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Seattle City Council Resolutions

Information modified on November 6, 2023; retrieved on September 26, 2024 11:07 PM

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Resolution 31753


A RESOLUTION relating to police accountability; instructing the Office of Inspector General for Public Safety and Community Police Commission to review and recommend changes to Seattle laws, policies, and practices within the scope of their expertise.

Description and Background

Current Status:Adopted
Fiscal Note:Fiscal Note to Resolution 31753

Legislative History

Sponsor:M. Lorena Gonzalez
Date Introduced:May 22, 2017
Committee Referral:Full Council
City Council Action Date:May 22, 2017
City Council Action:Adopted
City Council Vote:8-0 (Excused: Harrell)
Date Delivered to Mayor:May 24, 2017
Date Signed by Mayor:
(About the signature date)
June 1, 2017
Date Filed with Clerk:June 1, 2017
Signed Copy:PDF scan of Resolution No. 31753

