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Seattle City Council Resolutions

This database contains legislation that has already been acted on by Council (passed, retired, etc.). Legislation currently in process can be found here: Current Legislation. Please visit our FAQ page for additional information.

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Documents: 1 - 7 of 7   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((SAWANT[SPON]) AND (@DTIR >= "20170000")) AND (@DTIR < "20180000")

131781Nov 20, 2017[DOC]A RESOLUTION urging the President of the United States and the United States Congress to enact legislation securing the citizenship of internationally adopted adult individuals....
231774Sep 21, 2017[DOC]A RESOLUTION expressing the Seattle City Council’s support for a single-payer healthcare system ("Medicare for All"), supporting United States Senate Bill 1804, and requesting the support of Washington’s U.S. Senators....
331765Dec 15, 2017[DOC]A RESOLUTION relating to the City Light Department; acknowledging and approving City Light’s adoption of a biennial energy conservation target for 2018-2019 and a ten-year conservation potential....
431757Jun 16, 2017[DOC]A RESOLUTION relating to the Office of Sustainability and Environment; affirming The City of Seattle’s commitment to meet or exceed goals established in the Paris Agreement....
531745Apr 28, 2017[DOC]A RESOLUTION proclaiming May Day, May 1, 2017 to be a day of action for worker, immigrant, and refugee rights; affirming that City employees may request unpaid leave for a day of conscience on May 1, 2017, and requesting that City Departments...
631740Apr 10, 2017[DOC]A RESOLUTION stating the Seattle City Council’s opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline, and requesting the Department of Finance and Administrative Services to investigate ways to establish contracting criteria to prioritize the City’s goals...
731737Feb 24, 2017[DOC]A RESOLUTION requesting Congress to allocate funding to adequately address the maintenance needs of the National Park System....

Documents: 1 - 7 of 7   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((SAWANT[SPON]) AND (@DTIR >= "20170000")) AND (@DTIR < "20180000")