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Seattle City Council Resolutions

Information modified on October 27, 2003; retrieved on July 26, 2024 5:06 PM

Resolution 15784


A resolution and proposition to amend Article XVI of the City Charter by adding a section thereto (Section 8.1) extending to certain employees of a privately owned public utility acquired by the city a preference in appointment regardless of residence and protection against dismissal because of non-residence in the city; and providing for the submission of such proposition to the qualified electors of the city for their ratification or rejection in the manner provided by law at the general municipal election of March 11, 1952.

Description and Background

Current Status:Adopted

Legislative History

Date Introduced:March 26, 1951
Committee Referral:Judiciary
City Council Action Date:November 13, 1951
City Council Action:Adopted
Date Filed with Clerk:November 13, 1951
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