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Seattle City Council Resolutions

Information modified on October 29, 2003; retrieved on July 17, 2024 11:08 AM

Resolution 15488


A resolution relating to the general municipal eletion of March 14, 1950; submitting to the voters thereat for their ratification or rejection the Charter Amendment proposed by voters' petition (CF 205903) for an appointive Transit Commission to control and manage the transit system of the city as set forth in said petition; and requiring the City Clerk to certify amendment in the form of specified ballot title and said amendment in full.

Description and Background

Current Status:Adopted

Legislative History

Date Introduced:January 23, 1950
Committee Referral:Judiciary
City Council Action Date:January 23, 1950
City Council Action:Adopted
Date Filed with Clerk:January 23, 1950
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