000 |
1.26 |
Seattle Information Technology Department |
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency |
This grant is provided by FEMA via Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to local government entities to bolster their cyber security programs. The City of Seattle will be a host city for the 2026 the
FIFA World Cup. The City will be hosting individuals from around the world including dignitaries, political leaders and World Cup athletes and teams. While currently there is a strong security posture it will be imperative that the City’s shields
are even stronger prior to and during the events. |
Information Technology Fund (50410) |
$160,000 |
1.27 |
Seattle Information Technology Department |
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency |
This grant provided by FEMA via Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to local government entities to bolster their cyber security programs. This project enables the City to provide appropriate technical
security measures to ensure our most sensitive data is protected within and outside the City's environment through implementation of a Citywide Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Information Protection (IP) initiative. This effort will bolster the City's
ability to protect our critical data assets, ensure technical mechanisms are in place to support requirements in the City's IT Security Policy, and reduce security and breach risk associated with unauthorized data access. |
Information Technology Fund (50410) |
$75,000 |
1.28 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks |
This Parks Capital and Open Space Program grant supports the redesign of Little Brook Park in northeast Seattle to improve safety, accessibility, visibility, and community gathering through a community garden, raised play
area, and other amenities. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$720,000 |
1.29 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks |
This Parks Capital and Open Space Program grant supports design construction plans for the Kubota Garden Visitor Center including a courtyard, decks, all-gender restrooms, and displays of information about the garden and
upcoming events. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$500,000 |
1.30 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Washington State Department of Commerce |
This grant supports the Garfield Super Block Project to renovate a multi-use park with new accessible connections, play and sports areas, and restrooms. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$2,950,000 |
1.31 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
National Park Service |
This Washington State Land and Water Conservation Fund grant supports the Garfield Super Block project to renovate a multi-use park with new accessible connections, play and sports areas, and restrooms. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$1,996,506 |
1.32 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
National Park Service |
This Washington State Land and Water Conservation Fund grant supports the Rainier Beach Playfield Skatepark project to develop an inclusive skate park with new ADA connections, picnic shelters, a loop pathway around the
park, and other amenities. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$1,000,000 |
1.33 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
National Park Service |
This Washington State Land and Water Conservation Fund grant supports the redesign of Little Brook Park in northeast Seattle to improve safety, accessibility, visibility, and community gathering through a community
garden, raised play area, and other amenities. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$800,000 |
1.34 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office |
This Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant supports the Rainier Beach Playfield Skatepark project to develop an inclusive skate park with new ADA connections, picnic shelters, a loop pathway around the park,
and other amenities. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$500,000 |
1.35 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office |
This Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant supports the redesign of Little Brook Park in northeast Seattle to improve safety, accessibility, visibility, and community gathering through a community garden,
raised play area, and other amenities. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$500,000 |
1.36 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
National Park Service |
This Washington State Land and Water Conservation Fund grant supports park and playgroup improvements at Be'er Sheva Park. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$365,420 |
1.37 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks |
This Youth and Amateur Sports Grant supports replacing synthetic turf and other accessibility upgrades at the Garfield baseball field. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$250,000 |
1.38 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks |
This Youth and Amateur Sports Grant supports improvements at the Rainier Community Center playground. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$250,000 |
1.39 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks |
This Parks Capital and Open Space Program grant supports the Garfield Super Block project to renovate a multi-use park with new accessible connections, play and sports areas, and restrooms. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$800,000 |
1.40 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks |
This Parks Capital and Open Space Program grant supports the Rainier Beach Playfield Skatepark project to develop an inclusive skate park with new accessible connections, picnic shelters, a loop pathway around the park,
and other amenities. |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
$850,000 |
1.41 |
Seattle Police Department |
Downtown Business Improvement Area |
This item provides enhanced police services in downtown Seattle. |
General Fund (00100) |
$530,000 |
1.42 |
Seattle Police Department |
Washington Traffic Safety Commission |
This item provides funding for impaired driving training. |
General Fund (00100) |
$65,000 |
1.43 |
Seattle Police Department |
Washington State Department of Commerce |
This item provides funding to purchase vehicle pursuit management technology. |
General Fund (00100) |
$250,000 |
1.44 |
Seattle Public Library |
Washington State Department of Commerce |
The Washington State Department of Commerce grant will support the purchase and installation of Electric Vehicle charging stations at the Central Library, Rainier Beach Library, Green Lake Library, Beacon Hill Library,
and the Library’s Maintenance and Operations Center. |
Library Fund (10410) |
$367,000 |
1.45 |
Seattle Public Library |
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) |
This FEMA- and state-funded grant provides funds under Disaster Declaration DR-4481-WA to install efficient air conditioning (A/C) in 5 branches of the Seattle Public Library system currently without A/C, in order to
serve as public cooling centers and mitigate consequences of extreme heat events. |
Library Fund (10410) |
$5,537,121 |
1.46 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Commerce |
This item provides funding for the acquisition of the former Silver Bay property in South Park for a new water quality treatment facility and other community benefits. There is no expiration for this grant. The Grantor
will automatically request re-appropriation of unused funds in next state budget cycle. The item will be entirely funded by the Washington Department of Commerce. There is no match requirement for this grant. |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
$1,212,500 |
1.47 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Ecology |
This item increases grant-backed appropriation authority in order to accept a grant from the Washington Department of Commerce. This item provides funding to reimburse SPU, an NPDES Permittee, for funds used to implement
and manage its municipal stormwater programs that reduce pollutants discharged into local waterbodies. |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
$130,000 |
1.48 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Commerce |
This item increases grant-backed appropriation authority in order to accept a grant from the Washington Department of Commerce. This will provide support for SPU to study the potential for street sweeping to reduce
amounts of 6PPD-q, a tire antioxidant lethal to Coho salmon, on roadways. The grant will expire 12/31/2028. The item will be entirely funded by the Washington Department of Commerce. There is no match requirement for this grant. |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
$877,004 |
1.49 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Commerce |
This item provides increases grant-backed appropriation authority in order to accept a grant from the Washington Department of Commerce. This item provides funding for the advancement of SPU’s goal of carbon
neutral operations by 2030. SPU will explore renewable energy generation opportunities at its facilities, such as landfill and rooftop solar installations, in-line hydropower, and battery storage installations. Through this study, SPU will define and
identify the best facilities for renewable energy generation and craft a road map to address implementation challenges, including grid capacity and interconnection concerns. |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
$500,000 |
1.50 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Environmental Protection Agency |
This item would allow Seattle Public Utilities to accept a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency for the South Park Phase 2 Conveyance. The South Park Phase 2 Conveyance will create a formal drainage system to
address significant drainage and flooding issues in South Park. |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
$3,000,000 |
1.51 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Ecology |
This item would allow Seattle Public Utilities to accept a grant from the Washington Department of Ecology for the North Thornton Natural Drainage System Project. The North Thornton Natural Drainage System Project will
improve water quality in the Thornton Creek watershed by removing pollutants from urban stormwater runoff before discharging into Thornton Creek and its tributaries while also delivering co-benefits to the community. |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
$4,564,580 |
1.52 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Health |
This item is one of two items that provide funding for the Bitter Lake Reservoir project, which will replaces the existing reservoir with a new 21 million gallon circular, partial-buried reservoir that includes community
benefits. |
Water Fund (43000) |
$12,000,000 |
1.53 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Health |
This item is the second of two items funding the Bitter Lake Reservoir project, which will replaces the existing reservoir with a new 21 million gallon circular, partial-buried reservoir that includes community
benefits. |
Water Fund (43000) |
$3,000,000 |
1.54 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Ecology |
This is the second of two projects for the Natural Drainage System (NDS) Partnering Program and will identify, design, and build 15-18 blocks of bioretention systems in the right-of-way in the separated Thornton Creek
watershed. |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
$11,891,739 |
1.55 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Washington Department of Ecology |
This grant is for the development of a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) for the contaminated sediments offshore of Gas Works Park and Harbor Patrol. Funding is being provided by the Washington State
Department of Ecology using federal funding. There is no match requirement for this grant/loan. Funding is also being awarded to Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) for this project. Seattle Public Utilities and SPR are authorized to accept these funds
under a 2012 Seattle ordinance authorizing these entities and Puget Sound Energy (PSE) to enter into a settlement, release, and cost allocation agreement for remediation of the combined gas Works Parks Upland sand North Lake Union
sediments. |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
$438,000 |
1.56 |
Executive (Office of Sustainability and Environment) |
U.S. Department of Energy |
This grant supports enforcement of Seattle’s Building Emissions Performance Standards (BEPS) over 9 years (2025-2033), aiming to help achieve 90% compliance and provide funding for workforce development.
General Fund (00100) |
$17,222,016 |
$100,400,676 |
Section 2. Contingent upon the execution of grant or other funding agreements and receipt of the funds authorized in Section 1 of this ordinance, the appropriations in the 2024 Budget for the following items are increased from the funds shown, as
Item |
Department |
Fund |
Budget Summary Level/BCL Code |
CIP Project/ID |
Change to 2024 Appropriations |
2.1 |
Community Assisted Response and Engagement |
General Fund (00100) |
Community Assisted Response and Engagement (00100-BO-CS-40000) |
$68,000 |
2.2 |
Department of Finance and Administrative Services |
General Fund (00100) |
FAS Oversight-External Projects (00100-BC-FA-EXTPROJ) |
Energy Efficiency for Municipal Buildings (MC-FA-ENEFFMBLD) |
$681,520 |
2.3 |
Executive (Office of Economic Development) |
General Fund (00100) |
Business Services (00100-BO-ED-X1D00) |
$30,000 |
2.4 |
Executive (Office of Economic Development) |
General Fund (00100) |
Business Services (00100-BO-ED-X1D00) |
$500,000 |
2.5 |
Executive (Office of Emergency Management) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Emergency Management (00100-BO-EP-10000) |
$7,500 |
2.6 |
Executive (Office of Emergency Management) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Emergency Management (00100-BO-EP-10000) |
$291,427 |
2.7 |
Executive (Office of Housing) |
Low Income Housing Fund (16400) |
Homeownership & Sustainability (16400-BO-HU-2000) |
$5,000,000 |
2.8 |
Executive (Office of Housing) |
Low Income Housing Fund (16400) |
Homeownership & Sustainability (16400-BO-HU-2000) |
$250,000 |
2.9 |
Executive (Office of Housing) |
Office of Housing Fund (16600) |
Homeownership & Sustainability (16600-BO-HU-2000) |
$50,000 |
2.10 |
Executive (Office of Planning and Community Development) |
General Fund (00100) |
Planning and Community Development (00100-BO-PC-X2P00) |
$142,500 |
2.11 |
Executive (Office of Sustainability and Environment) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Sustainability and Environment (00100-BO-SE-X1000) |
$99,736 |
2.12 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Addressing Homelessness (16200-BO-HS-H3000) |
$367,452 |
2.13 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Leadership and Administration (16200-BO-HS-H5000) |
$17,858 |
2.14 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Addressing Homelessness (16200-BO-HS-H3000) |
$2,110,443 |
2.15 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Leadership and Administration (16200-BO-HS-H5000) |
$86,627 |
2.16 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Supporting Safe Communities (16200-BO-HS-H4000) |
$1,376,179 |
2.17 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Leadership and Administration (16200-BO-HS-H5000) |
$7,273 |
2.18 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Supporting Safe Communities (16200-BO-HS-H4000) |
$1,232,727 |
2.19 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Leadership and Administration (16200-BO-HS-H5000) |
$22,303 |
2.20 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Promoting Healthy Aging (16200-BO-HS-H6000) |
$292,697 |
2.21 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Leadership and Administration (16200-BO-HS-H5000) |
$266,417 |
2.22 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Supporting Affordability and Livability (16200-BO-HS-H1000) |
$3,496,292 |
2.23 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Leadership and Administration (16200-BO-HS-H5000) |
$18,092 |
2.24 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Promoting Healthy Aging (16200-BO-HS-H6000) |
$237,422 |
2.25 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Leadership and Administration (16200-BO-HS-H5000) |
$15,515 |
2.26 |
Human Services Department |
Human Services Fund (16200) |
Promoting Healthy Aging (16200-BO-HS-H6000) |
$188,092 |
2.27 |
Law Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Criminal (00100-BO-LW-J1500) |
$230,934 |
2.28 |
Legislative Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Legislative Department (00100-BO-LG-G1000) |
$13,564 |
2.29 |
Seattle Department of Transportation |
Transportation Fund (13000) |
Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003) |
Madison BRT - RapidRide G Line (MC-TR-C051) |
$2,144,220 |
2.30 |
Seattle Department of Transportation |
Transportation Fund (13000) |
Major Maintenance/Replacement (13000-BC-TR-19001) |
Urban Forestry Capital Establishment (MC-TR-C050) |
$10,522 |
2.31 |
Seattle Department of Transportation |
Transportation Fund (13000) |
Mobility-Capital (13000-BC-TR-19003) |
Freight Spot Improvement Program (MC-TR-C047) |
$1,989,478 |
2.32 |
Seattle Fire Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Operations (00100-BO-FD-F3000) |
$100,000 |
2.33 |
Seattle Fire Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Operations (00100-BO-FD-F3000) |
$294,000 |
2.34 |
Seattle Information Technology Department |
Information Technology Fund (50410) |
Applications (50410-BO-IT-D0600) |
$160,000 |
2.35 |
Seattle Information Technology Department |
Information Technology Fund (50410) |
Applications (50410-BO-IT-D0600) |
$75,000 |
2.36 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$720,000 |
2.37 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$500,000 |
2.38 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$2,950,000 |
2.39 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$1,996,506 |
2.40 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$1,000,000 |
2.41 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$800,000 |
2.42 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$500,000 |
2.43 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$500,000 |
2.44 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$365,420 |
2.45 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$250,000 |
2.46 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$250,000 |
2.47 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$800,000 |
2.48 |
Seattle Parks and Recreation |
Park And Recreation Fund (10200) |
Fix It First (10200-BC-PR-40000) |
Major Maintenance and Asset Management (MC-PR-41001) |
$850,000 |
2.49 |
Seattle Police Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Special Operations (00100-BO-SP-P3400) |
$530,000 |
2.50 |
Seattle Police Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Leadership and Administration (00100-BO-SP-P1600) |
$65,000 |
2.51 |
Seattle Police Department |
General Fund (00100) |
Technical Services (00100-BO-SP-P8000) |
$250,000 |
2.52 |
Seattle Public Library |
Library Fund (10410) |
Capital Improvements (10410-BC-PL-B3000) |
$367,000 |
2.53 |
Seattle Public Library |
Library Fund (10410) |
Capital Improvements (10410-BC-PL-B3000) |
Library Major Maintenance (MC-PL-B3011) |
$5,537,121 |
2.54 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Utility Service and Operations (44010-BO-SU-N200B) |
$1,212,500 |
2.55 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Utility Service and Operations (44010-BO-SU-N200B) |
$130,000 |
2.56 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Utility Service and Operations (44010-BO-SU-N200B) |
$877,004 |
2.57 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Utility Service and Operations (44010-BO-SU-N200B) |
$500,000 |
2.58 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Flooding, Sewer Backup & Landslide (44010-BC-SU-C380B) |
South Park Stormwater Program (MC-SU-C3806) |
$3,000,000 |
2.59 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Combined Sewer Overflows (44010-BC-SU-C360B) |
Future CSO Projects (MC-SU-C3612) |
$4,564,580 |
2.60 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Water Fund (43000) |
Water Quality & Treatment (43000-BC-SU-C140B) |
Reservoir Covering-Bitter Lake (MC-SU-C1419) |
$12,000,000 |
2.61 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Water Fund (43000) |
Water Quality & Treatment (43000-BC-SU-C140B) |
Reservoir Covering-Bitter Lake (MC-SU-C1419) |
$3,000,000 |
2.62 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Protection of Beneficial Uses (44010-BC-SU-C333B) |
GSI for Protection of Beneficial Uses (MC-SU-C3316) |
$11,891,739 |
2.63 |
Seattle Public Utilities |
Drainage and Wastewater Fund (44010) |
Sediments (44010-BC-SU-C350B) |
Sediment Remediation (MC-SU-C3503) |
$438,000 |
2.64 |
Executive (Office of Sustainability and Environment) |
General Fund (00100) |
Office of Sustainability and Environment (00100-BO-SE-X1000) |
$1,300,000 |
$79,018,660 |
Unspent funds so appropriated shall carry forward to subsequent fiscal years until they are exhausted or abandoned by ordinance, except for items 2.12 and 2.13. Additionally, on December 31 annually, for each appropriation in this section, if the
remaining funds are $1.00 or less, that appropriation is abandoned.
Allocation modifications for the Seattle Department of Transportation and Seattle Public Utilities in this section shall operate for the purposes of increasing or decreasing the base for the limit imposed by subsection 4(c) of Ordinance 126955.
Section 3. Any act consistent with the authority of this ordinance taken after its passage and prior to its effective date is ratified and confirmed.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Sections 1.04.020 and 1.04.070.
Passed by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2024, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this _____ day of _________________________, 2024.
Bruce A. Harrell, Mayor