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Seattle City Council Bills and Ordinances

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Ordinance 119673

Introduced as Council Bill 112853


AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Transportation, amending the Street Use Fee Schedule to add a new category of street use permits for shoreline street ends and to provide a fee therefor; amending the Street Use Ordinance (Ordinance 90047, as amended) and Sections 15.02.046, 15.04.35, 15.04.074 of the Seattle Municipal Code; setting forth a priority for use of the fees, and directing Seattle Transportation to draft and implement a plan for enforcement of the requirement for use and occupation permit on shoreline street ends, notification of owners of property abutting shoreline street ends of the increased fee, public education as to fee calculation methodology and of means to reduce the amount of the fee.

Description and Background

Current Status:Passed
References:Amending: Ord 119260, 117569, 118409

Legislative History

Date Introduced:August 16, 1999
Committee Referral:Transportation
City Council Action Date:September 27, 1999
City Council Action:Passed
City Council Vote:9-0
Date Delivered to Mayor:September 28, 1999
Date Signed by Mayor:
(About the signature date)
October 5, 1999
Date Filed with Clerk:October 6, 1999
Signed Copy:PDF scan of Ordinance No. 119673

