Seattle Comptroller/Clerk Files Index
Information modified on June 17, 2014; retrieved on February 17, 2025 4:02 PM
Clerk File 313771
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Initiative Measure No. 118, proposing a property tax levy lid lift to support transit in Seattle, filed by Keep Seattle Moving. |
Description and Background | |
Current Status: | Filed |
Legislative History | |
Date Filed with Clerk: | April 30, 2014 |
PDF Copy: | Clerk File 313771 |
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INITIATIVE PETITION FOR SUBMISSION To the City Council of the City of Seattle We, the undersigned registered voters of the City of Seattle, State of Washington, propose and ask for the enactment as an ordinance of the measure known as Initiative Measure No.118 entitled: "THE CITY OF SEATTLE INITIATIVE MEASURE NUMBER 118 The City of Seattle's Initiative 118 concerns raising property taxes to restore cuts to Seattle bus service. This proposition would fund bus routes in Seattle that Metro plans to cut in 2014 and 2015 and would increase Seattle bus service with any excess revenues. It authorizes regular property taxes above RCW 84.55 limits for six years, allowing up to $30,000,000 of additional 2015 taxes with a rate up to $0.22 per $1000 of assessed value. From 2016-2020 the additional taxes would increase each year by the annual growth in the Consumer Price Index-U for Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton. Should this measure be approved?" a full, true and correct copy of which is included herein, be transmitted to the Seattle City Council, and we petition the Council to enact said measure as an ordinance; and, if not enacted within forty-five (45) days from the time of receipt thereof by the Council, then to be submitted to the qualified electors of the City for approval or rejection at the next regular election or at a special election in accordance with Article IV, Section 1 of the City Charter; and each of us for himself or herself says: I have personally signed this petition; I am a registered voter of the City of Seattle, and my residence address is correctly stated.
WARNING Ordinance 94289 provides as follows: Section 1. It is unlawful for any person: 1. To sign or decline to sign any petition for a City initiative, referendum, or Charter amendment, in exchange for any consideration or gratuity or promise thereof; or 2. To give or offer any consideration or gratuity to anyone to induce him or her to sign or not to sign a petition for a City initiative, referendum, or Charter amendment; or 3. To interfere with or attempt to interfere with the right of any voter to sign or not to sign a petition for a City initiative, referendum, or Charter amendment by threat, intimidation or any other corrupt means or practice; or 4. To sign a petition for a City initiative, referendum, or Charter amendment with any other than his or her true name, or to knowingly sign more than one (1) petition for the same initiative, referendum or Charter amendment measure, or to sign any such petition knowing that he or she is not a registered voter of The City of Seattle. The provisions of this ordinance shall be printed as a warning on every petition for a City initiative, referendum, or Charter amendment. Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punishable by a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment COMPLETE TEXT OF INITIATIVE MEASURE NO. 118 Initiative Measure 118 Property Tax Levy Lid Lift to Support Transit in Seattle WHEREAS, transit service in the City of Seattle is provided by King County Metro Transit (Metro), a public transportation agency; WHEREAS, Metro's largest source of funding is a share of the retail sales tax collected in its service area, leaving agency revenues vulnerable to downturns in consumer spending; WHEREAS, since the economic downturn in 2008 and the resulting reduction in sales tax collections, Metro has experienced funding shortfalls that threatened to substantially reduce available services; WHEREAS, since 2009, Metro has cut costs, improved operational efficiency, tapped reserve funds, deferred scheduled maintenance, found new revenue sources, and raised fares four times in four years; WHEREAS, Metro and local officials also sought different funding capacity from the state legislature; WHEREAS, in 2011, the King County Council passed a two-year congestion reduction charge to help bridge Metro's funding gap and preserve service while the state legislature considered transportation funding options; WHEREAS, in June 2013, the state Senate failed to act on a proposed transportation package, as passed by the state House of Representatives, that would have provided additional funding for Metro, along with many other services; WHEREAS, following the state legislature's failure to address the Metro funding problem, Metro announced that it was facing a shortfall of about $75 million per year beginning mid-2014, and that in the absence of additional funding, it would be forced to cut up to 600,000 hours of bus service by the end of 2015; WHEREAS, in an attempt to avoid service cuts, the King County Council voted to introduce a ballot measure, Proposition 1, to fund Metro's shortfall via a 0.1% sales tax increase in King County and a $60 vehicle fee for county residents; WHEREAS, in April 2014, the ballot measure failed by a vote of King County residents, despite enjoying support from a large majority of voters in Seattle; WHEREAS, given the failure on the part of both the State Legislature and King County residents to approve funding to continue Metro service at existing levels, the only remaining option for preserving existing service levels in Seattle is to utilize a local funding mechanism; and WHEREAS, the City is now growing rapidly, and reduction in Metro services would be harmful to the City's economy and quality of life; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF SEATTLE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 Definitions As used in this initiative, the following words have the following meanings: "Metro" means King County Metro Transit; "Metro Service Cuts" refers to proposed reductions in service announced by Metro in November 2013 and April 2014, and any subsequent service reductions proposed to address Metro's current projected funding shortfall; "Annual Revenue Hours" means the number of hours per year that Metro buses and the Seattle Streetcar are scheduled to travel while in revenue service; "Seattle Routes" means Metro routes that deliver at least 80% of their Annual Revenue Hours within the city limits of Seattle; "Seattle Metro Service Cuts" means Metro Service Cuts to Seattle Routes; and "Levy Funds" means all regular property tax levy proceeds authorized by this initiative, and all interest earnings earned by those proceeds. Section 2 Authority The people have vested the legislative powers of the City in a Mayor and City Council, but also reserved to themselves the power to propose and accept or reject measures dealing with any matter within the realm of local affairs or municipal business. This power includes the use of an initiative petition to submit to the qualified electors of the City a measure as authorized by RCW 84.55.050 to exceed the limitations of regular property taxes contained in RCW Chapter 84.55. Section 3 Levy of Additional Regular Property Taxes Upon adoption of this initiative, the City is authorized to exceed the levy limitation on regular property taxes contained in RCW 84.55.010 for property taxes levied in 2015 through 2020, in order to allow collection of an additional $0.22 per $1,000 of assessed property value per year, raising no more than $30 million in the first year of the levy, and an amount not to exceed $30 million plus the percentage increase in the CPI-U (SeattleTacoma-Bremerton) in years 2 through 6. All Levy Funds shall be used for the purposes specified in Section 4 of this initiative. The taxes authorized by this initiative will be in addition to the maximum amount of regular property taxes the City would be limited to by RCW 84.55.010 in the absence of voter approval under this initiative, plus other authorized lid lifts. Pursuant to RCW 84.55.050(5), the maximum regular property taxes that may be levied in 2021 and in later years shall be computed as if the limit on regular property taxes had not been increased under this initiative. Section 4 -Eligible Uses of Funds All Levy Funds shall be used as follows: 1) 100 percent to purchase service for Seattle Routes until Seattle Metro Service Cuts are restored; then, 2) 100 percent of any remaining Levy Funds to purchase additional service for Seattle Routes as determined by the City consistent with the Seattle Transit Master Plan and Metro Service Guidelines, and approved by the City Council. Levy Funds shall only be used for these specified purposes, for related costs required to achieve these specified purposes, for financing costs, or for costs to administer and oversee Levy Funds pursuant to this initiative. Section 5 Deposit of Funds The additional taxes authorized under this initiative shall be deposited into the "City of Seattle Metro Service Fund," which is hereby created in the City Treasury. Money in that fund may be temporarily deposited or invested in such manner as is lawful for the investment of City money and interest and other earnings shall be deposited in the fund. The additional taxes and any interest shall be applied solely for the projects and programs authorized pursuant to this initiative. The Finance Director is authorized to create other funds, subfunds or accounts as may be needed to implement the purposes of this initiative. Section 6 Election Ballot Title The City of Seattle's Initiative 118 concerns raising property taxes to restore cuts to Seattle bus service. This proposition would fund bus routes in Seattle that Metro plans to cut in 2014 and 2015 and would increase Seattle bus service with any excess revenues. It authorizes regular property taxes above RCW 84.55 limits for six years, allowing up to $30,000,000 of additional 2015 taxes with a rate up to $0.22 per $1000 of assessed value. From 2016-2020 the additional taxes would increase each year by the annual growth in the Consumer Price Index-U for Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton. Should this Levy be approved? Levy, Yes Levy, No Section 7 -Oversight Committee The City shall designate a Public Oversight Committee to oversee spending of Levy Funds. The Committee shall consist of not less than 12 members of the public. An existing public committee may be designated by the City Council, or a new committee may be created as prescribed by the City Council. The primary purpose of the Public Oversight Committee is to issue public reports, not less than semi-annually, on Levy Fund spending, in addition to any tasks assigned by the City Council. Section 8 -No Supplantation of Existing Funding Before purchasing any service hours from Metro with Levy Funds, the City shall enter into an agreement with Metro to ensure that Levy Funds do not supplant funding for Seattle Routes that Metro would otherwise provide. Section 9 Severability In the event any one or more of the provisions of this initiative shall for any reason be held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this initiative or the levy of the additional taxes authorized herein, but this initiative and the authority to levy those taxes shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid provisions had not been contained herein; and any provision which shall for any reason be held by reason of its extent to be invalid shall be deemed to be in effect to the extent permitted by law. Return Petitions to: Keep Seattle Moving, 1920 1st Ave Apt 602, Seattle, WA 98101; 206-683-7810 |
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