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Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

Information modified on September 23, 2003; retrieved on July 17, 2024 5:16 AM

Ordinance 25823

Introduced as Council Bill 12128


An Ordinance providing for the laying off, widening, extending and establishing of Forty-second Avenue South, from Graham Street to the south line of Block Eight (8), Hillman City, Division No. 5, an addition to the City of Seattle, as a public street and highway, all in the City of Seattle; providing for the condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of land and other property necessary therefor, and providing that the payment for such improvement be made by special assessment upon property specially benefited in the manner provided by law.

Description and Background

Current Status:Passed

Legislative History

Date Introduced:May 23, 1910
Committee Referral:Streets
City Council Action Date:November 21, 1910
City Council Action:Passed
Date Signed by Mayor:
(About the signature date)
December 5, 1910
Date Filed with Clerk:December 5, 1910
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