Seattle City Council Resolutions
Information modified on November 19, 2010; retrieved on February 8, 2025 6:23 AM
Resolution 31019
Title | |
A RESOLUTION establishing goals, creating a policy framework, and identifying planning, analysis and actions for the purpose of strengthening Seattle's food system sustainability and security. |
Description and Background | |
Current Status: | Adopted |
References: | Food Action Plan, |
Legislative History | |
Sponsor: | CONLIN | tr>
Date Introduced: | October 8, 2007 |
Committee Referral: | Environment, Emergency Management and Utilities |
City Council Action Date: | April 28, 2008 |
City Council Action: | Adopted |
City Council Vote: | 7-2 (No: Godden, McIver) |
Date Delivered to Mayor: | April 29, 2008 |
Date Filed with Clerk: | May 8, 2008 |
Signed Copy: | PDF scan of Resolution No. 31019 |
Text | |
WHEREAS, food and water are sustaining and enduring necessities and are among the basic essentials for life; and WHEREAS, hunger and food insecurity are important issues that most adversely affect low-income and minority populations; and WHEREAS, one of the six Community Goals adopted by Seattle, King County, and United Way is "Food to Eat and a Roof Overhead" reflected in Seattle's Comprehensive Plan as "Strive to alleviate the impacts of poverty, low income and conditions that make people, especially children and older adults, vulnerable"; and WHEREAS, the "food system" is defined as the agents and institutions responsible for production, processing, distribution, access, consumption, and disposal of food (Kaufman 2004); and WHEREAS, food system activities take up a significant amount of urban and regional land; and WHEREAS, the food system consumes a major amount of fossil fuel energy, land area, and water in production, processing, transportation, and disposal activities; and WHEREAS, the City recently passed Resolution 30990, a "Zero Waste Strategy" that includes goals and strategies to increase food waste recycling and reduce food waste; and WHEREAS, as of 2004, 29.9% of Seattle's commercial waste is food, 33.0% of Seattle's residential waste is food, and 24.9% of Seattle's overall solid waste is food; and WHEREAS, food losses as a percentage of each sector's solid waste streams were as follows: Hotel/Motels 46.9%, Retail 35.2%, Education 32.9% and Health Care 22.7%; and WHEREAS, maintaining and improving the security of our local food supply is essential to local emergency preparedness and local selfreliance; and WHEREAS, the food system represents an important part of community and regional economies; and WHEREAS, according to research conducted by Sustainable Seattle, the returns to our local economy for each dollar spent at local, community-based restaurants, farmers markets and grocers is more than two times greater than the usual impact of spending at restaurants and grocers; and WHEREAS, the second leading cause of premature death among United States adults is chronic disease, for example heart disease, stroke and hypertension, linked to diet and low physical activity; and WHEREAS, obesity and associated costs and diet-related diseases significantly impact the health of Seattle residents, and WHEREAS, improving our local, regional, and statewide food systems advances the Seattle Comprehensive Plan goals of economic opportunity, environmental stewardship, community, and social justice; and WHEREAS, there are significant community-building benefits to community gardening and community kitchens; and WHEREAS, the Seattle-King County Acting Food Policy Council (AFPC) has been working to develop recommendations for improvements to our food system sustainability and security, and the City acknowledges and appreciates the work of AFPC members, Washington State University King County Extension, the Washington State Agriculture Commission, the University of Washington Program on the Environment and Department of Urban Design and Planning, the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, Public Health Seattle-King County, and the Seattle Interdepartmental Team working on food policy issues; and WHEREAS, the American Planning Association Board of Directors adopted on April 15, 2007 a Policy Guide on Community and Regional Food Planning recommending the inclusion of food policies in local and regional plans and the American Public Health Association adopted a policy on November 6, 2007 entitled "Toward a Healthy, Sustainable Food System", recommending a food system approach as key to better human health and environmental quality; and WHEREAS, approximately 82 cities and regions have established Food Policy Councils; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE, THE MAYOR CONCURRING, THAT: Section 1. Goals. These goals are meant to provide guidance for analysis, program development, policy development and actions related to Seattle and the region's food system sustainability and security. The overall intent of this local food action initiative is to improve our local food system and in doing so, advance the City's interrelated goals of race and social justice, environmental sustainability, economic development, public health and emergency preparedness. These goals include: a. Strengthen community and regional food systems by linking food production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste management to facilitate, to the extent possible, reliance on our region's food resources. b. Assess and mitigate the negative environmental and ecological effects relating to food system activities. c. Support food system activities that encourage the use of local and renewable energy resources and minimize energy use and waste including: * Reducing food in our waste stream, * Discouraging or restricting excessive and environmentally inappropriate food packaging at all levels of the food system (production, wholesale, retail and consumer), and * Reducing the embedded and distributed climate impacts of Seattle's food system. d. Stimulate demand for healthy foods, especially in low-income communities, through collaboration with community-based organizations and institutions. e. Increase access for all of Seattle's residents to healthy and local foods through: * Increasing the opportunities for Seattle residents to purchase and grow healthy food in the city, * Disseminating of food preparation and preservation knowledge through educational and community kitchen programs, * Supporting new opportunities for distribution of locally and regionally produced food, * Addressing disparities in access to healthy foods in inadequately served populations and neighborhoods, * Supporting increased recovery of surplus edible food from businesses and institutions for distribution to food banks and meal programs, * Addressing the needs of vulnerable populations, such as children, people living with disabilities and seniors to accessing adequate, healthy food, and * Increasing the amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat in the food support system, including food banks and meal programs. f. Integrate food system policies and planning into City land use, transportation and urban activities. g. Develop and enhance partnerships within the City, as well as regionally, to research and promote local solutions to food issues. h. Establish a strong interdepartmental focus among City departments on programs and policies affecting food system sustainability and security. i. Support procurement policies that favor local and regional food sourcing. j. Enhance emergency preparedness related to food access and distribution including working toward the goal of establishing regional capacity for feeding the population for 2-3 months in an emergency. Section 2. Framework. This resolution provides the framework for actions that the City intends to develop and implement to promote local food system sustainability and security. These actions include: a. The Department of Neighborhoods (DON) in cooperation with the Food System Enhancement Interdepartmental Team (IDT), the Acting Food Policy Council, community-based agencies and other interest groups, is requested to develop a Food Policy Action Plan (Plan). As part of this plan, the IDT is requested to analyze vulnerabilities and disproportionalities by mapping the distribution of fast food restaurants and access to healthy food against demographic variables like age, income, and race. By January 1, 2009, DON with the IDT is requested to transmit a draft plan to Council for review. This plan should, at a minimum, identify ways to structure the City's focus on food system sustainability and security including recommendations for: * Strengthening the city's programs and policies that support the goals stated in Section 1; * Promoting and improving direct connections between farmers in the region and State with urban consumers, such as community supported agriculture, agro-food tourism, connections to major institutions including hospitals, schools, and jails, and connections that foster niche markets for local specialties; * Increasing access for all of Seattle's residents particularly children, people living with disabilities, seniors, and other vulnerable populations, to healthy, culturally appropriate, and local and regional food; * Increasing the diversity of locally produced foods to more completely satisfy our resident's nutritional needs; * Identifying opportunities for community involvement especially by minorities and immigrants; * Identifying opportunities for partnerships with local organizations that further the goals stated in Section 1; * Identifying strategies to encourage educational and health care institutions, community-based organizations, businesses, religious institutions, and other consumers and providers of food to the public to promote healthy choices and food produced locally and regionally; * Decreasing environmental impacts of the food system; * Developing procurement policies that favor the sourcing of local and regional foods. b. The Office of Economic Development (OED) is requested to assess citywide policies that promote local farmer's markets and market gardens and to work with appropriate departments to identify permanent locations for existing farmer's markets. OED is requested to consider recognizing Food and Beverage as a key industry sector. By October 1, 2009, OED is requested to submit a report with recommendations for any new or revised policies that strengthen our local farmer's markets and market gardens. The report should include proposals for permanent locations of farmer's markets and also include any proposed legislation to Council for its consideration. c. The Office of Economic Development (OED) is requested to work with appropriate departments to assess city purchasing and procurement policies and to identify policy and procedure changes that would strengthen the city's support of the local food economy, in particular, by supporting local buying and selling. By January 1, 2009, OED is requested to submit a report with recommendations for any new or revised policies or procedures that would strengthen city support for the local food economy, in particular, locally directed buying and selling. d. The Department of Neighborhoods (DON) is requested to identify additional locations and infrastructure for community gardens, food bank gardens, and community kitchens that would strengthen our community garden program, maximize accessibility for all neighborhoods and communities, especially low-income and minority residents, and provide gardens to underserved neighborhoods and food banks. DON is requested to explore with the Seattle School District ways to partner community gardens with local schools. DON is requested to work with Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle City Light and other relevant departments and universities to conduct an inventory of public lands in Seattle appropriate for urban agriculture uses. DON is requested to work with the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to inventory established community kitchens at DPR facilities, and to identify facilities where new community kitchens could be accommodated. By January 1, 2009, DON is requested to submit a proposed process and outline for a new P-Patch Strategic Plan that includes public involvement and a timetable for Council consideration, and recommendations for community gardens, food bank gardens, community kitchens and the results of the inventory of public lands. e. The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is requested to review land use code provisions to ensure that the inclusion of small and mid-size grocery stores (e.g. 3,000 to 20,000 square feet) in neighborhood commercial and commercial zones is encouraged and review the land use code to identify codes that support or conflict with the goal of potential future development of urban agriculture and market gardening. DPD is also requested to analyze the potential of developing new standards or incentive programs that encourages incorporating food gardens into multi-family developments. By January 1, 2009, DPD is requested to transmit a report with analysis, recommendations and identification of policies that would further support local and regional food system sustainability and security goals as stated in Section 1. f. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is requested to include, as criteria in evaluating transportation projects, safe and convenient pedestrian, bicycle, and transit connections between residential neighborhoods and community gardens, food banks, food markets, and farmer's markets. g. The Office of Emergency Management, in cooperation with other relevant departments, is requested to review the City's Disaster Readiness and Response Plan and evaluate whether improvements can be made to improve food system security, and to assure that appropriate agreements and partnerships are in place for food accessibility and distribution in the event of a disaster. Priority in agreements and policies should be given to contracts that promote local and regional food producers and local sources, where feasible. The Office of Emergency Management, in cooperation with SDOT, is also requested to evaluate and prioritize emergency planning transportation access to emergency food supplies including warehouses and distribution routes throughout the city. h. The Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE), in cooperation with relevant departments, is requested to develop a scope of work related to food system sustainability and security to identify potential green house gas reduction opportunities related to the local food system in which the City could participate, and identify policies that support the goals in Section 1. By January 1, 2009, OSE is requested to transmit this scope of work to Council for consideration. i. Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is requested to support increased diversion of surplus edible food from the commercial waste stream in addition to recycling food waste for compost. In cooperation with the Human Services Department, SPU is requested to continue providing grants to increase the infrastructure capacity of food banks and meal programs in order to allow them to accept more donations of perishable foods and therefore further decrease food waste. As part of the grant process, and in cooperation with the Office of Emergency Management, SPU is requested to expand the Seattle Hunger Map to include information on food banks and meal programs that can serve their neighborhoods during emergency situations. j. The Human Services Department (HSD) is requested to work with the food support system and distributor partners to identify opportunities to increase fresh and locally and regionally produced foods in the food support system. HSD is encouraged to utilize the City's Health Initiative to further the goals outlined in Section 1. Section 3. The City supports the formation of a Food Policy Council (FPC) and commits the City to participate in the FPC. Because food policy issues transcend City boundaries the City indicates its preference that, at a minimum, a Food Policy Council will be regional in scope and membership and have a strong link to state and Pacific Northwest food policy organizations. Section 4. The City requests that King County, the Puget Sound Regional Council, and the Growth Management Planning Council of King County recognize the important role of food policy in regional and county-wide planning, and to take steps to initiate policy development for their respective bodies around this issue. Section 5. The City requests Public Health Seattle-King County to support the work of other Departments, agencies, and organizations by providing information and public health expertise related to food systems. Section 6. The City supports the development of a partnership with universities to assist us in the development of the Food Action Plan and other policy and technical analysis that contributes to meeting our goals. Section 7. The City calls upon the State Department of Agriculture to increase its role in working towards a state food policy consonant with the goals in Section 1. Section 8. The City directs its federal lobbyists to take an active role in advocacy for a Farm Bill that reflects and supports the goals expressed in this resolution. Adopted by the City Council the ____ day of _________, 2008, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its adoption this _____ day of __________, 2008. _________________________________ President __________of the City Council THE MAYOR CONCURRING: _________________________________ Gregory J. Nickels, Mayor Filed by me this ____ day of _________, 2008. ____________________________________ City Clerk April 22, 2008 Version # 9b t |
Attachments |