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Seattle City Council Resolutions

Information modified on November 6, 2023; retrieved on July 27, 2024 5:37 AM

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Resolution 31768


A RESOLUTION relating to funding for construction and long-term operations and management of public spaces on the Central Waterfront; reaffirming the overall funding plan for the Central Waterfront Improvements and the principles that will guide implementation of these improvements; outlining the process for formation of a Local Improvement District and completion of a fundraising plan for philanthropy; and identifying a framework for an agreement with the non-profit Friends of Waterfront Seattle to operate and manage public spaces on the Central Waterfront.

Description and Background

Current Status:Adopted
Fiscal Note:Fiscal Note to Resolution 31768

Legislative History

Sponsor:Debora Juarez
Date Introduced:September 5, 2017
Committee Referral:Parks, Seattle Center, Libraries, and Waterfront
Committee Action Date:September 7, 2017
Committee Recommendation:Adopt as amended
Committee Vote:2 (Juarez, Bagshaw) - 0
City Council Action Date:September 11, 2017
City Council Action:Adopted
City Council Vote:8-0 (Excused: Herbold)
Date Delivered to Mayor:September 12, 2017
Date Signed by Mayor:
(About the signature date)
September 12, 2017
Date Filed with Clerk:September 12, 2017
Signed Copy:PDF scan of Resolution No. 31768



Attachment A Timeline for LID Formation and Assessment Roll Confirmation