Form revised: December 14, 2010
Department: |
Contact Person/Phone: |
CBO Analyst/Phone: |
Legislative |
Nate Van Duzer/206-684-8806 |
N/A |
Legislation Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to wage theft; amending Seattle Municipal Code sections 5.55.230 and 12A.08.060; clarifying the definition of theft as it relates to theft of wages; providing a list of circumstances that may be considered in determining whether a person intends to commit wage theft; clarifying the City’s jurisdiction in such cases; and allowing the City to refuse to issue, revoke, or refuse to renew business licenses from employers found guilty of wage theft.
Summary of the Legislation:
The ordinance would add the following elements to the Seattle Municipal Code:
In Washington State, claims of wage theft are handled under the civil processes of the State Department of Labor and Industries. While many citations are issued for violations of state wage laws and regulations and 615 sustained claims sent to collections in fiscal year 2009, the department lacks sufficient resources to actively collect lost wages on behalf of victimized workers. If employers do not pay voluntarily, they often never pay. Improvements to state law and processes were adopted in 2010, but these changes, while certainly appropriate, have not changed the reality for many of the workers who are taken advantage of by their employer. The problem of wage theft is significant enough to warrant enhanced City efforts to recover wages for these workers and to deter other employers from committing wage theft.
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It is expected that any criminal enforcement and prosecutions under the amended law would be handled within existing resources.
____ This legislation has financial implications. (Please complete all relevant sections that follow.)