Resolution _________________
A RESOLUTION relating to Indigenous Peoples' Day; declaring the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples' Day in the City of Seattle; encouraging other institutions to recognize the Day; and reaffirming the City's commitment to promote the
well-being and growth of Seattle's American Indian and Indigenous community.
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle recognizes that the Indigenous Peoples of the lands that would later become known as the Americas have occupied these lands since time immemorial; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes the fact that Seattle is built upon the homelands and villages of the Indigenous Peoples of this region, without whom the building of the City would not have been possible; and
WHEREAS, the City values the many contributions made to our community through Indigenous Peoples' knowledge, labor, technology, science, philosophy, arts and the deep cultural contribution that has substantially shaped the character of the City of
Seattle; and
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle has a responsibility to oppose the systematic racism towards Indigenous people in the United States, which perpetuates high rates of poverty and income inequality, exacerbating disproportionate health, education, and social
crises; and
WHEREAS, the City promotes the closing of the equity gap for Indigenous Peoples through policies and practices that reflect the experiences of Indigenous Peoples, ensure greater access and opportunity, and honor our nation's indigenous roots, history,
and contributions; and
WHEREAS, Indigenous Peoples' Day was first proposed in 1977 by a delegation of Native Nations to the United Nationssponsored International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the Americas; and
WHEREAS, in 2011 the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, representing 59 Tribes from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Northern California, Western Montana and some Alaskan Tribes, passed resolution #11-57 to "Support to Change Columbus Day (2nd Monday of
October) to Indigenous Peoples' Day"; and
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle was declared to be a Human Rights City on December 10, 2012, committing itself to protect, respect and fulfill the full range of inherent human rights for all as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
numerous other international human rights treaties; and
WHEREAS, in 2014 the Seattle Human Rights Commission passed Resolution #14-03, "Recognizing the Second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples' Day", which called upon the City to officially celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day in order to promote
tolerance, understanding and friendship, and to combat prejudice and eliminate discrimination stemming from colonization. NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. The City of Seattle strongly supports the proposition that Indigenous Peoples' Day shall be an opportunity to celebrate the thriving cultures and values of the Indigenous Peoples of our region.
Section 2. The City of Seattle affirms that it is City policy to participate in the annual Indigenous Peoples' Day celebrations and activities; that City departments work with the Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR) and the Seattle Human Rights
Commission to encourage participation on a citywide basis.
Section 3. The City of Seattle strongly encourages Seattle Public Schools to include the teaching of indigenous people's history as recommended by Chapter 205, Session Laws of 2005.
Section 4. The City of Seattle encourages other businesses, organizations, and public institutions to recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Section 5. The City of Seattle firmly commits to continue its efforts to promote the well-being and growth of Seattle's American Indian and Indigenous community.
Section 6. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Seattle jointly declare the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples' Day in the City of Seattle.
Adopted by the City Council the ____ day of ____________________, 2014, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its adoption this________ day
of ______________________, 2014.
President ___________of the City Council
Edward B. Murray, Mayor
Filed by me this ____ day of ________________________, 2014.
Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk
Steve Lee MO Indigenous Peoples' Day RES July 22, 2014 Version # 5