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Seattle City Council Resolutions

This database contains legislation that has already been acted on by Council (passed, retired, etc.). Legislation currently in process can be found here: Current Legislation. Please visit our FAQ page for additional information.

Changes are coming to this site. In Fall 2024, we will be moving our online legislation search tool to a new site. Read more

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Documents: 1 - 5 of 5   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((BAGSHAW[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR >= "20140000")) AND (@DTIR < "20150000")

131559Dec 16, 2014[DOC]A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Seattle, Washington, calling for the annexation, by election, of contiguous unincorporated territory to the City of Seattle consisting of portions of the SW Quarter of Section 32, Township 24 North, Range...
231534Aug 15, 2014[DOC]A RESOLUTION relating to Seattle Public Utilities; adopting a 2015-2020 Strategic Business Plan for Seattle Public Utilities and endorsing a six-year rate path required to support the Strategic Business Plan....
331527Jun 30, 2014[DOC]A RESOLUTION relating to the Seattle Preschool Program; outlining the elements to be addressed in a subsequent Seattle Preschool Program Implementation Plan, which shall be adopted by ordinance prior to the implementation of a Seattle Preschool...
431524Jun 3, 2014[DOC]A RESOLUTION requesting that the Department of Finance and Administrative Services work with the City Council and other appropriate City departments and stakeholders to strengthen implementation of any local minimum wage ordinance....
531516Apr 18, 2014[DOC]A RESOLUTION amending Resolution 30695; updating the debt service coverage financial policy for the Solid Waste System....

Documents: 1 - 5 of 5   Search String : 2=1 : 1=((BAGSHAW[SPON] ) AND (@DTIR >= "20140000")) AND (@DTIR < "20150000")